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Bill Digest


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Has anyone here been having problems with Bills Digest? For the last five week I have been receiving my paper the week after the game. And a couple of weeks ago I renewed subscription and I never received my Bills calendar. I called today and they said "oh when you renewed the wrong code was entered. " Ok so what! We are out of calendars but we will check in to why the paper is late. Great when is Shout coming back! I miss there draft paper.

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The watering down of Shout!, also known as Bills Digest, was another shot in the gut to those of us who rely on internet streams (thanks, WGR) and magazines (gotta love that Shout!) to get our information. Thank goodness TBD hasn't been tampered with......................yet.

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The watering down of Shout!, also known as Bills Digest, was another shot in the gut to those of us who rely on internet streams (thanks, WGR) and magazines (gotta love that Shout!) to get our information.  Thank goodness TBD hasn't been tampered with......................yet.



Think Scott will sell out? I mean, now that he has another child, he's probably desperate for money and the Bills probably want to squelch all the criticism coming at them. For the Bills and Scott its a win - win situation. ;)




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I've been a subscriber since day 1, but I actually let mine lapse.  Maybe if they throw enough goodies at me I'll renew.



I've been subscribing to Shout!/Bills Digest since 1994 and I'm seriously considering not renewing the next time around if it doesn't get any better.

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Mine had been coming late, too. They seemed to skip a week entirely so I got the one for the ne game on time, but I never got one preceding the jests game AND I never got any free gift.... What gives? What gift are you supposed to get for a 1 yr subscription????

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