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Election Night Thread


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Republicans sweep Virginia


NJ polls just closed, waiting on results, they say it will be a long night. Corzine has gotten 90% of black vote, Christie in the mid 60s of white vote.


NY polls close at 9.

I think it will come down to how the little green men voted in NJ.

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Virginia is a landslide. So far over a 20 point differential, not just for the Governors race, but for the Lt. Gov. and Attorney General. I'd like to see how the W.H spins this as not being a referendum on BO's policies. Those Blue Dogs better think about how they vote for this Health Reform Bill, or OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!

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Christie Crushed Corzine!!


However Owens is beating out Hoffman with 62% reporting


4 points is crushing?


18 is crushing, like VA.


They're saying way too early to call NY-23, too many rural areas that have to report.

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Christie Crushed Corzine!!


That race doesn't look quite over to me. If the dirty Dems can get it into 'recount' mode, than all bets are off.


Meanwhile, Bloomberg is in an unexpected fight. Didn't see that one coming at all.

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4 points is crushing?


18 is crushing, like VA.


They're saying way too early to call NY-23, too many rural areas that have to report.

considering that the majority of the polls had them within a couple points, ya, I would like to call it "crushing" :devil:

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That race doesn't look quite over to me. If the dirty Dems can get it into 'recount' mode, than all bets are off.

I'm listening to Corzine concede right now. I think I just heard him thank the unions and wish the best of luck "to the new Governor of NJ, that fastass Christie."

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Big race tonight is NJ, that's where Obama spent his weekend.

Yes and no. Yes that they spent a lot of political capital in NJ, and failed. However I think Virginia is more important in because of the fact that the Democrats were obliterated across the board, in a tradional red state. The reason why that is important is because many of these blue dog democrats in red states are going to have to really think about supporting this health care reform and cap and trade in states that obviously are dead set against it. In New Jersey, it was more to do with Corzine's sucktitude and how people were desperate to give him the boot, but in Virginia, it was about discontent of which direction this country is heading in. No one here can tell me that this radical administration is not inching towards socialism, and this was a clear "HELL NO!" to those policies.


Should be interesting to see how Gibbs spins this tomorrow.

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