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We all know at the end of the season DJ is Gone?

Ball Coach

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With that being said, if the Bills don't get rid of BOTH Jauron and hire a real, proven football man at GM (and fire Modrak and Guy), I probably won't be renewing my Sunday Ticket next year.

I used to feel that way, but on several occasions this year I have been glad for the ticket. Out of market games that were great compared to the local menu and one ending I would have hated to miss when the network cut away with a minute left in a nailbiter to start the local broadcast.

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FWIW, Vic Carucci was on Sirius today & predicted a major house-cleaning at the end of the year, that only Brandon would likely survive but be dedicated to marketing. He also said that the Bills could dump 1/2 to 2/3 of the current roster, no big deal, that's how low the overall talent level is on this team.


I hope this is correct. But how deeply will RW dig into those pockets to find new staff and fire the old ones. He'll never learn that paying personnel management types is the ticket to not having to waste money on players.



Thanks for the update. I don't think the roster needs to overhauled at all, just the coaching staff, including the strength & conditioning coach, and a handful of positions- admittedly some very key ones- and this team is a contender next year. They are not the Browns, Rams or Raiders, there is a A LOT of good, young talent on this team, someone just needs to grab them by their collective facemask and yell in their face with steam coming out of their ears (see: Gruden, John) instead of trying to be their buddy.


If a new coach comes in, there will be a LOT of roster turnover. Because no coach is going to come here and accept being told what he can and can't do with the roster. The Bills will face reality this off-season when it comes to finding a coach, because they could end up like Washington did a few years ago: not having anyone willing to get into that mess and ruin his reputation. The deadskins ended up with Jim Zorn, who is not a HC by any means.

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Dude, he's gonna get fired. I will give you 10:1 odds, if you care to make a bet, please contact me.


Until the collective bargaining agreement is signed, ensuring NFL players actually play in 2011, my guess is Ralph hangs on with DJ. Why give a Gruden, etc. $5-6m per year GUARANTEED for 3-4 years and then have no ball in 2011??? I do not believe coaches contracts have anything to do with the CBA and are not contingent on whether real or replacement players or anyone else plays -- if they did, not sure a coach would sign the deal..


... I wonder if Ralph waits to see if the the small city franchise owners get screwed again as they did a couple years ago by Jerry Jones and the big city owners....


The 2010 offseason is going to be all about the CBA and less about coaches and teams and who won and lost....

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