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ABC Apologizes


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I have to chime in on this. You people who think you are not prudes and are openminded yet feel offended by Sheridan's and Owen's spoof of a zany soap need to get a grip. Only prudes and closed minded people would be offended by this kind of fluff. I don't know what kind of porn you're watching but it must be produced by Disney if it only shows the bare back of a woman. I have a feeling it has more to do with social issues but I aint going to go there. Imagine what would happen if Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor tried to do their job interview skit in this day and age of non-awareness head-in-the-sand PC world? Heads would roll in a second. Network TV will be unwatchable in the very near future after all the networks force their shows to pass the politically correct religious right litmus test. Survivor had a man completely naked for an entire season and there was not even a peep. One Nicolette bare back and we are all going to hell in a handbasket. Get a freakin' grip.



Wow! Thank you for completely missing my point.

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Wow! Thank you for completely missing my point.



I didn't miss your point. You expressed outrage over ABCs pre MNF skit at a family hour. I thought it was a clever nutty spoof of an over the top soap opera and you thought it crossed the line of family TV time. Have you ever watched an Austin Powers movie? That's the way I took this skit. It was goofy and Terrell's acting was hilariously bad. Have you even watched shows like Las Vegas the OC, and Desparate Housewives? A woman's bare back is the norm on those shows. But forget that for a second, is NFL football really that great of a sport to show kids how to act? The me me me attitudes are a terrible example of sportsmanship yet this goes unoticed. It's now acceptible to show up your opponent on a play by play basis. But Nicolette shows her back and all hell breaks lose? I saw way more skin on the Raven cheerleaders than I did on the Nicolette piece. Why have NFL cheerleaders in the first place? They are there soley for the T & A factor. Keep going down this road and the next logical step for the NFL is to outlaw these skantily clad girls. Or at least put some more clothes on them. Were you raging when the light beer girls were riping their shirts off? Sexy girls are everywhere and TV and businesses will always use them to sell America things. If America was so truly turned off by this practice then they would have stopped a long long time ago. I can't understand all the hub-bub.

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Like I said before:


To those of you who got offended (and I still am not sure I know what the term "offended" really, TRULY means) do you think seeing that girls back was the worst thing that was on TV during that 3 hours?


I mean, you see worse in a Shampoo commercial (especially Herbal Essence where the girl is having a full blown orgasm from the 'smell of her shampoo') Try explaining to little junior why a girl is screaming her head off in the shower.


I mean, if you are gonna sit down for a FB game, the commercials could be more embarrassing that that skit before MNF: Viagra ("remember that guy that used to call "wild thing"'?) Try explaining to junior why the guy they used to call wild thing is looking at a storefront dummy in a bra and a thong, and why he grows the "horns" of Viagra.


...or Levitra ("if your erection lasts longer than 4 hours, call the doctor immediatly") That should be a fun one to explain to a kid who probably has a boner just from sitting down the wrong way.



or Poise pads ("in case you always piss yourself, use poise"). "Daddy, does grandma wear a diaper? - does she pee her pants?"



..or Tampon commercials about what happens when a girl sits down too long and she has to stand up quickly: They show a girl, in WHITE pants (now, Im no chick, but why one would wear white pants if they were worried about blood dripping out of them is beyond me) squatting down for a surprise party... The guest of honor arrives, and they show the girl jump up, focusing in on the back of her crotch, showing all white (as if they were going to show the highly gross alternative). I will admit I learned something from that one. I didn't know that girls were more prone to their menstrual blood escaping when they sit for long periods of time. I am now reminded to ask any women who might want to sit in my lazyboy if they are currently menstruating.


So, to those "horrified" by the site of a 40-something woman's back I say, you might as well throw your TV out, because I don't even want to start on the Trojan Man commercials.

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Like I said before:


To those of you who got offended (and I still am not sure I know what the term "offended" really, TRULY means) do you think seeing that girls back was the worst thing that was on TV during that 3 hours?


I mean, you see worse in a Shampoo commercial (especially Herbal Essence where the girl is having a full blown orgasm from the 'smell of her shampoo') Try explaining to little junior why a girl is screaming her head off in the shower.


I mean, if you are gonna sit down for a FB game, the commercials could be more embarrassing that that skit before MNF:  Viagra ("remember that guy that used to call "wild thing"'?) Try explaining to junior why the guy they used to call wild thing is looking at a storefront dummy in a bra and a thong, and why he grows the "horns" of Viagra.


...or Levitra ("if your erection lasts longer than 4 hours, call the doctor immediatly") That should be a fun one to explain to a kid who probably has a boner just from sitting down the wrong way.

or Poise pads ("in case you always piss yourself, use poise"). "Daddy, does grandma wear a diaper? - does she pee her pants?"

..or Tampon commercials about what happens when a girl sits down too long and she has to stand up quickly: They show a girl, in WHITE pants (now, Im no chick, but why one would wear white pants if they were worried about blood dripping out of them is beyond me) squatting down for a surprise party... The guest of honor arrives, and they show the girl jump up, focusing in on the back of her crotch, showing all white (as if they were going to show the highly gross alternative). I will admit I learned something from that one. I didn't know that girls were more prone to their menstrual blood escaping when they sit for long periods of time. I am now reminded to ask any women who might want to sit in my lazyboy if they are currently menstruating. 


So, to those "horrified" by the site of a 40-something woman's back I say, you might as well throw your TV out, because I don't even want to start on the Trojan Man commercials.



Steve, Steve, Steve.. you just don't get it, do you?


Any pro-lifer will tell you, that this kind of thing just attacks the moral fiber of America. What if things like this become common place? Think about it, will you?


Shows like Sesame Street portraying deviant sexual relationships to children, how awful! And that Oscar... the liberal media at work. They're training our children that it's OK to not contribute to society and live in a garbage can.


I just don't get it, I really don't. This is the same media that STILL argues that racism is a powerful force in America. Look at Hootie, or for that matter... Bernie Mac. Successful black men. If they keep tooting the racism horn, we should just bomb them sons 'a bitches.


Listen. We need to get back to a time where I can keep my hot-diddly-hand-guns on my hip should a bear attack my house. A time when I can smack the waitress at the local diner on the ass and smoke my cigar right there. All of this "new age" television is going to destroy our children.

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All of this "new age" television is going to destroy our children.



Wow - sorry you wasted all of your time typing that.


I don't have a problem with any of these things on TV. Hell, you wanna say "f-ck the f-cking f-ckers" at 7:00pm on ABC? I say go for it. And as far as kids hearing it? Guess what? I heard that word at school and on the school bus since I was 5. Why didnt I say it all the time? Because my PARENTS would not have it. If i said that word, there would be consequences. So, instead of trying to stop what's on TV, why not realize that the world is full of this stuff, on the TV, the radio, the internet, the real world, and kids will see it. Its the parents job to let the kids know what is or is not acceptable. If your family values say that a woman's back is evil and morbid, and you watched MNF with your kid last night, explain to him that ABC is an evil monster, and that showing women's backs like that is not acceptable in your family. . . .

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Guest DixieCrat

Maybe it would be more tasteful to the red state moralists if a neck-car hero received a naked white woman in his arms rather that a big strong 'uppity' Black man.

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Wow - sorry you wasted all of your time typing that.


I don't have a problem with any of these things on TV. Hell, you wanna say "f-ck the f-cking f-ckers" at 7:00pm on ABC? I say go for it. And as far as kids hearing it? Guess what? I heard that word at school and on the school bus since I was 5. Why didnt I say it all the time? Because my PARENTS would not have it. If i said that word, there would be consequences. So, instead of trying to stop what's on TV, why not realize that the world is full of this stuff, on the TV, the radio, the internet, the real world, and kids will see it. Its the parents job to let the kids know what is or is not acceptable. If your family values say that a woman's back is evil and morbid, and you watched MNF with your kid last night, explain to him that ABC is an evil monster, and that showing women's backs like that is not acceptable in your family.  . . .




LOL... dude.. Now go do me a favor. Read your signature. Then read my post. Then read your signature. :lol:

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Wow. Talk about clueless.


You kiddies will understand what this is about soon enough.



Oh i just loooooooove posts live this. The poster just insults everyone else, but doesn't bother to say anything, as if they can't bother to write something.


Plese, RKFast, educate us.


Tell us how to be as enlightened as you.... soon enough isn't soon enough.

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I know you were referring to my signature.. That was blantently clear. But it also had some relevance in my post.



Honestly, I don't give a rats ass whether they show it or not. I find the entire argument for or against it kind of humorous. I find the fact that we're four pages into an argument about a woman's naked back a tad bit funny.


I just like stoking the fire of folks with extreme political beliefs. ;-)


On one side it's the decline of our moral backbone. On the other side, it's a quest to halt the onslaught of the moral police. On my side, it's a stupid back. You just can't make stuff like this up.


Perhaps we ought to pit both sides against each other in a massive flag football game. Winner gets to set censorship policy.



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This isn't about a woman's naked back. It's about the kinds of images and examples television uses to brainwash the American people. It's about television abusing its power to define what is and isn't normal.


There was no positive message in that commercial. There was nothing here except an attempt to define "normal" and "glamourous" in ways that preclude young women from living with dignity. No sane father wants his daughter to act this way.


There wouldn't be so much talk of censorship if the American mainstream media wasn't doing everything in its power to convince us it's on a crusade to degrade the moral character of this nation. If anyone has a problem with the phrase "moral character" of a nation, I suggest educating yourselves about what happened to the Roman Empire after it lost its moral character. Base your arguments on historical knowledge, rather than typical Leftist ignorance.

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I didn't miss your point.



No, actually you did. Your reading comprehension skills are piss-poor. Do you perhaps attend the same Clown College as njsue?


My post was about respecting the opinions of others (the NFL/ABC viewing community that phoned in to complain) over my own personal wishes. I, like you, enjoy politically incorrect humor, sexual innuendos, violence, and naked women.


However, unlike you, I'm more than willing to refer to the cable network channels (Comedy Central, MTV, HBO, etc...) to get this fix and let the parents/families have NBC, ABC, CBS etc. during prime time hours. It's called compromise; it's how civilizations function like they do.


I don't feel the need to force my own personal interests and entertainment agenda down the throats of everyone else; you apparently do. We both may not share the same limits of common decency as those so-called "right-wing lunatics," but at least I show some respect for their values; you apparently don't.

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Wow. There are some heated arguments going on here. Here's my view on the subject...


I was not offended by the skit. I don't watch that type of show anyways, and frankly, I didn't even have a clue what the hell that was supposed to be until they showed Terri Hatcher. But I think that it had no place in the football pregame. People keep saying sex sells, but guess what? The don't NEED that kind of thing to sell MNF, if Dennis Miller can't kill the show, nothing will.

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They get upset about janet jackson's METAL COVERED nipple being flashed and inuendo with TO and old ass blonde chick, yet they still have some guy talking about a boner pill throwing a football through a tire. That's about as inuendo as inuendo gets. I guess the pay off from levitra/cialis is much greater than that of desperate housewives. NFL=Corporate Whores

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They get upset about janet jackson's METAL COVERED nipple being flashed and inuendo with TO and old ass blonde chick, yet they still have some guy talking about a boner pill throwing a football through a tire.  That's about as inuendo as inuendo gets.  I guess the pay off from levitra/cialis is much greater than that of desperate housewives.  NFL=Corporate Whores




Good point that you and others bring up. It seems like they want it both ways.

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Wow - sorry you wasted all of your time typing that.


I don't have a problem with any of these things on TV. Hell, you wanna say "f-ck the f-cking f-ckers" at 7:00pm on ABC? I say go for it. And as far as kids hearing it? Guess what? I heard that word at school and on the school bus since I was 5. Why didnt I say it all the time? Because my PARENTS would not have it. If i said that word, there would be consequences. So, instead of trying to stop what's on TV, why not realize that the world is full of this stuff, on the TV, the radio, the internet, the real world, and kids will see it. Its the parents job to let the kids know what is or is not acceptable. If your family values say that a woman's back is evil and morbid, and you watched MNF with your kid last night, explain to him that ABC is an evil monster, and that showing women's backs like that is not acceptable in your family.  . . .



You've done a good job pointing out some obvious hypocricies throughout this thread, but don't forget that some children don't have the type of responsible parents that you had. What are they to do when they're constantly inundated with this stevestojan on TV?


I'm not saying I have the answer, but my point is that this whole argument isn't as black and white as "naked back: bad" or "naked back: who cares?"

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They get upset about janet jackson's METAL COVERED nipple being flashed and inuendo with TO and old ass blonde chick, yet they still have some guy talking about a boner pill throwing a football through a tire.  That's about as inuendo as inuendo gets.  I guess the pay off from levitra/cialis is much greater than that of desperate housewives.  NFL=Corporate Whores



It's hypocritical, but maybe it's because Janet's tit was too in-your-face, while the under 13 crowd probably doesn't get what the boner pill ads are about anyway...

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