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There's a big difference between Eli & JP


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Eli Manning was in head to head competition in Giants' camp, got beat out by Warner & has remained healthy & practiced every week of the season-getting better and better as the season went on.


JP was never given an equal opportunity to be the opening day starter, broke his leg in camp, has just started to practice at full speed and was obviously very rusty when he entered the game against NE.


To compare the two and desire to throw JP to the wolves is unfair to JP at this point. Let the guy get the rust off, get more comfortable with the pro game in practice and when he is ready, start him-not before. Eli is ready to start this week, JP is not. When JP is ready in another week, two weeks or a month from now he'll be out there. Mularchy knows that Bledsoe is done, he just isn't going to sacrifice JP because the fans are tired of Drew. He saw JP's two series on Sunday and giving him another week or more before starting him makes the most sense because when the dust settles, Mularchy's job depends on how well JP does. Mularchy has a free ride this year & he's not going to throw JP in too soon & throw away his & JP's career.

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Eli Manning was in head to head competition in Giants' camp, got beat out by Warner & has remained healthy & practiced every week of the season-getting better and better as the season went on.


JP was never given an equal opportunity to be the opening day starter, broke his leg in camp, has just started to practice at full speed and was obviously very rusty when he entered the game against NE. 


To compare the two and desire to throw JP to the wolves is unfair to JP at this point. Let the guy get the rust off, get more comfortable with the pro game in practice and when he is ready, start him-not before.  Eli is ready to start this week, JP is not.  When JP is ready in another week, two weeks or a month from now he'll be out there.  Mularchy knows that Bledsoe is done, he just isn't going to sacrifice JP because the fans are tired of Drew.  He saw JP's two series on Sunday and giving him another week or more before starting him makes the most sense because when the dust settles, Mularchy's job depends on how well JP does.  Mularchy has a free ride this year & he's not going to throw JP in too soon & throw away his & JP's career.



Ok, but since DB hasn't done much, put in SM.

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Eli Manning was in head to head competition in Giants' camp, got beat out by Warner & has remained healthy & practiced every week of the season-getting better and better as the season went on.


JP was never given an equal opportunity to be the opening day starter, broke his leg in camp, has just started to practice at full speed and was obviously very rusty when he entered the game against NE. 


To compare the two and desire to throw JP to the wolves is unfair to JP at this point. Let the guy get the rust off, get more comfortable with the pro game in practice and when he is ready, start him-not before.  Eli is ready to start this week, JP is not.  When JP is ready in another week, two weeks or a month from now he'll be out there.  Mularchy knows that Bledsoe is done, he just isn't going to sacrifice JP because the fans are tired of Drew.  He saw JP's two series on Sunday and giving him another week or more before starting him makes the most sense because when the dust settles, Mularchy's job depends on how well JP does.  Mularchy has a free ride this year & he's not going to throw JP in too soon & throw away his & JP's career.

I agree 110%.....

Noway is JP ready for prime time. He's a green kid who needs a lot of reps in practice before he should start. Eli is much further along than JP, probably due to JP's injury. I'd say no sooner that 12/12 vs the Brownies @The Ralph. B)

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zzzzz.....zzzzzzzzzzzzz......zzzzzzzzzzz.....Oh I'm sorry did you say something? :doh:


Look the kid has been in every damn meeting, watched every damn bit of film blah blah blah. He HAS been taking reps or they wouldn't have put him out there. No one knows how many reps.



You guys are basing your oppinion on 5 attempts. The kid didn't know he was even going to SUIT UP for God's sake! Christ people, listen to the kids own words.

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Here is what I would do at this point....


Play Mathews.....


Mathews has NO aspirations of being the starter.....and then you can play Mathews in the 1st and Losman in the 2nd halfs so that he doesn't have the pressure of being the starter.....


The Bledsoe saga needs to end NOW.....the best way to do that is get him off the field......


What are we going to do.....LOSE?

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zzzzz.....zzzzzzzzzzzzz......zzzzzzzzzzz.....Oh I'm sorry did you say something?  :doh:


Look the kid has been in every damn meeting, watched every damn bit of film blah blah blah.  He HAS been taking reps or they wouldn't have put him out there.  No one knows how many reps.

You guys are basing your oppinion on 5 attempts.  The kid didn't know he was even going to SUIT UP for God's sake!  Christ people, listen to the kids own words.



He was activated for the game. If I understand correctly, Losman was on the sidelines during the game in sweats or some such.


Who is the bigger idiot - the staff for allowing an ACTIVE player not to be dressed for combat, or the activated player for NOT dressing in the proper combat gear?

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He was activated for the game.  If I understand correctly, Losman was on the sidelines during the game in sweats or some such.


Who is the bigger idiot - the staff for allowing an ACTIVE player not to be dressed for combat, or the activated player for NOT dressing in the proper combat gear?


Please don't compare football to combat. Thanks.

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If we were looking for perfection BEFORE putting players out on the field, the entire team would have stayed off the field Sunday night.


This just in: the ENTIRE ROSTER wasn't ready for prime time on Sunday. Since we aren't making the playoffs, the standard has to change from "who gives us the best chance to win" to "what's the best way to get JP ready for next year".


I think MM is on the right track with this (so far). You keep DB as the starter until you lose 1 more time (which should be soon). Then you go with JP from then on.

It's not about this year folks, it's about next year.


BTW, who else thinks that part of MM's thinking with putting JP in was to light a fire under DB and get him thinking a bit?

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He was activated for the game.  If I understand correctly, Losman was on the sidelines during the game in sweats or some such.


Who is the bigger idiot - the staff for allowing an ACTIVE player not to be dressed for combat, or the activated player for NOT dressing in the proper combat gear?


He wasn't active. He was the emergency 3rd QB which is not an active player.

Read the rules sometime...

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Eli Manning was in head to head competition in Giants' camp, got beat out by Warner & has remained healthy & practiced every week of the season-getting better and better as the season went on.


JP was never given an equal opportunity to be the opening day starter, broke his leg in camp, has just started to practice at full speed and was obviously very rusty when he entered the game against NE. 


To compare the two and desire to throw JP to the wolves is unfair to JP at this point. Let the guy get the rust off, get more comfortable with the pro game in practice and when he is ready, start him-not before.  Eli is ready to start this week, JP is not.  When JP is ready in another week, two weeks or a month from now he'll be out there.  Mularchy knows that Bledsoe is done, he just isn't going to sacrifice JP because the fans are tired of Drew.  He saw JP's two series on Sunday and giving him another week or more before starting him makes the most sense because when the dust settles, Mularchy's job depends on how well JP does.  Mularchy has a free ride this year & he's not going to throw JP in too soon & throw away his & JP's career.


But honestly. . . can JP do any worse than 8 for 19 for 76 yds with 3 picks and many throws in the turf? Can he really do worse than 0 offensive points? I don't think JP is going to be very good if he plays now, but he cannot do worse. And, he needs the game experience to give us a shot next year.


Playing DB at this point is entirely counter productive. The team might possibly feed off of JP's energy. . . at least it is something new. The only thing they're feeding off of with DB is a face full of mud. Loser-itis, IS contagious. The Pat game second half showed that. DB starting is like giving all the guys a sleeping pill before the game.

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Here is what I would do at this point....


Play Mathews.....


Mathews has NO aspirations of being the starter.....and then you can play Mathews in the 1st and Losman in the 2nd halfs so that he doesn't have the pressure of being the starter.....


The Bledsoe saga needs to end NOW.....the best way to do that is get him off the field......


What are we going to do.....LOSE?


John--yours is the first logical suggestion I've heard.

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