John Adams Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 Fans in KC are petitioning to bench Johnson for using "fag" and generally being a PIA--the urgency of the benching is that he's about to become the team's all-time leading rusher passing Priest Holmes. Seems foolish but at least some fans are trying to hold their team accountable. Too bad more fans like this aren't in Buffalo petitioning to remove a double-murdering woman-beater from the Wall. A friend of mine went to a game this season and was floored to see OJ's name still up. He mocked every fan around him for that blight, and of course, no one had anything to say. Waiting for the hollow "It's for what he did on the field" arguments.
PushthePile Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 It's kind of pathetic to ban a player for the use of a word. The league is full of violent criminals including Johnson himself. On the otherhand it's doubly foolish to honor a murderer in any fashion.
Dante Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 It's kind of pathetic to ban a player for the use of a word. The league is full of violent criminals including Johnson himself.On the otherhand it's doubly foolish to honor a murderer in any fashion. Agreed. It's scary that people think that someone has to be punished for speaking. Do people realize it's almost fascist?
Chalkie Gerzowski Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 but Leonard Little can drive like Mr. Magoo...
jeffsimon Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 Agreed. It's scary that people think that someone has to be punished for speaking. Do people realize it's almost fascist? "Almost" fascist? Main Entry: fas·cism Pronunciation: \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\ Function: noun Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces Date: 1921 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>
John Adams Posted November 4, 2009 Author Posted November 4, 2009 It's kind of pathetic to ban a player for the use of a word. The league is full of violent criminals including Johnson himself.On the otherhand it's doubly foolish to honor a murderer in any fashion. Right on both counts. Johnson is the least of the NFL's problems. If the NFL suspended everyone who said "fag," rosters would be empty. Time to reinstate Pac-Man Jones yet?
Guest dog14787 Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 It's kind of pathetic to ban a player for the use of a word. The league is full of violent criminals including Johnson himself.On the otherhand it's doubly foolish to honor a murderer in any fashion. If someone was to twitter or ironically because I have actually experienced something of this nature here on TSW, someone posts something of the same nature about another person, totally false, yet 100s even 1000's of other folks will read it, and you don't find something wrong with this? especially coming from a supposed NFL player/ role model. Folks should be held accountable for their profanity or accusations, especially when thousands of readers are viewing in and some of them are very young.
VJ91 Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 Fans in KC are petitioning to bench Johnson for using "fag" and generally being a PIA--the urgency of the benching is that he's about to become the team's all-time leading rusher passing Priest Holmes. Seems foolish but at least some fans are trying to hold their team accountable. Too bad more fans like this aren't in Buffalo petitioning to remove a double-murdering woman-beater from the Wall. A friend of mine went to a game this season and was floored to see OJ's name still up. He mocked every fan around him for that blight, and of course, no one had anything to say. Waiting for the hollow "It's for what he did on the field" arguments. As soon as Simpson was found guilty of wrongfull death in the civil law suit, Wilson had every right to rip the name down off the wall, as if anyone would have argued if he would have ripped the name down without Simpson losing the civil case. Does any rational thinking human being think Simpson is innocent? I would really love to see Simpson's name replaced -taken down, and replaced in the exact same spot by placing Lou Saban's name on it instead. Now that would be a very cool classy half time ceremony. Wilson should replace the dishonered name that should have been gone for 15 years already, with the honorable name of the man who should have been on the wall for the past 25 years or so!!
Bill from NYC Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 Fans in KC are petitioning to bench Johnson for using "fag" and generally being a PIA--the urgency of the benching is that he's about to become the team's all-time leading rusher passing Priest Holmes. Seems foolish but at least some fans are trying to hold their team accountable. Too bad more fans like this aren't in Buffalo petitioning to remove a double-murdering woman-beater from the Wall. A friend of mine went to a game this season and was floored to see OJ's name still up. He mocked every fan around him for that blight, and of course, no one had anything to say. Waiting for the hollow "It's for what he did on the field" arguments. My dear friend, I am thinking that saying "fag" is not akin to murdering someone. This being said. I have no issue with gays and hetros petitioning for action against this long term moron. PLEASE be advised that I think that he is a proven p.o.s., but I do have issues wrt rights/freedom as you well know. I guess I need to think your post over just a bit more.
zazie Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 Fans in KC are petitioning to bench Johnson for using "fag" and generally being a PIA--the urgency of the benching is that he's about to become the team's all-time leading rusher passing Priest Holmes. Seems foolish but at least some fans are trying to hold their team accountable. Too bad more fans like this aren't in Buffalo petitioning to remove a double-murdering woman-beater from the Wall. A friend of mine went to a game this season and was floored to see OJ's name still up. He mocked every fan around him for that blight, and of course, no one had anything to say. Waiting for the hollow "It's for what he did on the field" arguments. NIcole wouldn't effing listen and RW knows it. Name stays up.
bills_fan Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 If someone was to twitter or ironically because I have actually experienced something of this nature here on TSW, someone posts something of the same nature about another person, totally false, yet 100s even 1000's of other folks will read it, and you don't find something wrong with this? especially coming from a supposed NFL player/ role model. Folks should be held accountable for their profanity or accusations, especially when thousands of readers are viewing in and some of them are very young. I was waiting for someone to use "What about the chillllldren?" Pathetic. Johnson is a POS, but he can say what he wants. Already, this has gone too far IMHO. Of course, I also thought Sean Avery got a raw deal over his sloppy seconds comment.
High Mark Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 Its America, he can say fag if he wants. Its America, you can be offended if you want. Now stop interfering with each others lives.
Guest dog14787 Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 I was waiting for someone to use "What about the chillllldren?" Pathetic. Johnson is a POS, but he can say what he wants. Already, this has gone too far IMHO. Of course, I also thought Sean Avery got a raw deal over his sloppy seconds comment. Its also about the false accusations of calling someone something they may or may not be and stereo typing them by using terminology that's very offensive to others. 100, 000's of folks read twitters and NFL football players are probably the most watched twitters in the Country.
zazie Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 Its also about the false accusations of calling someone something they may or may not be and stereo typing them by using terminology that's very offensive to others. 100, 000's of folks read twitters and NFL football players are probably the most watched twitters in the Country. Our children are being raised by the LSD-induced cartoonists who make talking kitchen utensils for Saturday morning tv. They can handle the word Fag.
RokpileR Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 I was going to rent a train to paradise for all those who have always lived strictly by christian values. People who never had malicious of thought, or fornication, or jealousy, or pride, or gluttony, nothing. Law abiding, prayerfully disciplined, never loaned or borrowed money. Never stole, lied, or cheated. You know, the good old boys, never falsely accused, never judged his fellow man, never scorned another. Then I realized a train was too big, so I thought I'd rent a bus. Funny thing happened on the way to pick up passengers, There were none...even the driver had to get off the "holier than thou" bus.
PushthePile Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 Its also about the false accusations of calling someone something they may or may not be and stereo typing them by using terminology that's very offensive to others. 100, 000's of folks read twitters and NFL football players are probably the most watched twitters in the Country. Profanity and politically incorrect language is a staple in our culture. False and damaging accusations are made everyday against our presidents of the past, present, and future. Freedom of speech is a right we all have. You are also free to believe what you want as well. The vast majority of people can sift through this crap. The bottom feeders who can't, aren't reason enough to compromise our rights IMO. As far as the children go? They can find much worse pretty much anywhere they look. If parents don't want their kids to hear that stuff, it's their responsibility to protect them from it. IMO, the earlier a kid learns that the world is full of ignorant ass clowns, the better. The Chiefs and the NFL do however have the right to punish an employee how they see fit. I just think it's hypocritical for the Chiefs to suspend Johnson for tweeting the word fag and overlook the times he's been arrested for abusing women.
todd Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 He has every right to say what he wants. And he should also be benched for being a homophobe and bigot. Screw him. He deserves it. Fans in KC are petitioning to bench Johnson for using "fag" and generally being a PIA--the urgency of the benching is that he's about to become the team's all-time leading rusher passing Priest Holmes. Seems foolish but at least some fans are trying to hold their team accountable. Too bad more fans like this aren't in Buffalo petitioning to remove a double-murdering woman-beater from the Wall. A friend of mine went to a game this season and was floored to see OJ's name still up. He mocked every fan around him for that blight, and of course, no one had anything to say. Waiting for the hollow "It's for what he did on the field" arguments.
Dante Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 Its also about the false accusations of calling someone something they may or may not be and stereo typing them by using terminology that's very offensive to others. 100, 000's of folks read twitters and NFL football players are probably the most watched twitters in the Country. If being called a fag is so traumatic and damaging to someone, they are in trouble to start with. They are way too weak to survive happily in this life. Better sort their **** out soon so they can deal with real problems when they arise. Everyone gets called names in life. Fat, ugly, dumb (recalling all these instances from puberty lol) and yes, fag. It's called getting a little toughness. Dealing with adversity. Not running to mama crying like a little fag, err i mean little girl, err I mean wimp!
stuckincincy Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 He has every right to say what he wants. And he should also be benched for being a homophobe and bigot. Screw him. He deserves it. Let's see - you believe in the 1st Amendment, but want to materially punish those that use it in a fashion disagreeable to you. You'd fit right in, in 1917 Moscow and 1933 Munich...
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