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  1. So much for being the highest paid corner in the NFL. Big Nate is getting tore up by Chambers yet still manages to run his mouth on every tackle. Oh and by the way this isnt the WWE so lay off the body slams. I know Steve Smith is all world, but if Nate was half as good as he thought he was he wouldn't have needed help from TV on EVERY down. He's been torched a lot this year and is getting outplayed by McGee IMHO. Nate was one of my favorite bills but he has just loooked terrible. I'll take someone else for cheaper in 06
  2. thanks for nothing, Reed, 2(more) critical drops, Nate, want butter with your toast...WM, muffed exchange my arse, it was all you! How can we expect JP to succeed when we put him in such a hole!!!!
  3. WTF? Why not add Josh Reed to that list or Jeff Posey? I guess I shouldn't be that surpised though, Roscoe got the fuggin game ball because he caught 2 passes for 14 yards. Anyway you try to polish a turd, it's still a turd. Peace
  4. Buffalo CB Nate Clements. If you want to see a textbook example of how to play tight-coverage at corner against a good quarterback, watch Clements reading Kansas City's signal-caller Trent Green in the third quarter. The stats will say five tackles, one pass-defended, no interceptions. But the guy played big. Green knows. When's the last time he put three points on the board. Funny, I watched the same game (at RWS) and saw Nate make no plays, except complain about an Offensive PI non-call. Not a word about Angelo Crowell, or London Fletcher, or Aaron Schoebel, three guys who played out of their minds. But hey, Peter King sees all...knows all. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=Avtq...cnnsi&type=lgns P.S....Peter's hair looks like it's held on with an elastic band. PTR
  5. He's above average, but the best at his position, hardly. I have a vivid memory of him saying that he deserves the salary of the best cornerback in the league during training camp. He has done nothing to earn his self-proclaimed title. My evidence includes: 1 - Not knocking the ball down last year during week 1 against Jacksonville on the last play of the game 2 - Getting burned by subpar receivers, for example today against Parker and the geezer McCardell 3 - Having the audacity to say that he is the best at his position, and then performing below average So far the defense has completely collapsed, but NC hasn't done anything to show me he is worthy of the money he wants. Don't re-sign him.
  6. i was curious i have read that nate does not have to sign the franchise offer....if he does not sign what happens then???? i know he wants a nice fat long term contract and i would love to see him get one ,but 7.2 million seems like a nice chunk of change...is there a set date that if he dosn't sign his 7.2 million comes off the bills cap? and if so do the bills lose a player that they franchised or get a draft pick next season? i know franchised players have sat out before,but i thought the whole idea of the franchise tag was that the player had no choice but to play for the top 5 salaries at that position to be kinda fair to both parties.if coach jauron really wanted nate in camp i would think marv would do whatever possible to get him locked up long term and drinking jaurons cool aid...go bills in"06
  7. The deadline for the Bills to designate a franchise or transition player is 4:00 p.m. ET Thursday, February 23.
  8. Not that I thought Nate was a great cover corner but with the switch to the cover two a solid corner with cover skills is no longer a must for the team. His cap number will be alot lower this year which makes me feel he will be franchised! What do U guys think??
  9. Steve Smith just threw Nate under the bus. He said that Nate isnt as good as Nate thinks he is. His basis was that alot of corners think they are good but they always have safety help. He implied that Nate was one of those guys. Smith also listed some of the top corners. He had Champ, Dre Bly, Delta O'Neil. Smith also called Fred Smoot overrated. Sounds like players in the league think "The Playmaker" is overrated.
  10. "I want to be compensated for my play. The film don't lie, the numbers don't lie. You can compare my numbers to any corner and they are up there with any corner in this league and I want to be compensated for what I've done."' http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/teams/report/BUF/9268076 Nate, do you REALLY want to look at the film? How about we play the film of you in the Miami game? PTR
  11. For some reason my internet isn't working all that well and I'm having trouble loading almost every website, but the Wall is working OK (can't get on Nfl.com or cbssportsline.com). Can anybody get some Champ Bailey vs Nate Clements stats (for their careers) I have to win an argument (who has more total TDs but could use all stats). Thanks in advance to anyone who responds.
  12. There have been a lot of inexcusable things about this season, but NC's effort over the last few weeks may be maybe the most galling. He's going through the motions out there and his effort on the Johnson TD was pathetic.
  13. While I was watching the game (sic) today I had one of those ?huh moments watching Nate get repeatedly burned. Has his free agent season got so deep between his ears that the guy has forgot how to play? Or is he soooo convinced before the play that he might get burned that it inevitably happens? Seriously... he looks as if he has completely lost it in coverage this year. I still think he's a solid corner; but the best part of this year for him is the fact that it ended today. P.S. I'm also tired of announcers saying what a good tackler he is. Coming up in run support and diving at a guys legs (with no attempt to wrap him up) hardly defines a great tackle®. This isn't so much directed at Nate as it is the announcers who repeatedly rave about those "tackles." when is the draft?
  14. I like Nate, and think he has tremendous talent... but, taking the position of Bills management, why wouldn't we have Nate return punts this year? He was clearly better than anyone we have fielded. Also, and I know this is an unpleasant angle, leaving him in this role might also pressure him to sign a new contract because of the increased risk of getting hurt. To try to answer this question myself, my two best guesses are: 1) Losing Kevin Thomas made an injury to Nate a devastating possibility, the same as TKO's injury (I believe) caused us to pull Fletcher out of the kick return wedge. 2) Suspecting we'll be without Nate in 2006, we're looking for a move permanent replacement in this role (and Fast Freddie doesn't look like he'll cut it). Doesn't his contract situation negate the usual concern about exposing one of your stars to a greater likelihood of injury?
  15. Personally I think NC is as good as gone....if not this year, then next.
  16. Marv has set himself up to succeed with the drafting of Youboty...and Whitner. He's got Nate locked in for a year, and if Youboty fails to produce, or isn't ready, he will negotiate a long term deal with Nate, and give Youboty time to grow. Look at McGee....very good DB, great return guy. He'll be corner number 2 for a while. Clements stays for a year, we've got 2 very good corners a talented rookie learning the ropes, and other capable backups.
  17. I am making this thread simply as a means to express my frustration over losing player I find entertaining. Personally, I like winifield, i liked williams I really like clements. Am I alone? BTW, no posts talking about suitable replacements, this thread is for people sharing in my own frustration.
  18. I know most of y'all hate Dr Z cuz' he's sort of an overbearing, obnoxious tool. But he's also a former pro-am ballplayer who watches more film than any writer in the United States; which in my opinion makes him not only the most knowledgable football writer there is, but also the only I even bother reading. He made Nate the #1 CB on his All-Pro team this year and I think I may very well have to agree with him. Clements' incredible consistency combined with the great danger he presents as a potentially devastating playmaker may well give the Bills the very best CB on the planet. Congrats to Nate on the tremendous success he's had as a result of all the hard work he's obviously put in. And congrats also to TD/Modrak and the Bills not only for drafting him but also for pulling off that incredible tradedown and still getting their man when I was pestering them just to take him at #14. Cya Dr. Z's 2004 All-Pro team
  19. You were right about Nate as a PR and I was wrong. Between McGee and Clements, our ST made huge strides and I think that contributed a whole bunch to the team's successes this year. But you're still a pinhead Berg
  20. There is still a possibillity we trade him....but I think TD goes the franchise tag route...anyways trading Nate today could turn this draft all around . Stay tuned !
  21. It in print somewhere else besides this board. I am sorry if someone else posted this before or if its old news. Rumor to report today centers around the Washington Redskins...the Redskins who own the Drafts ninth pick overall are reportedly considering making a move to strengthen the team's CB position before the Draft in two weeks...the team reportedly would feel more confident in a veteran starting Corner over one of the upcoming Drafts top rookie prospects...the Redskins could become a "player" in the Patrick Surtain sweepstakes and trump the Chiefs offer to the Dolphins for Surtain...however...the veteran Corner that the Redskins apparently covet is Bills CB Nate Clements...Clements has one year left on his existing contract and will become an unrestricted Free Agent at the end of the 2005 season unless Clements and the Bills can work out a deal before then...it's highly unlikely since Clements will be looking to be paid as the highest rated Corner to hit the market in Free Agency which will include a hefty signing bonus...Bills GM Tom Donahoe has a history of not over spending on a player for the sake of his teams Cap....the Bills don't own a First Round pick in the upcoming Draft because it was sent to Dallas as part of the 2004 Draft day trade which enabled the team to land their QB of the future J.P. Losman...Redskins Defensive Coordinator Gregg Williams drafted Clements in the first round in 2001 in Williams first year as the Bills Head Coach...stay tuned!!!!! http://www.eastcoastsportsnews.com/2005PreDraft.html
  22. Okay, I know there is a very viable question regarding his health, but what if TD signed Ty Law to a 3 year deal immediately after trading NC for the #9 pick. Law's questionable health might even work even work in the Bills favor if it brings down the value of the guaranteed money neccesary in a contract. I would be very happy with that scenario.
  23. Is it worth putting that much money in one player. If not your better off trading him during this draft. Like getting a second in this years draft and a first in next years. Or you can franchise him and hope someone ponies up two firsts or just pay him for the one year with the franchise tag.
  24. I suspect that this is what will happen. Gregg Williams wants Nate, and he will soon be the head coach of the Redskins.
  25. Like to see how divided we are...I think more votes for not being traded
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