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So you don't know what's in the bill, but you think it's great that SOMETHING is passed, no matter what it was.



No I think it's great that reform is on it's way... that something is finally happening in DC except the usual bitching and moaning and chess game from both sides of the aisle. Yes, I am worried about that like everyone else. It still has to go through the Senate - I do not believe that will happen.

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No I think it's great that reform is on it's way... that something is finally happening in DC except the usual bitching and moaning and chess game from both sides of the aisle. Yes, I am worried about that like everyone else. It still has to go through the Senate - I do not believe that will happen.


Actually, this abortion of a bill is the result of the usual bitching and moaning and chess game from both sides of the aisle - a 1900-pg monstrosity that, when it doesn't contradict its own purpose, doesn't even accomplish the stated goals of the legislation.


I confess I haven't read the whole bill (I doubt anyone on the planet has), just large chunks of it - the sections relating to insurance regulations and mandates, mostly. But on that alone, this is easily the most ignorant, insipid, inane, and outright !@#$ed-up piece of legislative I've seen since the PATRIOT Act...and may actually be worse than that. Well-intended, no doubt...but so was the PATRIOT Act. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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Actually, this abortion of a bill is the result of the usual bitching and moaning and chess game from both sides of the aisle - a 1900-pg monstrosity that, when it doesn't contradict its own purpose, doesn't even accomplish the stated goals of the legislation.


I confess I haven't read the whole bill (I doubt anyone on the planet has), just large chunks of it - the sections relating to insurance regulations and mandates, mostly. But on that alone, this is easily the most ignorant, insipid, inane, and outright !@#$ed-up piece of legislative I've seen since the PATRIOT Act...and may actually be worse than that. Well-intended, no doubt...but so was the PATRIOT Act. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

But it's reform. And people are doing something. So that makes it awesome. We'll deal with the details later.

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Actually, this abortion of a bill is the result of the usual bitching and moaning and chess game from both sides of the aisle - a 1900-pg monstrosity that, when it doesn't contradict its own purpose, doesn't even accomplish the stated goals of the legislation.


I confess I haven't read the whole bill (I doubt anyone on the planet has), just large chunks of it - the sections relating to insurance regulations and mandates, mostly. But on that alone, this is easily the most ignorant, insipid, inane, and outright !@#$ed-up piece of legislative I've seen since the PATRIOT Act...and may actually be worse than that. Well-intended, no doubt...but so was the PATRIOT Act. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Ah pseudo- Lobbyist Tom.


I think it's great most of America in flyover country disagrees with you. Can't, Can't, can't..cannot...


Can't do this. Can't cover this.

But...your crew will lose...and you'll be just as ineffectual here as you've been for over a decade.

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Btw Tom...I don't remember you or Derwood here complaining too loudly about the PATRIOT ACT circa 01-02?


Back in that period you where amped about the "GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR", falling right in line with the neo-cons.


You were wrong then...and you're wrong now....what are you hiding?

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Btw Tom...I don't remember you or Derwood here complaining too loudly about the PATRIOT ACT circa 01-02?


Back in that period you where amped about the "GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR", falling right in line with the neo-cons.


You were wrong then...and you're wrong now....what are you hiding?


Maybe because you joined this board in 05?

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In a Wallstreet Poll taken today, http://online.wsj.com/community/groups/que...ng?dj_vote=4353


Do you agree with the House passing the bill to overhaul health care?


72.8% said no


Simply put, anyone who uses good common sense and rationale, knows that this bill does nothing to bring down health insurance premiums, raises taxes, puts a burden on small businesses and most certainly add to the deficit.

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Btw Tom...I don't remember you or Derwood here complaining too loudly about the PATRIOT ACT circa 01-02?


Back in that period you where amped about the "GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR", falling right in line with the neo-cons.


You were wrong then...and you're wrong now....what are you hiding?




Those two were the only conservative types who were steadfast AGAINST the bill!!


You just can't help but embarrass yourself. Good job.

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Did mom and dad not hug you enough?

Mom and Dad hugged me plenty and, apparently unlike your parents, they never dropped me on my freakin' nogging' time after time after time.


Read the bill and determine if you believe it's a good idea before you support it strictly on party lines.


It's a disaster. Read it. Think for yourself. I'm sure you can do it if you just try.




Those two were the only conservative types who were steadfast AGAINST the bill!!


You just can't help but embarrass yourself. Good job.

Don't get on him too much. After all, he's only got eight days left to prepare for his big party, and he's having a particularly hard time finding a theme-appropriate piñata that will dispense enough candy for his guests.

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Maybe because you joined this board in 05?


He was posting as "greengrocer" or one of the other since-abandon, raving lunatic IDs back then. Frequently the 'tards have to change IDs after embarrassing themselves beyond repair.

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Read the bill and determine if you believe it's a good idea before you support it strictly on party lines.


It's a disaster. Read it. Think for yourself. I'm sure you can do it if you just try.

LA, that's all I ask people to do is read the damn thing, and not blindly support it.


I can tell you this, I am almost certain, that none of the liberal sympathizers in here have read that CBO scoring of the House Bill. I've gone through it a few times, and have read 3 non partisan group recaps and at least 50 articles regarding this Bill, and there isn't one single outlet that says that this Bill will reduce Premiums. THe only one's who say it are the Liberals, they are the only ones.


Also, the only reason why the CBO scored it as saving $120 Billion over the next 10 years, is because the Bill has substantial cuts to medicaid that will never take place, and there is no coverage until 2014, but the government starts imposing taxes 2010. :thumbsup:


I don't understand why the rest of the media outlets aren't scrutinizing this Bill. It's right there in the Bill, it isn't as if this information is hidden, it's right !@#$ing there.


I really do believe that the Senate won't go for a "public option". I believe that

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Btw Tom...I don't remember you or Derwood here complaining too loudly about the PATRIOT ACT circa 01-02?

Then your memory is as bad as your politics. Don't let that stop you from continuing your overt douchebaggery, though. Especially considering the example you used was "BIPARTISAN LEGISLATION". In case you don't know what that is, that means the assclowns you worship were heavily involved in making sure it passed - in much the same way they got us into the war in Iraq. So heavily involved that EVERY Senator not named Russ Feingold voted for it.

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Then your memory is as bad as your politics. Don't let that stop you from continuing your overt douchebaggery, though. Especially considering the example you used was "BIPARTISAN LEGISLATION". In case you don't know what that is, that means the assclowns you worship were heavily involved in making sure it passed - in much the same way they got us into the war in Iraq. So heavily involved that EVERY Senator not named Russ Feingold voted for it.


I remember the Patriot Act (name still turns my stomach) vehemently opposed by a lot of people here who also oppose the health spend-athon.

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I don't understand why the rest of the media outlets aren't scrutinizing this Bill.

Because next to reporting that lots of people died in some accident or attack, the media loves to report on something "historical." To have your byline next to something "historical" is more important than paying close attention to the event itself.

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Btw Tom...I don't remember you or Derwood here complaining too loudly about the PATRIOT ACT circa 01-02?


Actually, I distinctly recall Darin hating it.


I hated it as well...but I can understand why you'd think not, as I wasn't nearly as rabidly repetitious and insipid about it as you are with your drivel.

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I remember the Patriot Act (name still turns my stomach) vehemently opposed by a lot of people here who also oppose the health spend-athon.

Well, you must admit they weren't going to call it the Cheatriot Act. :thumbsup:

The kitty that GWB let out of the bag is now a lion.

Funny though, you don't see the left getting apoplectic about the wiretapping that President BO is doing.

They're too busy salivating about when Levi goes full monty to worry about such a trivial thing as warrantless wiretaps.

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Btw Tom...I don't remember you or Derwood here complaining too loudly about the PATRIOT ACT circa 01-02?


Back in that period you where amped about the "GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR", falling right in line with the neo-cons.


You were wrong then...and you're wrong now....what are you hiding?


Who's wrong? Sam's mortal husband or Bishop?


I hate the Patriot Act. Not all of it, just most. I warned right here on this board that many who voted for it would rue the day. They've shown their "leadership" on the issue. Once again, lack of vision shows through.


One party is evil, the other is stupid. Occasionally they pass bipartisan legislation that is both evil and stupid.


It was so close too. By the way Hedd, what was the Senate vote on the Patriot Act? Something like 55-45? 60-40? Hmm, yeah. Something like that. Maybe you can look it up and remind me about how many of your boys opposed it.


I mean: lots of your very model of a party opposed it at the time right?

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