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An undefeated championship season


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In his first year at QB the boy led his team to an undefeated regular season then played two outstanding playoff games to close the deal. In the first playoff game he was calm as a clam and threw 2 perfectly placed TD passes for the win. Then in the championship game, in brutally muddy conditions he somehow kept his offense on the field most of the game and scored twice with his feet in a 13-0 win.


Preparing to strike


#17 with his favorite WR after the game


Mr Mud relegated to the bed


Sincere thanks for all the great advice we got from various posters here. Your input helped him enjoy a very successful season. He gained confidence, picked up some leadership abilities and had enough fun that he's now considering continuing to play next year. Great work and thank you for that!

A few notes:


>The throwing from the knees drill really helped as I could actually see his arm strength improving throughout the course of the season. In his first playoff game he threw a 38 yard TD strike and it was the longest completion any QB in the league made all year. OK so it only went about 20 yards in the air, but it was still a 38 yard strike damnit!-)


>He also finished second on the team in interceptions, leading all DB's. He looked pretty decent at corner, even considering a general lack of foot speed. They played with one safety high all year and he managed to shut down his side of the field, primarily with inherited craft and guile. <_<


>In one game in the rain he threw 3 picks, all of them downfield on third/long so they were essentially punts. In the other 6 games they played he didn't turn the ball over a single time, with a couple of those games being played in very difficult sloppy conditions.


>He was chosen to start at QB in the All-Star game and again played so well that the coach pulled me aside afterwards and told me he'd be talking to the coach for next year (if he plays) and giving his endorsement for him to go into the season as the starter at QB.


>Funniest play of the year: They run a pitch play and somehow the ball gets tangled up in the handtowel he has in the front of his pants. He somehow makes an accurate pitch while the ball stays wrapped up in the towel all the way until it gets to the RB who caught the whole bundle and turned it upfield for 5 yards. I thought they were running a trick play where he misdirected with the towel and then was going to waggle out the other side. :beer:


>He likes his Adrian Peterson spin move (it's actually a pretty good one) but he learned a painful lesson about using it between the hashes when a backer he didn't see coming about broke him in half with a wicked kidney shot. He popped up and completed a slant on the next play but he was a sore puppy for the next few days.


>One of my favorite parts of the entire year has been the fact that, even with all the extra time commitment, playbook study, etc, not one of his grades slipped below a 97.


>Even with the Bills and Penn State having 2 of the worst OLines they've ever carried, it was a nice diversion to be able to root for a successful team elsewhere.


>Thanks again to all those who were generous with their advice and encouragement. Much appreciated!

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That was a nice pocket he had to throw from in the first pic. Looks like the coach might have even rolled him out?


Two questions:

1. Any of the O-linemen available as UFA?

2. If Ralph offers the playcaller a job as OC will will he make the jump?

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That was a nice pocket he had to throw from in the first pic. Looks like the coach might have even rolled him out?


Two questions:

1. Any of the O-linemen available as UFA?

2. If Ralph offers the playcaller a job as OC will will he make the jump?

That was a designed rollout, but apparently it wasn't designed all that well as you can see 3 skill players within 5 yards of him. :wallbash: Protection is a fleeting dream at that age so they ran a lot of it throughout the year.

Although one of his Tackles ("Monster Clark") could possibly be an upgrade at either OT or LB.

And no I don't think the OC would accept the pay cut and demotion.


I didn't read your whole post (limited time this morning) but I will say this. Growing up sometimes sucks. I loved playing football in the mud.

You should have seen them rolling and diving in it after a couple games. Grade A stuff. :pirate:

But did you loving getting hosed off in 35 degree weather after a game?

Gus - "Why don't I just take the uniform off and you can just spray it"?

Dad - "Cuz this builds character. And I'm having a lot of fun"

Gus - "You're an idiot"


Congrats and is he available next Sunday to play QB?

A couple years ago a coach decided to run him at QB in his first year of football. When it became quickly apparent the guy had no idea what he was doing, I ended the experiment immediately. So, no there has never been enough money printed for me to let him play for the Bills staff behind that OLine. :lol:


There is a trainer out in LA by the name of Marinovich who I think could really take your boy to the next level.

Thank you but we have all our meth needs taken care of. :lol:

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