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don't worry about your dreams


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There's definitely problem solving going on during sleep. When I was in college, I would work on my CS homework until I was completely stuck. I'd then go to sleep, and as soon as I woke up, I knew the solution to the problem.

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Had two dreams that actually came through that next day. My uncle had died. I never to my knowledge had a dream about him before. About 6 months after his death, I had a dream about him. I was into the daily NY lottery numbers at that time, and was going to go play his house number in the 4 digit. It was cold and rainy that day and I didnt feel like going out. That night on the news they showed that numbers drawn. Sure enough his house number came up straight.


Second happened just last week. I dreamed that one of our Customer service reps ( of which there are 4) quit. I told her about it that morning, and we had a good laugh. When I came back to the office later that afternoon. I was told that one of the other reps had quit, out of the blue.

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The best part is when you realize you're dreaming and take control.

It's your dream. It's your own world. You're in control. Have fun

It's great when you're falling, and you get control and pull out of the fall and start flying.

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It's great when you're falling, and you get control and pull out of the fall and start flying.



Yep! But then I get frustrated as my flying speed always seems to reduce. Can't fly near fast enough for my liking...


The Mrs. is into dream meanings big time. My contemptuous scoffing really pizzes her off. I buy into this this threads thesis. I think everything else is just for money making schemes.

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