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So what's the real story on JP?


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I think what's really getting most of us here is the fact that MM thought it was okay to put JP into the game on Sunday for the last few minutes, but he then came out to say he's not yet ready to start a game.


So tell me, why is it okay for him to play against the world champs, in a complete rout, when the defense has been pummelling the offense into submission? He's not yet recovered completely from his injury, yet it's okay to stick him in there in obvious passing situations, when the defense has their ears pinned back and are rushing the QB like mad dogs?


And now he comes out and says he's not ready to start the following week? I'm not sure of his reasons, but it sure sounds like he's intimating that he's not ready from a physical standpoint.


Really? If he's not ready physically to start a game, how is it okay to subject him to a potential beating for the last few minutes of a rout?


Personally, I think JP has been out for so long, that he's just not ready yet mentally. MM probably wants him to get a couple of complete weeks of full practice in before throwing him to the wolves this year. We all know TD and MM are not as completely stupid as it seems (by keeping Drew in there when he is obviously done), much as we would like to believe that. But I'm betting that they just don't think he's ready to take the starting spot for a full game until he has had another week or two of full practices. It would be nice if MM would just come out and say "You guys are right, Drew is a babbling idiot out there but we'll throw him back in for one more game while JP gets ready to take things over," but he's not going to say that.


That's what I'm thinking, at least.

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Personally, I think JP has been out for so long, that he's just not ready yet mentally. MM probably wants him to get a couple of complete weeks of full practice in before throwing him to the wolves this year.



Right on the money.


If I were a betting man, I'd say JP comes in at halftime of the Miami game and makes his first career start versus the Browns on 12/12. I don't think he comes in earlier than that because he obviously doesn't have his game legs yet, nor the mental preparation.


That said, watch us win out the last five, finish 9-7 and miss the playoffs by a game or two.

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My only real desire is to see Losman get his first START at a home game. Making him start on the road is just asking for far too much out of any rookie QB (unless your name is Dan Marino or Big Ben) and it would just put added pressure on him to perform. I dont mind if he sees some playing time on road games, but hopefully he'll start his first game in front of the loving bosom of us wacky Bills fans.

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I have a feeling there was some psychology being employed WRT Losman's entry into the game, and it wasn't being employed towards Drew. Note that Losman is still the #3 QB, which indicates that he is not the person who would go in if Drew were injured, and not the logical person to go in for "cleanup." Judging from Losman's post-game comments, Losman is still "mentally" getting over the injury, even though he is physically healed. MM might have put him in there without notice to "prove" to him that he is healed, without giving him time to "think about it" beforehand. A kind of "forced" way to get Losman past the mental blocks that stand in the way of his move up the depth charts. I think you will see Losman at #2 on the depth charts for a game at least before he moves up to #1. And when he hits #2, he'll be mentally "there."


That's at least how I interpret the situation based on how things supposedly transpired. Why else would they not tell him he's going in until the last second?

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Right on the money.


If I were a betting man, I'd say JP comes in at halftime of the Miami game and makes his first career start versus the Browns on 12/12.  I don't think he comes in earlier than that because he obviously doesn't have his game legs yet, nor the mental preparation.


That said, watch us win out the last five, finish 9-7 and miss the playoffs by a game or two.




Actually...it wouldn't suprise me at to see him in the 2nd half of THIS WEEKS GAME......

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My only real desire is to see Losman get his first START at a home game.  Making him start on the road is just asking for far too much out of any rookie QB (unless your name is Dan Marino or Big Ben) and it would just put added pressure on him to perform.  I dont mind if he sees some playing time on road games, but hopefully he'll start his first game in front of the loving bosom of us wacky Bills fans.



I have heard this more than once and I must disagree. When you look around the league, homefield really doesn't mean much anymore unless your QB is Drew Bledsoe.

Maybe JP will get rattled away from home because he is a rookie, but there will actually be less pressure on him for a road game.

Besides, the Seahawks good home record not withstanding, Seattle, Miami, Cincy, and SF are all relatively weak in terms of crowd noise.

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I have a feeling there was some psychology being employed WRT Losman's entry into the game, and it wasn't being employed towards Drew.  Note that Losman is still the #3 QB, which indicates that he is not the person who would go in if Drew were injured, and not the logical person to go in for "cleanup."  Judging from Losman's post-game comments, Losman is still "mentally" getting over the injury, even though he is physically healed.  MM might have put him in there without notice to "prove" to him that he is healed, without giving him time to "think about it" beforehand.  A kind of "forced" way to get Losman past the mental blocks that stand in the way of his move up the depth charts.  I think you will see Losman at #2 on the depth charts for a game at least before he moves up to #1.  And when he hits #2, he'll be mentally "there." 


That's at least how I interpret the situation based on how things supposedly transpired.  Why else would they not tell him he's going in until the last second?


That's an interesting idea, Dan. Throw the kid into the deep end of the pool and see if he sinks or swims?


I must ponder this further......

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