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Idiot super-liberal Matthews officially became certifiable


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And I'd really like to own a rainbow farting unicorn.


That's what gets me about young idealists like you. Everything is on a relative moral code to you. You can't see the mile high wall that separates religious zealotry and proselytizing of one group vs the wanton murder of innocents of the other?


If we must start at the beginning (my relative moral code), then let me just say: it's wrong to kill. How's that for a launch point?

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This could just as well have been a white guy who didn't want to go to Iraq. This guy is mentally ill. Not insane, and not a Muslim participating in jihad.


By the way, does anyone know how many soldiers have returned from the war and killed their wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/kids/or total strangers?


More than 13. Guaranteed. There have been at least 4 here at Ft. Lewis.


So while the chickenshit wingnuts are freaked out over Muslims in their typical knee-jerk reaction, stressed soldiers will continue to be ignored and untreated, and unfortunately innocent victims will continue to pay for it.

Amazing how every single liberal is somehow desperate to try to downplay the possibility that this guy was a wannabe terrorist.


Ya, I guess the fact that he tried to contact Al Qaeda says he didn't want to participate in Jihad, and the fact that he shot and killed some military personnel before they were set to be deployed to the middle east had nothing to do with it.


That's Pathetic


pieces of **** that think the same way as you are the reasons why political correctness is more important than saving American lives who serve our country to save people such as yourself.


You suck!!

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Amazing how every single liberal is somehow desperate to try to downplay the possibility that this guy was a wannabe terrorist.


Ya, I guess the fact that he tried to contact Al Qaeda says he didn't want to participate in Jihad, and the fact that he shot and killed some military personnel before they were set to be deployed to the middle east had nothing to do with it.


That's Pathetic


pieces of **** that think the same way as you are the reasons why political correctness is more important than saving American lives who serve our country to save people such as yourself.


You suck!!


I've spoken three or four times to mob figures in the area (the wife "knows" people). If I go out and knock over a bank, that doesn't mean I'm involved in organized crime.


Doesn't mean I'm not either. But all this speculation that this was terrorism is just that - speculation. Could be that the guy's just off.

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I've spoken three or four times to mob figures in the area (the wife "knows" people). If I go out and knock over a bank, that doesn't mean I'm involved in organized crime.


Doesn't mean I'm not either. But all this speculation that this was terrorism is just that - speculation. Could be that the guy's just off.

It's ok to be pragmatic about the situation, but there is way too much evidence, that leads me to believe that he was performing his own personal JIHAD. In my view, according to what I've read and heard, he was a one man AL QAEDA outfit.


He was a muslim

He tried to contact Al Qaeda

He visited this nut that was a spiritual leader to 2 other 9/11 hijackers

He spoke out against the war to many people in the armed services

He tried to convert one of his patients to becoming a Muslim during therapy

He allegedly screamed "Allāhu Akbar" which translates to "God is [the] greatest," while he was shooting up people

He shot over 40 people who many of them were set to be deployed to the middle east.


and there is countless other testaments of other armed forces personel who said he was constantly speaking unappropriately by military standards.


So when I hear the liberals such as Conner earlier in this thread suggesting that he is a Muslim in Texas who was discriminated as some sort of justification or Blzboob and the other liberal locotoads say that he wasn't a "muslim participating in Jihad", it pisses me the !@#$ off.


You on the other hand are much more pragmatic and tend to see both sides of the coin, but there is too much evidence for me to think that there is no connection with a Jihad belief and his actions.

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It's ok to be pragmatic about the situation, but there is way too much evidence, that leads me to believe that he was performing his own personal JIHAD. In my view, according to what I've read and heard, he was a one man AL QAEDA outfit.


He was a muslim

He tried to contact Al Qaeda

He visited this nut that was a spiritual leader to 2 other 9/11 hijackers

He spoke out against the war to many people in the armed services

He tried to convert one of his patients to becoming a Muslim during therapy

He allegedly screamed "Allāhu Akbar" which translates to "God is [the] greatest," while he was shooting up people

He shot over 40 people who many of them were set to be deployed to the middle east.


And he did all of this in very close proximity of the US Military, America's most expensive organization. What's most troubling about this is: since 2001, it's been our mission to identify and quell this behavior in our foreign enemies, and we can't even manage our boys at home (see underlined text).

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Maybe he was pretty normal or at least not threatening for most of his life and then for some yet to be determined or inexplicable reason he lost it, had a complete reversal and became a terrorist quite recently. Not much different from a very religious person who gives up on their religion and becomes an atheist and goes on a rampage -- or a completely non-religious person who suddenly becomes born again and becomes obsessed.


A lot of people lose control of their mind at random points in their life. A lot of people become disillusioned with the path they are taking and suddenly take a complete reversal. A lot of people have what this guy did in their thoughts and just don't act on it. Right now, I'd say it's impossible to say what made him do it, or when he became a terrorist, or if he is a terrorist.

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This could just as well have been a white guy who didn't want to go to Iraq. This guy is mentally ill. Not insane, and not a Muslim participating in jihad.


By the way, does anyone know how many soldiers have returned from the war and killed their wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/kids/or total strangers?


More than 13. Guaranteed. There have been at least 4 here at Ft. Lewis.


So while the chickenshit wingnuts are freaked out over Muslims in their typical knee-jerk reaction, stressed soldiers will continue to be ignored and untreated, and unfortunately innocent victims will continue to pay for it.


When was the last time you heard a white guy call for the decapitation of a certain group of "infidels"?

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If you read the sentence again and maybe slower this time you'll come up with a word there that's a bit stronger than infidel. :thumbsup:


Oh, you mean "decapitate." Yeah, I can see how that's what you meant, decapitate, of course, being the word in quotes.


But sure, decapitation is WAY worse than anything White Supermacists groups have done and/or professed to do in the past. Those darn guys are just two caught up in slow, painful deaths to be so cruel, I guess.

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Oh, you mean "decapitate." Yeah, I can see how that's what you meant, decapitate, of course, being the word in quotes.


But sure, decapitation is WAY worse than anything White Supermacists groups have done and/or professed to do in the past. Those darn guys are just two caught up in slow, painful deaths to be so cruel, I guess.


Hmmm, let's see, adverbs didn't work this time. Maybe you should try some anamanapia next time.

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Actually, "infidel" is pretty mild language compared to the words used by White Supremacists to describe their "enemies."

WTF do a hand full of white Supremacists [most in prison] have to do with a discussion of a worldwide organization numbering in the millions, responsible for the death of thousands both American and non American alike?

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Whatever, bro. You can fight me on semantics all day long, doesn't make your fledgling point any more valid. ZING!<--there's your anamanapia, homey.


So you don't agree with my point that we should be concerned, no very concerned, that someone that says infidels should have their throats slit and then shot over 40 people has infiltrated our military?

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