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It's long overdue to try these terrorists, and NYC has been able to handle it in the past with the trial of sheik Rahman. The first step in finally closing Gitmo. And feel free to build a supermax prison in the field behind my house if that will help the process.


The proper place to try these guys is in a military tribunal as they are war criminhals. What they did was an act of war. Second, keep Gitmo open. I don't want these guys on our turf.

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Seriously....is the Obama Administration TRYING to do something stupid every single week? I understand all the talking points, so spare me, this post is not about that. What I know is, given the last time they tried a terrorist in a civilian court it took 4 years and cost big $ and was a media circus.


Hmmm...what's going to be happening around 3 years from now?


Oh, that's right, Obama is going to be trying to get elected again. Given the fact that lawyers are lawyers :lol:, and the reality that a "very cautious and sensitive" approach is sure to be taken by this attorney general, this trial will be front and center, riling up the entire Republican Party, not just the far-right, as well as many rational Democrats. Forget "I voted for it before I voted against it", this is the ultimate "gift that keeps on giving" that will be hot and heavy right around primary time.


How stupid are these people? They spend all of their time running a campaign, instead of governing, yet they swing and miss on the very biggest campaign issue that is most likely to kill them when it's time to run again?


Never mind the fact that they are gonna get killed on this issue every single week between then and now, as each retarded ruling, from the liberal-biased NYC judges they are sure to hand pick, comes out. The INSTANT the terrorists' lawyer start talking about waterboarding, the entire debate becomes "How dare they talk about that, instead of what these men did, in NYC of all places?" Worst of all, this trial will trickle out data, just like the Acorn thing, meaning they won't be able to spin it away, since there will always be something new to talk about, allowing old issues to be endlessly recycled as well.


This is why I am saying: who cares about the talking points? This is just plain stupid. Why purposely create the arena where you are clearly going to get beat up every week? This decision just gave Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, even O'Reilly, the late night comedians, the entire internet, and worst of all, this board, something to ridicule the Obama administration about for the next 3 years.


Where's Dellapelle_John? He needs to remind me why being a liberal makes you smart again. :lol:



Seriously....is the Obama Administration TRYING to do something stupid every single week? I understand all the talking points, so spare me, this post is not about that. What I know is, given the last time they tried a terrorist in a civilian court it took 4 years and cost big $ and was a media circus.


Hmmm...what's going to be happening around 3 years from now?


Oh, that's right, Obama is going to be trying to get elected again. Given the fact that lawyers are lawyers :lol:, and the reality that a "very cautious and sensitive" approach is sure to be taken by this attorney general, this trial will be front and center, riling up the entire Republican Party, not just the far-right, as well as many rational Democrats. Forget "I voted for it before I voted against it", this is the ultimate "gift that keeps on giving" that will be hot and heavy right around primary time.


How stupid are these people? They spend all of their time running a campaign, instead of governing, yet they swing and miss on the very biggest campaign issue that is most likely to kill them when it's time to run again?


Never mind the fact that they are gonna get killed on this issue every single week between then and now, as each retarded ruling, from the liberal-biased NYC judges they are sure to hand pick, comes out. The INSTANT the terrorists' lawyer start talking about waterboarding, the entire debate becomes "How dare they talk about that, instead of what these men did, in NYC of all places?" Worst of all, this trial will trickle out data, just like the Acorn thing, meaning they won't be able to spin it away, since there will always be something new to talk about, allowing old issues to be endlessly recycled as well.


This is why I am saying: who cares about the talking points? This is just plain stupid. Why purposely create the arena where you are clearly going to get beat up every week? This decision just gave Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, even O'Reilly, the late night comedians, the entire internet, and worst of all, this board, something to ridicule the Obama administration about for the next 3 years.


Where's Dellapelle_John? He needs to remind me why being a liberal makes you smart again. :lol:

OC, I didn't even know the "talking points" until after a couple of us made our case. When I got home, basically everything that I had been saying was in the Washington Post, NY Times and News networks.


It's just common sense, yet some of these liberal politicians fail to realize or acknowledge that in some news outlets back in the middle east, there will be sympathy for the 9/11 plotters, focusing on issues such as waterboarding or the possible innocence of these scumbags, as this will surely end up being a long drawn out circus event.


There is no doubt in my mind that Eric Holder has got a hard on to try to embarrass the last administration, but as OC had astutely pointed out, this is going to work against them, as I am sure we will be seeing a poll soon, showing that YET AGAIN, the AMERICAN PUBLIC IS AGAINST THIS DECISION.


It truly is Amateur hour at the White House.

Why purposely create the arena where you are clearly going to get beat up every week?

Maybe, just maybe, because unlike health care and 10.2 unemployment (heading to 10.5 with a bullet), this trial does not directly and openly affect the basic American beyond emotions. But they'll talk about it, and yell about, and follow it like American idol...while health care and cap-n-trade get shuttled into law and people remain unemployed while the second round of job saving/creating stimulus is spent.


Put the turkey in the oven and bend over. This incompetence is about to make you BEG for Jimmy Carter.


Actually, I think this has been the plan all along. The left believes these attacks were criminal - not terrorism, and there in lies all the difference. They learned nothing from the first WTC bombing. Nothing.


They bring this slime into the country, afford them all the Constitutional protections of the citizenry and have a mock trial in which all the evidence gathered against this whaleshit gets thrown out, because it wasn't gathered in accordance with established protocols for criminal prosecutions within the borders of the U.S. The perpetrators go free, BO and Holder cluck their tongues and say yet again, "See, it was all Bush's fault."


By the time these !@#$s are finished, they want to see the CIA operatives in prison for life and KSM and his cronies on Oprah selling books. If these guys walk, the blame will lie squarely on BO and nowhere else.

Oh God! The hypocrisy is amazing, this should be released everywhere, of course FOX will be the only one.

I don't think it's hypocrisy. I think it's a change of mind. Unless someone can provide evidence otherwise, I don't think it's a stretch to think that Obama is bringing KSM here for trial to appease his hardcore liberal buddies so (1) they can put Bush/Cheney/waterboarding on trial for a few years in exchange for (2) the votes he'll need for compromised health care bills, cap-n-trade, etc. And the only reason I suggest this is because I'm first asking WHY this trial should take place in NYC.


It's got all downside and no upside. None. Zero. The only reason must be a selfish reason.


Maybe it's not votes, but it's something because no one...absolutely NO ONE...has produced any legitimate reason to do this.


If the previous administration had actually made a decision on how to process these detainees and actually went forth with the prosecutions, this would all be a moot point. But given that they left this on the big pile of trash to be cleaned up after they left, having the trials in NYC is appropriate. That is where their acts of terrorism occurred. NYC has handled civilian trials against terrorists previously, they were brought to justice, and are now incarcerated on U.S. soil. It was shown before and will be shown again that we are a nation of laws, and that we will not allow terrorists to scare us into lowering ourselves to their level. I have faith in our justice system and our security services.

If the previous administration had actually made a decision on how to process these detainees and actually went forth with the prosecutions, this would all be a moot point. But given that they left this on the big pile of trash to be cleaned up after they left, having the trials in NYC is appropriate. That is where their acts of terrorism occurred. NYC has handled civilian trials against terrorists previously, they were brought to justice, and are now incarcerated on U.S. soil. It was shown before and will be shown again that we are a nation of laws, and that we will not allow terrorists to scare us into lowering ourselves to their level. I have faith in our justice system and our security services.

So trying them in NYC is justifiable because the previous administration didn't do anything.


Got it.

If the previous administration had actually made a decision on how to process these detainees and actually went forth with the prosecutions, this would all be a moot point. But given that they left this on the big pile of trash to be cleaned up after they left, having the trials in NYC is appropriate. That is where their acts of terrorism occurred. NYC has handled civilian trials against terrorists previously, they were brought to justice, and are now incarcerated on U.S. soil. It was shown before and will be shown again that we are a nation of laws, and that we will not allow terrorists to scare us into lowering ourselves to their level. I have faith in our justice system and our security services.


Actually, they did...they put them in Gitmo and in front of military tribunals.


What you really mean is "...if they made a decision that I agreed with..."

Actually, they did...they put them in Gitmo and in front of military tribunals.


What you really mean is "...if they made a decision that I agreed with..."


If they were tried before tribunals, they wouldn't need trials now. If they have to be put on trial, the appropriate place is either NYC or Washington, where the attacks occurred. In the open, for everyone to see.

If they were tried before tribunals, they wouldn't need trials now. If they have to be put on trial, the appropriate place is either NYC or Washington, where the attacks occurred. In the open, for everyone to see.


:lol: I think the argument is that they don't have to be put on trial when the tribunal at Gitmo is available.

:lol: I think the argument is that they don't have to be put on trial when the tribunal at Gitmo is available.


Gitmo needs to be closed. I have more faith in our judicial system and Constitution than you naysayers.

If they were tried before tribunals, they wouldn't need trials now. If they have to be put on trial, the appropriate place is either NYC or Washington, where the attacks occurred. In the open, for everyone to see.

You got something against Pennsylvania? I can see the defenses first step" the jury was biased" This is a huge joke on us, and frankly I could care less about hand wringers such as yourself who want a feel good trial. I wonder what you would feel is "appropriate" if these killers put a bead on your head.

You got something against Pennsylvania? I can see the defenses first step" the jury was biased" This is a huge joke on us, and frankly I could care less about hand wringers such as yourself who want a feel good trial. I wonder what you would feel is "appropriate" if these killers put a bead on your head.


Too bad you equate those of us who believe in the rule of law and the Constitution as "hand wringers". I don't believe in your Taliban-style preference to just kill those in detention without a day in court. Previous terrorists like the blind sheik and Timothy McVeigh went through our judicial system without incident and were found guilty.

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