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Brandon Spikes eye gouge


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Not a huge Jim Rome fan, but I was in my car at lunch and agreed with his take on this issue. He basically called out Urban Meyer, and stated that he'd have respected Meyer's decision in one of two ways:


If Meyer basically said, "Football it is a physical game, there are extracurricular activities out of the referee's line of sight on every play, and things will happen. Georgia-Florida is a big conference rivalry game and sometimes players on both sides take that to an unfortunate extreme. Brandon did that, and I have spoken to him regarding the incident, and that is the end of it. He will not be disciplined further."




"Brandon's actions are unacceptable. That is not how we play football at Florida, regardless of opponent or circumstances. Brandon has been disciplined internally, and will be suspended for the upcoming game on Saturday. Our program does not play that way, and this is a message that we will not play that way."



Meyer completely muffed this by saying, "Yeah he did do something illegal and stupid and dirty...But it happens...Those of us who've played football understand...Suspended for one half." What a joke. How is that even considered a "suspension"?


For what it's worth, Mike Golic, who spent plenty of college and pro days in the trenches, was appalled by how aggressively Spikes was gouging for the eyes.

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I really don't get how people are willing to accept this as ok. He tried to gouge his eyes!


When Marcus Vick did his foot stomp, it was a huge deal. Yes, I know he already had a ton of issues and it was a last straw situation. But that stuff is nuts. That's not football. That's assault. And eye gouging is much worse in my opinion. Am I crazy?

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I really don't get how people are willing to accept this as ok. He tried to gouge his eyes!


When Marcus Vick did his foot stomp, it was a huge deal. Yes, I know he already had a ton of issues and it was a last straw situation. But that stuff is nuts. That's not football. That's assault. And eye gouging is much worse in my opinion. Am I crazy?


That's why Rome took such issue with Meyer's lame explanation of "those of us who have played the game blah blah blah..." and issuing the half-game suspension.


Rome was saying, "You don't need one second of football experience to realize that the play was ridiculously dirty and he was intentionally trying to injure a runner who was already tackled."

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I remember watching the play unfold live and I couldn't believe that the refs didn't catch it at first.


I think the first half of the next game suspension is a little lenient, and he is a player that I wouldn't want to have on the team that I root for. If caught, it is an automatic 15 yard penalty and probably ejection, which hurts the team more, because Spikes is a really good player on that defense. Then there is the possibility of suspension, which hurts your team even more. Then there is the possibility that there is permanent damage to the guy that you're trying to assault.


The situation is then amplified because everyone now knows that he is a dirty player, which won't do him any favors around the league. Meyer should have suspended him for a game or two.

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I really don't get how people are willing to accept this as ok. He tried to gouge his eyes!



When ultimate fighting first came on the scene in the early-mid 90s, they had very few rules. In fact, I think they had 3 things that were forbidden:


(1) No strikes to the groin.

(2) No biting.

(3) No eye gouging.


MMA has cleaned up its act quite a bit, but even the most brutal sport we've seen in the last 30 years would not put up with what this young man was doing. If the refs had seen this, he would have been ejected from the game. He should get a full game suspension. Since the Gators next opponent is Vandy, I'm surprised Meyer isn't taking the opportunity to make a statement. This is pretty weak.


Oh and crayonz is right on the Dez Bryant comparison. The NCAA is garbage.

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Spikes says he was eye gouged during the game... He wears a visor??




There was a scrum during the game where Spikes's helmet got ripped off, that's probably what he's referring to, as he tries to justify why he was the 4th guy in on a tackle and made a conscious decision to try to blind somebody.

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There was a scrum during the game where Spikes's helmet got ripped off, that's probably what he's referring to, as he tries to justify why he was the 4th guy in on a tackle and made a conscious decision to try to blind somebody.

As a player on the field, the justification was there.


As a disciplinarian (coach), it just doesn't matter. I think it should have been a 2 game suspension. But the 1 gets the point across to a player that has never been in trouble and has been a team leader for 3 years.

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