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Finally saw it and it's not half as bad as I imagined. It seemed like the Marine in question did it because he felt threatened, not because he wanted to kill someone.


If you see how they move on to the next guy, and especially how the Marine takes a couple steps back when the injured Iraqi reaches for him, it's clear they recognize the injured and 'dead' Iraqis as a threat and for good reason.

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I guess I am...but there are so many people on here that know so much about war and combat...never even took a step in a military boot....they are so lame



Again, the difference is in the viewpoints.


Notice you're sticking up for the person who fired the first volley in this thread, by completely trashing any reasonable action taken by the Marine, vs posts directed at you asking to compare the difference of your situation vs the urban combat in Fallujah.


Please take off the blinders.

I guess I am...but there are so many people on here that know so much about war and combat...never even took a step in a military boot....they are so lame




I brought up what I felt is a very valid point. Your response isn't to correct any misconceptions I might have, but to essentially call me a !@#$ing idiot? Go to hell. I don't even pretend that I've served, I respect the hell out of those who have, I've studied the subject for decades. I know a lot on the subject...but I don't serve, I haven't served, and I won't be condescended to for it by the likes of you.


So its okay for the left to convict this guy based on a quick video without understanding the context in what was going on?


I'd say the guys fighting on OUR side deserve the benefit of the doubt wouldnt you? SUPPORT THE TROOPS and all that jazz right?



Memo to the left; You cant fight a war in a monday morning quarterback/courtroom hindsight sort of way. If our boys over there start second guessing themselves, they'll come home in bodybags.



And for any one of us who wasnt there to say what should have and should NOT have been done is simply ridiculous.

So its okay for the left to convict this guy based on a quick video without understanding the context in what was going on?


I'd say the guys fighting on OUR side deserve the benefit of the doubt wouldnt you?    SUPPORT THE TROOPS and all that jazz right?

Memo to the left;  You cant fight a war in a monday morning quarterback/courtroom hindsight sort of way.    If our boys over there start second guessing themselves, they'll come home in bodybags.     

And for any one of us who wasnt there to say what should have and should NOT have been done is simply ridiculous.



Hey... I am not convicting him!


Don't paint us with a braod brush... If you do, you are just as guilty as the next.

Hey... I am not convicting him!


Don't paint us with a braod brush... If you do, you are just as guilty as the next.



Fair enough, I should have said it wasnt right for ANYONE to convict one of our own.

Fair enough, I should have said it wasnt right for ANYONE to convict one of our own.




Thanks... I understand what these guys have to do. I could care less if they pumped twenty rounds into a stiff.


Sh*t happens in war.


I think it was one of the WWII docus that they explained the fighting in the pacific. At times both sides turned into animals. One Chaplain was explaining how he confronted a soldier digging out the gold fillings on a dead Japanese soldier. He set that soldier straight... That's all you can do.


Again, full open dialog... skip the judgement on the soldier... Save it for policy.

For the record:  Petrino sent this message at lunchtime & couldn't get back because he had to work the rest of the day.  When I went downstairs to the 3rd floor his boss was at his desk, so he wasn't about to say to his boss "Sorry-I have to reply to the gang at Two Bills Drive"  His cat bit through his phone wire that attaches the computer to the internet & he won't have home internet until tommorrow.



That's fine. We can wait.


Hey Petrino :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: you spineless jellyfish.


As for VaBledsoefan double :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ...you should know better, Billy Badass...nice of you to pass judgement on someone who you have no f-in clue about. FTR, I don't perceive you as arrogant, just an idiot.


Keep weakening our country...


In the future, please consider "Lead, Follow or STFU!"


I truly believe that the decision to have EMBEDDED journalists with front line

military units is back-firing. Initially, I believe that they were there to

dispute any kind of false reporting by the enemy. NOW, al jazzera is

using our own pool video and running it on a loop to fire up the Islamic

militants of the world.


Things happen in combat. Things that sometimes ARE NOT very nice and

shouldn't be front page headlines. Its a fuggin war folks, and the bad guys

are cheating. I hope every single one of our young MARINES over there

take the same stance as this young man. I hope he will be backed by

his chain of command, but I doubt it. I watched the video and I would

have done the same damn thing. I hope he gets a good lawyer. And

I hope he beats this.


And BTW, I have boarded Iraqi ships as well on the non-compliant

boarding team as security chief. Dont get dramatic dude, it is not

anywhere near as dangerous as Faluja is. Get a freaking grip.

I know Darin..sorry I should have added that....just gets my goat....i did mean to sound arrogant about what i had to do in a combat zone.



I am one of those that have not had military service, and I can appreciate what you are saying. I missed the Vietnam War draft by 2 years, and could not bring myself to give up a summer for bootcamp in the early 80's since I had a mortgage to pay. In a way I wish they would institute a draft where you had a choice of civil or military service - we all miss something as people and as a nation w/o having participated. We also can better judge the cost of war when such a decision has to be made.


In my defense (since I am pro Iraq war) I was in many fights growing up, been attacked with a swithblade, and had someone point a gun at my head at short range. Growing up in Buffalo was tougher then you think. :lol:

Hey Petrino, did your cat bite through your carotid too?  Or will Harv be the one responding to this post with some other lily-livered pansy excuse for your sorry ass?


Darin, I never knew you were an Elephant.


I just read this thread for the first time. Has anyone stopped to think that this kid knew there was a TV camera there from (gasp) CBS? If he didn't feel this was a completely justifiable action I doubt he would have capped the guy. I probably wouldn't have left five alive on the first go around.


Just take Petrino for what he is. It's not worth the heartburn. People like him will never know, never understand and are likely to never try to learn. There's a lot of other people who work real hard to make sure that the Petrinos of this world can continue to think and opine this way. That's the nature of this country at this point in time. They want to live in some surreal ideology land, fine. I live in reality. I'm sure Mr. Petrino would consider me quite the war criminal if he knew my day to day. Fortunately, he doesn't, nor will he ever, count.

I just read this thread for the first time. Has anyone stopped to think that this kid knew there was a TV camera there from (gasp) CBS?



"Knew"? Or knew?


Honestly...I have my doubts that, if he felt it necessary to shoot, he indulged himself the luxury of worrying about the proximity of any cameras. Any awareness of the media he otherwise had was most likely far removed from his consciousness in his perception of an immediate threat.


In other words...I doubt he really knew at the time a camera was present.

Don't know if you guys have seen this.  I thought it was interesting.


NBC war reporter Kevin Site's "Letter To The Devil Dogs Of 3.1"



When the smoke clears, I can see through my viewfinder that the fire is burning beside a large pile of anti-aircraft rounds.


I yell to the lieutenant that we need to move. Almost immediately after clearing out of the house, small explosions begin as the rounds cook off in the fire.


If he were a truly objective journalist, literally just being a witness, he would have said nothing and let the Marines die.


But you guys can keep telling yourselves that journalists hate the soldiers and America....


(BTW -- I really recommend "Dispatches" by Michael Herr if you can find it. It's basically one long, run-on sentence, but it's a great chronicle.)

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