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Out of Work? Can't Find a Job? Good News!


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Harry Reid is working up a new bill to create more of that three-letter word. J-O-B-S!


This won't hurt a bit, people. Just a few more dollars strategically placed.


Rumor has it that Reid promises if the bill passes, unemployment won't get worse than 8 percent.


No, wait. Make that 9 percent.


No, wait.


Someone please tell Reid that creating bills primarily creates jobs only for people who write bills.

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Headline: Sen. Reid Promises More Jobs in 2010


Democrat Sen. Harry Reid said he's drafting a bill that will increase jobs in 2010. When pressed on how he plans to do this and what the bill will contain Reid's response was a curt 'dunno.


It can only include spending and taxing as those are the only tools in his bag.

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