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So how can we keep saying we have the


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We are widely regarded by analysts and our fan base as a supremely talented underachieving team. The last part I agree with somewhat but what I'm confused by is how we keep saying we have the talent. What has this roster done the past three years to lead us to believe they are talented?


I think a lot of the flip flopping frustration on this board is the fact that we constantly believe we are "coming together" only to see it blow up in our collective faces. Maybe the biggest reason it has not come together is we lack the talent to do so. I can spout off 5-6 players that I feel are very good on this team but once you get past them our depth players and other starters have showed very little over the last few years.


This league does not have one path to success. Some teams win on account of a couple superstars (Colts) while others win with a whole slue of above average players (Patriots). I cringe when I say rebuilding, but thats exactly were we are at right now. We are rebuilding, and nothing we have done over the last few years can refute that fact.


I really hope this team is a QB upgrade away from being a contender but the same was said last year about a coaching change. We are running out of variables to replace in this franchise and the thing I fear the most is we will have one less variable to blame after JP comes in. No question DB's play has crippled this team the last couple of seasons but we don't have the players it won't matter how well JP does.


I'll leave you with this. To most of us the best aspect of this team (besides the special teams) is the defense. What does it say about the personnel on the Bills if it's greatest strength continuously wilts under pressure?

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