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The "fat pride" community

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Freedom is choosing what a person wants to eat and when they want to eat it, not a choice of the almighty government you all rail on so for getting involved in your lives! No hypocrisy, please.... :censored:


I agree. Simply put them all in a different rate group than the skinny folks and everyone will be happy.

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Heavier Americans are pushing back now with newfound vigor in the policy debate, lobbying legislators and trying to move public opinion to recognize their point of view: that thin does not necessarily equal fit, and that people can be healthy at any size.


Say what? Doesn't the term "obese" imply that you aren't healthy?

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Do I want to pay for her choice to eat herself to oblivion? Sorry. No. Let her go on the "fat people" health plan like the high risk life (like my wife who once had a stroke) or auto people.


Some folks have genetic pre-depositions for obesity, as well as diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular disease, and on and on. I know you disagree.


Ill add this, however:


You can take your food stamp card, go to a convenience store, and walk out with a dozen donuts, a 32 oz. soda, candy bars, a big bag of chips, etc. But you cannot use it for personal hygiene products like toothpaste or toilet paper.


Government policy.

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Some folks have genetic pre-depositions for obesity, as well as diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular disease, and on and on. I know you disagree.


Ill add this, however:


You can take your food stamp card, go to a convenience store, and walk out with a dozen donuts, a 32 oz. soda, candy bars, a big bag of chips, etc. But you cannot use it for personal hygiene products like toothpaste or toilet paper.


Government policy.


Yes, some do. However, most overweight people are that way because they eat too much and exercise too little.

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Says the doosh who labels someone "smug" becuase he doesnt follow the rules as HE sees how they should be enforced and wants to run somebody over with his car becuase of it.


God, youre pathetic.


The rules as I see how they should be enforced? No, I see them as they're written. Bu let's see who's pathetic here. One person breaks the rules and admits he does so while the other person breaks them and say they only are rules during certain times of the day.

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Some folks have genetic pre-depositions for obesity, as well as diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular disease, and on and on. I know you disagree.


Ill add this, however:


You can take your food stamp card, go to a convenience store, and walk out with a dozen donuts, a 32 oz. soda, candy bars, a big bag of chips, etc. But you cannot use it for personal hygiene products like toothpaste or toilet paper.


Government policy.


Very good points Cincy.


We need to start putting the stigma back into food stamps... Well with at least the poor choices someone may make with the food stamps. Not knocking food stamps, the idea is to GET YOU OFF of them... Not make it easier to stay on them.

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