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  1. A nice breakdown of Dorian Williams in pass coverage at about the 1:00 mark. This kid is just starting to shine. The Bills staff deserves a ton of credit for showing up this uber athletic kid’s game. You saw flashes last year but all too often he was over running or out of position. Not now. What will the Bills do when Milano is ready to return? What a cool problem to have.
  2. One of the biggest stories heading into the season is how Dorian will fill Milano’s huge shoes. I just read today’s article in The Buffalo News about his background, and it sure is hard not to root for this kid. Really hoping for a Bernard-like awakening this season…he definitely has the tools and a good head on his shoulders.
  3. Very sad moment in American history. https://www.washingtonpost.com/obituaries/2024/07/29/william-calley-dead-my-lai-massacre/ William L. Calley Jr., a junior Army officer who became the only person convicted in connection with the My Lai Massacre of 1968, when U.S. soldiers slaughtered hundreds of unarmed South Vietnamese men, women and children in one of the darkest chapters in American military history, died April 28 at a hospice center in Gainesville, Fla. He was 80. The Washington Post obtained a copy of his death certificate from the Florida Department of Health in Alachua County. His son, Laws Calley, did not immediately respond to requests for additional information. Other efforts to reach Mr. Calley’s family were unsuccessful. The Post was alerted to the death, which was not previously reported, by Zachary Woodward, a recent Harvard Law School graduate who said he noticed Mr. Calley’s death while looking through public records. Although he was once the country’s most notorious Army officer, a symbol of military misconduct in a war that many considered immoral and unwinnable, Mr. Calley had lived in obscurity for decades, declining interviews while working as a jeweler in Columbus, Ga., not far from the military base where he was court-martialed and convicted in 1971. A junior-college dropout from South Florida, he had bounced around jobs, unsuccessfully trying to enlist in the Army in 1964, before being called up two years later. As the war escalated in Vietnam, he found a home in a military that was desperately trying to replenish its lower ranks. Mr. Calley was quickly tapped to become a junior officer, with minimal vetting, and was soon promoted to second lieutenant, commanding a platoon in Charlie Company, a unit of the Army’s Americal Division. The company sustained heavy losses in the early months of 1968, losing men to sniper fire, land mines and booby traps as the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong launched coordinated attacks in the Tet Offensive. On the morning of March 16, 1968, the unit was airlifted by helicopter to Son My, a patchwork village of rice paddies, irrigation ditches and small settlements, including a hamlet known to U.S. soldiers as My Lai 4. Over the next few hours, Mr. Calley and other soldiers in Charlie Company shot and bayoneted women, children and elderly men, destroying the village while searching for Viet Cong guerrillas and sympathizers who were said to have been hiding in the area. Homes were burned, and some women and girls were gang-raped before being killed. An Army investigation later concluded that 347 men, women and children had been killed, including victims of another American unit, Bravo Company. A Vietnamese estimate placed the death toll at 504.
  4. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/nfl-refused-to-allow-caleb-williams-tax-moves/ar-BB1qaJFO He did NOT graduate with CPA or business degrees.
  5. I know he’s just getting used to the NFL but I always thought this talk of Caleb being this once in 5 year kinda talent was little off. Everytime I saw him go against a defense with a pulse in college he struggled. Hopefully that isn’t the case for the Bears sake.
  6. Per Ryan Talbot.... Beane loves his ex Panthers.
  7. I was just watching Kyle Williams last game and it hit me that he may have given Josh Allen the his heart and soul, so Josh could take his mantle as the heart and soul of the team. It got me thinking who did Kyle get it from, Aaron Schobel? Thoughts?
  8. Full https://linktr.ee/ewood70 Also talked about Aaron Schobel.
  9. https://linktr.ee/ewood70 Full episode with Kyle Williams now on YouTube! Topics covered: Thoughts on McDermott, Ed Oliver and Josh Allen Kyle's favorite wing spot Advice for driving in the snow Not leaving the Bills in free agency How his body is feeling at 40 And much more. ·
  10. I know he is a rookie but why wasn’t he in over Dodson to shadow Hurts? When it became apparent they were running to outside and Hurts taking off more, seems like he would have been better for that role.
  11. Is it just me or does this guy look like the Bills found something here? He plays with intensity and hits harder than any linebacker the Bills have had since maybe Nigel Bradham (outside of Milano, of course). Might have taken a bad angle on a run or two on Monday but he is young so not totally unexpected. Would like to see more of him and less Dodson (preferably not at all) paired with Bernard.
  12. I have watched Dorian Williams play the last 2 games and have come away really impressed with this kid...the dude is all over the place...yes in the Jags game maybe he was a little TOO "all over the place" as he overran some runs, but he also had some fantastically athletic pass breakups too. Last game was much better and he shed blocks a few times to make tackles for short gains better than I ever remember seeing Edmunds do. I strongly believe that by the end of the year Bernard/Williams will be better than Edmunds/Milano last year as a tandem on the field, once Williams gains experience. That being said, I still think Bernard/Milano would be the best combo for them...Milano is just so good, it's crazy. Dude does everything well. I just think Williams is a better fit for what the Bills are trying to do on a down to down basis than Edmunds was and will prove to be even better once he gets more reps and experience as the season moves on. Bernard is already Milano "Lite" and has been nothing short of remarkable for us. Thoughts on this? I know it's a little bit of speculation and some high praise for Williams who we haven't seen enough of, but I think this kid has it at LB.
  13. Per reports, Caleb Williams is demanding part ownership of whatever team that drafts him. I wanna hear what my favorite people gave to say about this! Personally I think this could potentially destroy his draft stock unless he backs off of it. Absolutely ludacris to think that much of yourself
  14. Hopefully not serious. Knee bends awkwardly.
  15. I thought one of the biggest positives from that ugly game was the LB play. Both of these guys seemed like they were all over the field, all night. Just flying to where the ball was and making plays. It seems like what we lack in size in the LB unit, we make up for in speed. I didn't really notice Milano's absence. Williams seemed like a vet out there. Curious if anyone/everyone saw it the same way I did. There were mistakes, like Bernard's PI in the endzone that almost really cost the team, but overall I thought both guys were excellent.
  16. Can anyone explain this?? When seeing the replay, it was clear that these three idiots committed unprovoked acts of aggression on Dawkins and Brown. Thibideaux was seen kicking Dawkins in the head and neck area, and Lawrence and Williams threw themselves like missles and knocked Brown to the ground. I'm sure their wallets will be lighter later in the week, but at least one, if not all three of these clowns should have been ejected from the game!! Thoughts??
  17. To adequately replace what is probably the most love bills player besides Josh Allen on this team
  18. ACL tear. Just announced as Breaking news. Gotta figure this kills their playoff chances.. https://x.com/rapsheet/status/1706339268862312875?s=61&t=s-bkdDXJMtQhYqbJSiNmsQ
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