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  1. The usual characters adapt at denying reality that through some delusion believe our government is run by Boy Scouts with an unimpeachable commitment to truth and democracy will certainly disagree, but they can't allow an audit that will show government officials and oligarchs are skimming billions/millions, as US official look the other way, in exchange for sending their soldiers to their deaths to engage their country in a US/NATO proxy war which cannot be won at this point.
  2. What bothers sensible people is we've spent $200 billion and cost the lives of about 500K Ukrainian soldiers, witnessed the country's infrastructure become obliterated, and numb nut leaders in the EU are pushing escalating the fighting which will lead to more deaths. And those 40 million people? Most could care less whether the ethic Russian majority in Donbas are under Ukraine, Russia, or governed by some independent territory. The latest the geniuses are coming up with is allowing Ukraine to use "long range" missiles that can only be targeted through the use of US or NATO satellite systems which effectively means our military personnel are performing the targeting work and therefore we're at war with Russia. The only Ukrainian involved is the guy pushing the button. And please for the love of God please don't say I'm appeasing Putin. The risk of blowing up the world in some nuclear WW3 scenario is a cost too great and a risk best avoided. Other than having a desire for suicide, I'm not sure why anyone is so all-in on this idea. Because it won't be just me, you'll be dead too. I've opposed this entire operation since the beginning and you've been waving your pompoms and all you've got to show for it is a big 200 billion dollar bill, lots of dead people, lost territory, and pretty much a no-win situation unless NATO gets directly involved. When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
  3. Volodymyr Zelensky has joined the growing list of foreigners campaigning for Kamala Harris. No doubt the media mavens of the transnational elite will call for immediate impeachment of Harris for her collusion with Zelensky to interfere in our election. Yeah, right. Sure, it's true that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been funneling uncounted billions into Ukraine and that much of that money has been sucked up by corrupt politicians and their buddies, But this is the right sort of corruption, so nobody in the Establishment is bothered by it at all. The idea that Ukraine has shielded the West from Russian aggression is absurd. That is a talking point, not a serious analysis. I have a very pragmatic view of the Ukraine war: if supporting the war helps the US, then we should do it; if it doesn't, then we shouldn't. Ukraine is no longer in danger of being swallowed by Russia, so our war aims to prevent this has been achieved. Russia presents no threat to NATO militarily now, if it ever did in the past decade or two, and the last thing we need is to admit the corrupt country into the alliance. Zelensky is here to propose precisely that, among other things. To which I say NO! The last thing we need is to threaten World War III over Ukrainian borders. We have open borders right here to close. https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/09/23/shut-up-vl-n3794889
  4. There's no evidence it was all entirely due to supply chain disruptions or that the cause in early 2025 needs to be consistent with 2020. Don't forget all those government handouts and payment freeze edicts too. I mentioned that central banks are diversifying their reserves away from the dollar. Some to avoid the risk of being at the mercy of US sanctions and potential asset seizures. Who knows what might anger Washington? Others to manage their reserve mix. Even Poland. A staunch NATO ally has been dumping dollars for gold. It was revealed recently the Saudis had purchased 160 tonnes. The interest on the US debt surpassed $1 trillion recently. And with deficits of $4 trillion plus a certainty no matter who wins in November its all a mathematically calculation that our currency is headed to be worth less and less. More inflation. The alternative is to deal with financial reality, cut government spending, limit social assistance and corporate giveaways and live as a country within our means. But who wants that or would vote for anyone suggesting such an approach? Even though when it comes to our personal finances that's what successful and financially solvent people do.
  5. Trump was a Putin puppet and trying to destroy NATO. Don't you know that's why Putin didn't invade Ukraine when he was President and no new wars started?
  6. I get it, you'd rather be told lies like "Biden is sharp as a tack and totally in charge" with an even keel temperament by the same monotone liars who appear to be sterilely steering the world into WWIII. Anecdotally, I recently asked a good friend of mine who is a fellow Chicago liberal if they'd been watching any of the transcribed Russian political TV personalities. The ones who have been aggressively yelling for preemptive nuclear strikes against Ukraine and NATO. And they said, oh yeah, they're just like Trump. Which couldn't be further from the truth. Trump has constantly advocated for an end to the Ukraine war and peace in the world. But that's what the "typical liberal I imagine in my head" seems to do, equate how a tweet makes them feel with literal threats of world ending violence.
  7. Mostly because of capacity constraints. Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China produce significantly more artillery shells and bullets than the US and its NATO allies. None of Ukraine's western "partners" are eager to commit their safety stock of projectiles.
  8. So our allies in NATO got stronger during his previous 4 years but you believe that during this time frame things will become horrible. You're a moron.
  9. our foreign policy has been to put out global fires before they grow to the point, they could create a war that could suck in more countries. IE, nip it in the bud. Eff, the wants and needs of the people of the world. it's about "entities" having governments that can be managed or controlled. We have no issue throwing democracy out of the window if the people vote for someone, we don't like. A republic with so much corruption they couldn't be accepted into NATO. That now is being ran by martial law. I still remember when this all started in 2014, and it was about protecting democracy.
  10. Wasn't NATO. Was Ukraine that suffered. Maybe I missed the other red lines. I don't want to see Kiev a parking lot
  11. He's been doing that without provocation. When has he attacked a NATO country after any of those moves?
  12. She is going to continue to support NATO and Ukraine, that's pretty clear.
  13. Trump shooting himself in the foot again. Question about Afghanistan (a Trump strong point!) and he interrupts about making NATO pay.
  14. 1. The traitor told his gop minions to not pass a bill they wrote. So lie 2. Huh? Last time I checked you have to a us citizen to legally vote. This is made up. 3. Huh? Who is against protests, who is against supporting ukariane? NATO? What liberty do you mean, women having the vote, and control of their bodies for example? 4. I don’t think you know what that word means. 5. This idea that the government you can vote to change is the problem sounds like big business interests trying to “starve the beast.”
  15. It would be something if western or Nato trainers at that training facility.
  16. My views have nothing to do with Putin and you know it. But invoking him is a convenient response for posters here that are too invested in some fantasy outcome of this war to look at the situation objectively. I've pointed out time and time again that Ukraine's biggest issue is a shortage of competent troops and fighters. Not the need for more advanced weapons systems. To support the Kirsk operation they had to pull most of their best fighter off the eastern front which has allowed the Russians to advance more quickly. Its a big gamble. I think its a certainty that militarily this operation fails but what other objectives such as political or pulling NATO into the conflict there are I wonder? One thing is certain, in this war of attrition they are running out of soldiers. But any attempt at injecting some objectivity are met with the usual references to Putin. Good luck with that.
  17. Pavel Durov left Russia when the government tried to control his social media company, Telegram. But in the end, it wasn’t Putin who arrested him for allowing the public to exercise free speech. It was a western country, a Biden administration ally and enthusiastic NATO member, that locked him away. Pavel Durov sits in a French jail tonight, a living warning to any platform owner who refuses to censor the truth at the behest of governments and intel agencies. Darkness is descending fast on the formerly free world. Here’s our interview with Durov from several months ago:
  18. Damn. Maybe ukraine can beat Russia strait up. Na, never mind. That's Western/nato weapons and air support.
  19. The only side intent on genocide is the one who continues to say "from the river to the sea" and launched an ill-advised 9/11-style attack. So they get what they get. I have no sympathy for them and neither should you, when they use their own people as human shields and hoard the money, food and aid for themselves and their own people still support and vote for them. And yes, Russia is our enemy. The justification for spending hundreds of billions (that will mostly be lost to grifters) was that Russia would then be emboldened to go after a NATO country if Ukraine fell. When it's been clear from the first few months that Ukraine with minimal NATO backing was giving them all they could handle, much less what a NATO-backed country could do. And in the meantime Ukraine loses hundreds of thousands of people, mostly young ones, and incurs hundreds of billions in damage which will need to be provided to rebuild.
  20. In case people don't have time to watch the video or read the corresponding article, the DoD is NOT preparing for a biological or chemical attack. What is happening is that Rush University Hospital is prepped to handle such attacks thanks to expansions they made with federal funds ahead of the 2012 NATO summit in Chicago. Given that the DNC is a major event being hosted just a couple blocks away, they are making sure they are ready in case something does happen. Neither the video nor the article mention the Department of Defense. The false flag thing is made up out of whole cloth and incredibly dumb on its face. While I do have a preference for Northwestern over Rush as far as local hospital systems go, Rush being prepped for the convention makes a lot of sense since it's just a mile away. People really will just believe anything, huh?
  21. This sabotage was a military level US-led operation and the recent move by the Germans is an attempt to deflect blame away from the US and some NATO members and throw Ukraine under the bus. Apparently Volodymyr exited Poland back to Ukraine because the German government somehow forgot to alert EU countries about their interest in the suspect. So Polish border guards let him cross as there was no official alert issued to detain him.
  22. That argument was preposterous from day three of their invasion when they got stranded on that highway. That parade of Russian military equipment could have been completely wiped out in 30 minutes by any competent air strike using four attack armed airplanes. The threat of invading a NATO country has been used to justify support, but it is not valid. In my view, the reason to support Ukraine is justified by other arguments. I'm always hopeful, but being invaded and occupied by an enemy is dirt in Putin's eye. Eventually, the Russians will see this and get rid of him, so there is no current path to that.
  23. So anyone still think Russia has the ability to invade a NATO country? Didn't think so.
  24. The Taliban party down The signature foreign policy “achievement” of the Biden/Harris administration must be our Afghanistan exit, pursued by a Taliban bear. Yesterday the Taliban celebrated the third anniversary of their victory with a party and parade at the Bagram Air Base featuring the materiel we left behind (video below). The AP reported on the festivities in a story datelined Kabul: Under blue skies and blazing sunshine at the Bagram base — once the center of America’s war to unseat the Taliban and hunt down the al-Qaida perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks — members of the Taliban Cabinet lauded achievements such as strengthening Islamic law and establishing a military system that provides “peace and security.” The AP notes: “Women were barred from the event, including female journalists from The Associated Press, Agence French-Presse and Reuters. The Taliban did not give a reason for barring them.” Surely someone at the AP can crack the mystery. The AP doesn’t authenticate the military parade depicted in the video, but it describes it. The story observes that the Taliban’s Bagram party “was also an opportunity to showcase some of the military hardware abandoned by U.S. and NATO-led forces after decades of war, including helicopters, Humvees and tanks.” Let us recall that Vice President Kamala Harris was “the last person in the room” with President Biden when the decision to exit was made. Yet, according to unnamed Harris aide, her own position remains obscure: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/08/the-taliban-party-down.php
  25. I guess we just see this differently. (Quote is link to article). Tina Peters willfully compromised her own election equipment trying to prove Trump’s Big Lie,” Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold said in a statement after the verdict was announced in the Mesa County District Court of Judge Matthew Barrett. “She has been found guilty by a jury of her peers and will now face the consequences of her actions. Today’s verdict sends a clear message: we will not tolerate any effort to threaten the security of our gold standard elections. I am proud that justice for Colorado voters has been served today.”Griswold’s office opened an investigation into Peters in August 2021 after it learned that sensitive Mesa County election system data had been posted online. In 2022, a Mesa County grand jury charged Peters for her role in a scheme to allow an unauthorized person to enter Mesa County’s elections department to make copies of election system software and capture images of passwords and other sensitive data in May 2021, during the time of an election equipment software update, also known as a trusted build.The scheme represented an instance in which election deniers aligned with former President Donald Trump found a willing county clerk in Colorado to deceive other public servants in an attempt to prove election equipment in Mesa County was somehow corruptible. Well, hungry join NATO in 1999 and Orban didn’t come to power until 2010.
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