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As I have mentioned before, the real problem we're facing right now is that the ONLY thing this administration has done/is doing to address this issue is/was pass the Recovery Act, which by their own admission has provided all the help it can or will. Now you add the inevitability of higher taxes for all through health care, and ultimately through cap-n-trade, and those who provide jobs...you know, those horrible, horrible profit-sucking monsters who created this problem in the first place...have no incentives to increase payrolls.


It's stunning to me that more people don't realize this.


And if I'm wrong and the administration IS doing something, please point out what it is.

As I have mentioned before, the real problem we're facing right now is that the ONLY thing this administration has done/is doing to address this issue is/was pass the Recovery Act, which by their own admission has provided all the help it can or will. Now you add the inevitability of higher taxes for all through health care, and ultimately through cap-n-trade, and those who provide jobs...you know, those horrible, horrible profit-sucking monsters who created this problem in the first place...have no incentives to increase payrolls.


It's stunning to me that more people don't realize this.


And if I'm wrong and the administration IS doing something, please point out what it is.

Hold on LABillz, Yellow will be chiming in soon to repeat the W.H's talking points justifying this number.


over 80% of the American public view the economy as the #1 priority and Congress is spending over 80% of their time on Health Care, and not only are they spending most of their time on Health Care when it isn't the top priority or even the second most pressing concern which is the deficit and not even the third with the Wars being the next, they are going to spend all this time on a bill that the majority of the people in the US reject, and not only do they reject but if the House Bill were to pass as is, TAXES would go up, DEFICITS would go up and PREMIUMS woud go up.


What a !@#$ing joke. But hey, let the lemmings keep believing that the landslide victories in Virginia and New Jersey had everything to do with "local politics". Good, the more they keep turning a blind eye, the more seats they will lose come the November elections.


Bet on it

Hold on LABillz, Yellow will be chiming in soon to repeat the W.H's talking points justifying this number.


over 80% of the American public view the economy as the #1 priority and Congress is spending over 80% of their time on Health Care, and not only are they spending most of their time on Health Care when it isn't the top priority or even the second most pressing concern which is the deficit and not even the third with the Wars being the next, they are going to spend all this time on a bill that the majority of the people in the US reject, and not only do they reject but if the House Bill were to pass as is, TAXES would go up, DEFICITS would go up and PREMIUMS woud go up.


What a !@#$ing joke. But hey, let the lemmings keep believing that the landslide victories in Virginia and New Jersey had everything to do with "local politics". Good, the more they keep turning a blind eye, the more seats they will lose come the November elections.


Bet on it

I swear, it's like every liberal in the world is throwing their career on their sword simply so they can go down in history at the liberals who finally delivered the Holy Grail of government control.

I swear, it's like every liberal in the world is throwing their career on their sword simply so they can go down in history at the liberals who finally delivered the Holy Grail of government control.

That's the problem LABillz. Nancy Pelosi is strong arming these liberals, bribing them with pork projects, promising campaign money, promising that BO will help them get reelected, and giving them false illusions that this is what the "people" want, and if this bill doesn't pass, that they will surely lose. bull ****!


Nancy in her little twat world is safe and snug because the majority of her constituents don't represent what the majority of the people of the U.S. She knows she's safe, and she knows that this is IT!!! This is what she has been striving for all her life. This is what it comes to, SOCIALIZED HEALTH CARE! The HOLY GRAIL of the Libertards, and one huge step into moving towards socialism.


She doesn't care if some Blue Dog Democrat from Lousiana, happens to not get reelected, whose values are vastly different then hers anyhow. It's about ramming this trainwreck of a Bill down everyone's throats.


She could care less.


The Congress is being run by San Francisco liberals. If the Blue dogs are too stupid to realize that and walk off the cliff while she steps away at the last minute, then stand by, because we're going to terminate them just like they asked for.


What has this country come to? We've dug ourselves into a hole and these fools keep pulling out a bigger shovel and dig faster...



Next month when the even worsening November unemployment numbers come out, could you please give your new thread a bigger, more meaningful title?


We have a job killing President in the White House who has no clue as to what he's doing. When there's undeniable proof of that, it warrants more than a simple "10.2".




Buffalo Bills Fan

Syracuse, New York

Next month when the even worsening November unemployment numbers come out, could you please give your new thread a bigger, more meaningful title?


We have a job killing President in the White House who has no clue as to what he's doing. When there's undeniable proof of that, it warrants more than a simple "10.2".




Buffalo Bills Fan

Syracuse, New York

Have you seen the made for movie of the same title of next months unemployment? It is a disaster just as big and just as bad as the current admin and congress.



You guys are talking like the unemployment rate is not going to fall back down over the next few years.


.. but man, 10.2. That's the highest it's been since Reagan.


Obama health care plan = USA bankruptcy!

You guys are talking like the unemployment rate is not going to fall back down over the next few years.


.. but man, 10.2. That's the highest it's been since Reagan.


Nah, they're just talking like you and your ilk did when unemployment spiked during the Bush administration.


It's BS now, just like it was BS then...but it's fun watching you all be hypocritical about it.

Nah, they're just talking like you and your ilk did when unemployment spiked during the Bush administration.


It's BS now, just like it was BS then...but it's fun watching you all be hypocritical about it.

I don't know if it is BS but it is certainly off by about 6.7, that's for sure.

Obama health care plan = USA bankruptcy!


Here's how bad all of this spending is:


2009 fed budget is about $3.5 trillion. Of that, $383 Billion is interest payments on the national debt. Large deficits in the neighborhood of $1 trillion a year are forecasted for the next few years. That will cause the interest portion of the budget to increase by about $75 billion a year depending on the interest rate. So if you run the numbers out for the next 3 years, the interest portion of the budget will rise to well over $500 billion. That's just the interest!!!!!!


So, we would have to achieve a $500+ billion dollar surplus each year going forward just to fund the interest on the debt and not add to that debt. Folks, we are nowhere near a surplus.


It's amazing to me that in the face of this - Obama, Reid and Pelosi have the pedal to the metal in pushing their agenda of social and economic justice for their constituents. It's the height of irresponsibility and the only answer has to be higher taxes for all for a long, long time. This president and the majority of congress literally don't give a ****. They're moving forward with their liberal dream regardless.


By the way, don't tell me or any republicans that this is all Bush's fault. He certainly has contributed to the problem. We know that. The bigger problem is what Obama and congress are doing and it's a disaster. I don't care what side of the aisle you're on. We're past the point where enough is enough. Everyone should be on that page by now. It's ugly.

Here's how bad all of this spending is:


2009 fed budget is about $3.5 trillion. Of that, $383 Billion is interest payments on the national debt. LArge deficits in the neighborhood of $1 trillion a year are forecasted. That will cause the interest portion of the budget to increase by about $75 billion a year depending on the interest rate. So if you run the numbers out for the next 3 years, the interest portion of the budget will rise to well over $500 billion. That's just the interest!!!!!!


So, we would have to achieve a $500+ billion dollar surplus each year going forward just to fund the interest on the debt and not add to that debt. Folks, we are nowhere near a surplus.


It's amazing to me that in the face of this - Obama, Reid and Pelosi have the pedal to the metal in pushing their agenda of social and economic justice for constituents. It's the height of irresponsibility and the only answer has to be higher taxes for all for a long, long time. This president and the majority of congress literally don't give a ****. Their moving forward with their liberal dream regardless.


By the way, don't tell me or any republicans that this is all Bush's fault. He certainly has contributed to the problem. We know that. The bigger problem is what Obama and congress are doing and it's a disaster. I don't care what side of the aisle you're on. We're past the point where enough is enough. Everyone should be on that page by now. It's ugly.

I do blame Bush. If he hadn't of lied to the American Public about WMD's, the Democrats would of never have won so many seats in both the house and senate. It's because of him that made this trainwreck of a bill get passed tonight.


In regards to your statements up above, again you are spot on. For this reason, along with the economy, the Democrats will lose lots of seats come the November election. The vast majority of the people would like our elected officials to concentrate on improving the economy, and we know that isn't the case.


Tonight, score one for Socialism

In regards to your statements up above, again you are spot on. For this reason, along with the economy, the Democrats will lose lots of seats come the November election. The vast majority of the people would like our elected officials to concentrate on improving the economy, and we know that isn't the case.


Tonight, score one for Socialism


I don't think the Democrats care a rats ass about losing Congress


Once this program is on the books it will be near impossible to repeal. Even after the partisan pendulum swings back to the Republicans favor, the program will persist


Then the next time the partisan pendulum swings back to the Democrats, they'll just add more crap on top of this


They're boiling a frog.

It's the early 1940's the deficit spiked really high also. That kind of thing happens when you need to recover from the great recession.


Go back and grind on the numbers. We'd need a federal tax revenue increase on the order of 50% just to get to budget neutral. 2009 revenue forecasted at about $2.2 billion against annual budgets of about $3.4 billion. Where's that coming from?




See 2009 revenue.

Have you seen the made for movie of the same title of next months unemployment? It is a disaster just as big and just as bad as the current admin and congress.




That's some quality acting there. :worthy:

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