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Gunmen loose at Fort Hood

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While federal spending under a Republican president and Congress continued to increase.


"Hey, let's spend even more AND bring in even less at the same time!". :blink: But since it was Republicans doing it, the Teabaggers were content to remain silent.

Much the same way your group of morons defends the current administration at every turn. Newsflash: You're both idiotic hypocrites who're ruining this country.

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Because the Obama administartion classified this as "workplace violence" rather than "combat related", the shooter still receives full pay in jail while the victims cannot receive additional pay and benefits for their injuries:



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Seems like they should suspend his pay pending the legal proceedings. He's getting three hots and a cot and medical treatment for free. I'd like to see some legislation aimed at correcting this particular perversion.

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Because the Obama administartion classified this as "workplace violence" rather than "combat related", the shooter still receives full pay in jail while the victims cannot receive additional pay and benefits for their injuries:




The Pentagon's hands are tied with respect to the shooter - they can't arbitrarily void the UCMJ.


And while it's entirely correct that the victims shouldn't be entitled to combat benefits or a Purple Heart as victims of workplace violence...how in the hell are they not eligible for worker's comp or something analogous?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe now this can be classified as something other than "workplace violence."




The judge read from his request for a continuance, seeking to confirm Hasan’s defense: that he acted “because death or grievous harm was about to be inflicted on the members of the Taliban and Mullah [Mohammed] Omar specifically by the people against whom you used deadly force.”


“That is correct,” Hasan said.


When the judge continued questioning him, Hasan said he didn’t want to “brainstorm” his defense without adequate time to prepare.


“I need time to put this together in a coherent fashion,” he said.


The judge persisted: Was he seeking to defend just Mullah Mohammed Omar, or the entire Taliban leadership? The leadership, Hasan said.


“So not just one person, multiple people?” she said.


Yes, he said.


“And these people are in Afghanistan?” the judge asked.


“Yes,” Hasan said.


And those who were threatening them?


“They were members of the United States military about to deploy to Afghanistan,” Hasan said.


The judge asked whether Hasan believed he was protecting others from “the victims, the people you were alleged to have murdered” because they “were about to deploy to Afghanistan.”


“The attack had already occurred. They’re just participating,” Hasan said, describing the attackers as “everybody who supported the government — the leadership, the soldiers.”

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  • 9 months later...

Both the bumping of this thread, and all subsequent posts in this thread are either absurd, or offensive.


Absurd because: totally separate unrelated event


Offensive because: idiots who are pretending to be clever are making jokes about an ongoing tragedy


Start a new thread to deal with a new event, for the first; and stop being !@#$ing douche bags for the second.

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Both the bumping of this thread, and all subsequent posts in this thread are either absurd, or offensive.


Absurd because: totally separate unrelated event


Offensive because: idiots who are pretending to be clever are making jokes about an ongoing tragedy


Start a new thread to deal with a new event, for the first; and stop being !@#$ing douche bags for the second.


Life is an ongoing tragedy. You can approach it with a sense of humor, or hide in the corner and suck your thumb.

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