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Gunmen loose at Fort Hood

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No surprise. The recent increased deaths in Afganistan, the Pakistan insurgence, the recent bombings in Iraq.


Your Saviour Obama is being tested, and they have clearly learned that he is afraid and won't defend our citizenry, same as Clinton.


Stay tuned, it's just begun. They know an appeaser, a Neville Chamberlain, when they see one and know how to take advantage....



Who could better defend your citizenry?

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Well that proves that having a gun makes you safer!!! :lol:

You've never heard of a person having a heart attack and dying at a medical convention with hundreds if not thousands of Doctors around? Should be the safest place to have a heart attack - or stroke for that matter... right?

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Ummm, where did I say that? I'm just pointing out that a military base crawling with guns and gun experts couldn't stop the killing of seven people. It appears owning a gun doesn't make you safer. In this case that is an undeniable fact. The argument has been made that owning a gun makes a person safer.

Except almost no military installation is "crawling with guns". They're pretty much the same as schools - only the SP/MPs have them and there is no civilian concealed carry on federal installations - even by military members.


As usual, you're completely misinformed. According to you retard liberals, prisons should be the bastions of sanity because no one should have guns or drugs.

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Except almost no military installation is "crawling with guns". They're pretty much the same as schools - only the SP/MPs have them and there is no civilian concealed carry on federal installations - even by military members.


As usual, you're completely misinformed. According to you retard liberals, prisons should be the bastions of sanity because no one should have guns or drugs.


Not misinformed. UNinformed. Big difference.

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Except almost no military installation is "crawling with guns". They're pretty much the same as schools - only the SP/MPs have them and there is no civilian concealed carry on federal installations - even by military members.


As usual, you're completely misinformed. According to you retard liberals, prisons should be the bastions of sanity because no one should have guns or drugs.

Just to add to what you are saying, even MPs can't keep weapons loaded. Also, all weapons on a base even personal weapons have to be checked into the armory. Military living on base cannot "legally" keep a weapon in their on base residence. But you're right idiots who haven't got a clue trying to discuss issues about stuff they've never seen, been around or experienced. People should listen more and blog less.

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Not misinformed. UNinformed. Big difference.


Yes - but add in "not bothering to go out and getting informed". That is vital to the Left - trust us, don't seek for yourself - trust us...blame others...trust us...vote for us.... etc.


The indoctrination over the past three decades has succeeded. These dumb lambs have no idea what is going to hit them. Sad....

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Yes - but add in "not bothering to go out and getting informed". That is vital to the Left - trust us, don't seek for yourself - trust us...blame others...trust us...vote for us.... etc.


The indoctrination over the past three decades has succeeded. These dumb lambs have no idea what is going to hit them. Sad....


You bloody baboon...wilfull ignorance is NOT limited to "the left". Steely Dan isn't an idiot because he's a liberal...he's an idiot because he's an idiot.

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Just to add to what you are saying, even MPs can't keep weapons loaded. Also, all weapons on a base even personal weapons have to be checked into the armory. Military living on base cannot "legally" keep a weapon in their on base residence. But you're right idiots who haven't got a clue trying to discuss issues about stuff they've never seen, been around or experienced. People should listen more and blog less.


well, MPs with side arms do keep a round chambered. MPs with m-16s simply have a full clip loaded after the bolt is forward, which means no round chambered without effort.

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well, MPs with side arms do keep a round chambered. MPs with m-16s simply have a full clip loaded after the bolt is forward, which means no round chambered without effort.

Not sure that's true. magazine in yes, but I do not believe round chambered. At least on Marine bases. At least by rules. Doesn't mean they don't chamber. BTW, not chmabering of side arms goes back to the 1911, too many accidental discharges, the MPs were not supposed to keep it loaded.

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Just to add to what you are saying, even MPs can't keep weapons loaded. Also, all weapons on a base even personal weapons have to be checked into the armory. Military living on base cannot "legally" keep a weapon in their on base residence.

Each of those things is "base by base" in my experience. I've been allowed to keep weapons at my on base residence in most places as long as it was family - not in the dorms (dorm residences could have weapons but they were stored in the armory). As an SP, our weapons were loaded, though the M16s weren't charged at most postings. A couple of the Army installations didn't give their MPs ammo to even carry, though it was certain postings only. It was bizarre.

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Each of those things is "base by base" in my experience. I've been allowed to keep weapons at my on base residence in most places as long as it was family - not in the dorms (dorm residences could have weapons but they were stored in the armory). As an SP, our weapons were loaded, though the M16s weren't charged at most postings. A couple of the Army installations didn't give their MPs ammo to even carry, though it was certain postings only. It was bizarre.

Dorms? Dorms? WTF? Where you in college? :lol:




And you would know about the base by base thing and have more recent experience than me. I do know that the .45s they used to carry on the bases I've been on they were not allowed to chamber, because of accidents. That may have changed as things switched to the Barettas.

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Dorms? Dorms? WTF? Where you in college? :lol:




And you would know about the base by base thing and have more recent experience than me. I do know that the .45s they used to carry on the bases I've been on they were not allowed to chamber, because of accidents. That may have changed as things switched to the Barettas.


He was Air Force. I'm surprised they don't call them "bungalows".

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Not sure that's true. magazine in yes, but I do not believe round chambered. At least on Marine bases. At least by rules. Doesn't mean they don't chamber. BTW, not chmabering of side arms goes back to the 1911, too many accidental discharges, the MPs were not supposed to keep it loaded.


after 9/11 i pulled sp duty at offutt, afb nebraska and when we carried side arms(beretta 9mm) we HAD to chamber a round before exiting the cop shop, clip in then slide forward. m-16's were bolt forward then magazine in


wasn't my regular afsc,mos, or whatever you'd want to call it, but did enough time to work the gates of the base, a few ride around's off base housing, and flight line duty. gates and ride arounds were both m-16 and beretta. flight line was m-16 olny. about 5 months.

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