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With the Health Bill one step closer to actual passage, I have a few questions.


I'm not sure Obama has actually polarized our nation enough to lose a re-election, but assuming the republicans get their act together, and toss in a solid candidate, I'm curious to know if our country can be "saved".


Recalling the health bill will be something that might get tossed around in the campaign process, but I want to know if it can actually be done. If the Republicans can regain a few seats, and take the Presidency, what can be done about the Health Bill?


Assuming it is set to be enacted around the time of the election, you'd have to think that it would be on the forefront to attempt to make sure this thing never takes effect. I'm just not sure anything can be done.


Because of the apparent success of the New Deal, an effort was never really made to remove it. The Obama administration loves power, so they never considered repealing the PATRIOT Act, and so I'm left wondering if there are historic examples where a controversial bill was later dismissed after passage. It's probably never going to be deemed unconstitutional by the courts, so I can't think of how the right intends on getting rid of this nonsense.


From what I gather, it won't take a new president; it will take a 2/3 Republican/mixed majority in both houses to kill the Health Bill and override a(n expected) presidential veto. And if recent nationwide elections are any indication of how things might go in November of 2010, that 2/3 majority could very well happen.

Sometimes legislation expires. Doubtful that will be the case here.


Oh I don't think this one will either. It's too big and in the end too much of an emotional fight for the country to ever think of going through again. And I think that's why many of us are screaming for them to slow down and really think this through or implement it in steps. There's no turning back on this one.

Oh I don't think this one will either. It's too big and in the end too much of an emotional fight for the country to ever think of going through again. And I think that's why many of us are screaming for them to slow down and really think this through or implement it in steps. There's no turning back on this one.

I agree completely.


Incrementally address each issue one at a time. Not the whole !@#$ing thing, which at the end of the day would raise peoples taxes, add to the deficit, put a burden on small businesses and not even bring down health insurance premiums.

There's no turning back on this one.


That's the message I'm hoping gets relayed. Essentially, when I asked how this bill could be taken away if passed, the answer is that it pretty much can't, at least not until its effects are so clear, and our country is in shambles years and years down the road. And honestly, we still have social security so I don't even think there is hope.


Folks, this is the end, my only friend, the end.

Oh I don't think this one will either. It's too big and in the end too much of an emotional fight for the country to ever think of going through again. And I think that's why many of us are screaming for them to slow down and really think this through or implement it in steps. There's no turning back on this one.

Would you please run for office?


Once the a government gets it's claws into you, they never let go. No way something like this gets overturned. Too many government employees. Thats why you will never see the IRS dismantled even though they are completely unnecessary. Government loves to control all that money cause they know so much better. Thats why there is a surplus every year. !@#$in morons.

We're starting to build a good team here. However I think I should start locally and go after the congresscritter from my district. :lol:


I was going to say Darin should head ATF. fitting. :D

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