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  1. This is what we`ll be reading in the near future.With Williams at D.C. and in need of a corner and Snyder`s MONEY. He will be gone. Later Nate$$$$
  2. If we can't afford Nate Clements with 35 million in cap room, who can? Just sign him. I guess we should let London go back to St. Louis. I'll miss his downfield tackling. Willis can go. He's a thug. I've never liked the guy. He's a friggin' thug. How can you possibly ask for a renegotiation when you couldn't come up with 33 yards to get 1000? He's not a character guy. We'll get a 3rd for him. He's only had one breakaway run in 3 years. Lose him. I don't think we're far away from the playoffs. Let Marv build us up.
  3. In the spirit of keeping some focus this off season and avoiding duplicate threads and off-topic posts (as mentioned in another thread ), I'm opening this thread as a place for discussion of Nate Clements, his contract situation, his value, and our alternatives at corner. My opinion is that keeping Nate would be great all things being equal, but with the monster contract he is going to be after (and likely get), he probably does not represent value to the Bills, and we probably have to shed a tear and let him walk. If so, one option is staying with what we have, and hoping Youboty can step into those big shoes, with McGee staying at the other Corner and KT or someone new as the nickel. The worry there is that Youboty was unable to crack our lineup much this year after his slow start, and that might be more responsibility than he can handle this soon. The second option is signing another less expensive free agent corner from a list that includes: Asante Samuel UFA New England Patriots Ken Hamlin, UFA, Seattle Seahawks Roc Alexander, RFA, Denver Broncos Jordan Babineaux, RFA, Seattle Seahawks Jason David, RFA, Indianapolis Colts Randall Gay, RFA, New England Patriots Nick Harper, UFA, Indianapolis Colts David Macklin, UFA, Arizona Cardinals The third main option is drafting a corner high, which I hope we don't do unless there is really exceptional value. I would rather see the first day picks go to the lines, maybe linebacker, and other positions only if they blow us away as the best football talent available at our draft slot. Drafting a planned need can greatly reduce the value you get unless you are lucky. So the question arises what is a fair price for Nate? How high can we go before we have to forget about it? I think Marv should figure that out and make his highest offer pretty early, rather than try to get into a bidding war when Nate is closer to phone calls from Daniel Snyder, etc. I was rooting for Youboty all year, but was very disappointed that he wasn't able to get more playing time away from McGee and KT who are solid but not stellar DBs. Have at it guys, and hopefully this thread can grow long and stay on topic, and we can avoid duplicate threads about the Nate/CB situation.
  4. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2710691 Just food for thought when Danny, Grandpa NASCAR and Greggo come calling.....
  5. Nothing earth shattering. Said that both sides will not discuss a new contract until the season is over. Clements agent indicated that after the season ends, the closer that Nate gets to FA, the more likely he would like to test the waters. The reporter (can't remember his name) felt that Nate will not be returning.
  6. I don't see McGee improving and if we lost Nate next year, we won't get close enough to sniff 7 wins again.
  7. Simple poll. I'm really just curious as to what TBD thinks of Clements chances of staying a Bill. Note: This is not a poll as to whether or not you WANT Nate back. It's about whether you think he WILL or WILL NOT be back with the team.
  8. Chris Chambers is a non-factor today with Nate covering him. Great int too! Sign this dude, NOW.
  9. Sorry if has been posted already but I didn't see any threads so I'll start this one. Anyways he starts of with saying he is the best CB in the NFL right now. Guess he is pre - negotiating with Ralp. Rest of the interview is predictable stuff except he said the guys in the locker room never once doubted themselves and things have started clicking since the by week.
  10. say what you want about clements, but he has been turning it up lately (probably because its his contract year) and we need to sign him. LETS SPEND RALPH'S MONEY!
  11. In the "Sunday Drive" article in the Buffalo News today, the writer said the Bills should be rethinking there stance on not Franchising Nate. I believe they are bound to Not Franchise him b/c that was a condition of him signing his 1 yr tender. Anybody know if that is definite, 100% fact? Or can they reneg although I know Marv won't...
  12. Jus figured I would start the Nate Clements to be re-signed thread for this week ... flame away. ** edited to appease people who couldnt figure out that I meant "re-sign" instead of "resign"
  13. .... please someone take him off our hands right now!!!! http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=ApRz...=yhoo&type=lgns
  14. McFarland Was On Bills' Radar: Many thought that when the Colts traded for DT Anthony McFarland from the Bucaneers that he would have been a great fit for the Bills. He did play in the Tampa 2 which the Bills defense is based on. As it turns out, according to a report from the Sporting News, the Bills were interested in him. The report says the Bills were looking at trading Nate Clements to Tampa Bay for McFarland. When the trade fell through, the Bucs sent him to Indy for a 2nd round pick. The Bills would not part with such a high draft pick since there 2nd will be much higher then the Colts pick. They were probably willing to part with Clements since he is most definitely gone in the offseason as a free agent when they agreed to not use the franchise tag on him again. The Bills then went to plan B and traded for Anthony Hargrove who was in on two tackles in his Bills' debut yesterday.
  15. I am going with either Cap room or finding a replacement for Youbooty.
  16. Now it's not. Is this a MySQL problem or did the moderators delete it ?
  17. Not in the cover 2, and probably not anywhere. Nate, have fun wherever the money takes you next year. Ashton, I hope to hell you're learning the playbook.
  18. For a guy who's making $7M, Nate has nary been heard from in these two games. The only time I saw him yesterday was when he got dragged by the ballcarrier on the 3rd & 4 play. I guess the argument could be made that not hearing his name is a good thing. The D played lights-out yesterday and some credit is due, but how much? Look at McGee making plays all over the field, helping in run defense.... Nate has become our de facto #2 CB. Playing it safe to avoid injury before he hits the market? If he can't step it up a notch when he's playing for a contract, what does he do when a fat contract makes him a little complacent? If his season keeps going the way it has, he certainly won't be back here for the kind of jack it would take to sign him.
  19. I live in Knoxville so catching a preaseason game is an impossibiity, but I have listen to the games on Sirius. I dont believe I even heard his name on a play except maybe an assist on a tackle, has he done anything so far this preseason to start getting him back to a top defensive back
  20. Just interested to see what people think of him
  21. With Nate Clement our franchised player for the 2006 season not saying much or the Bills not saying much, I don't know what we should do. I know that he's young and a GOOD corner in this league. I'd hate to see us lose another GOOD corner for nothing in return though, like we did with Winifield to Minnesota What should the Bills do? Personally, I would try to get a long-term deal done until a couple of weeks before the trading deadline. If it didn't work out to where we could atleast lock him in for another 3 years, I'd seriously explore the options of moving him. I'd hate to see him go believe me, but the possibility of getting nothing in return is discouraging. It's an extremely tough situation. But if he's talking like he's going to bolt on Buffalo, I'd trade him and let Youboty start learning and taking his lumps at starting corner early. What do the rest of you guys think?
  22. Jauron is all about defense and he treats his players with respect and dignity. That's why we re-signed OL Aaron Gibson and RB Anthony Thomas. He treats his players the right way. That's been Marv's MO also. Let this year unfold and the players see their working enviroment. Sprinkle in some modest success and the players will buy in to what Coach is selling. If Clements shows his ability, Buffalo will show him the money. When it's all over and done with Nate will want to stay. He already has stated that he wants to finish his career in Buffalo. This team is going to be fine.
  23. I'm sorry to crap in the punch bowl, but nc is taking the money and running. Over the next 15 months he stands to deposit about 25 mill in his bank account. Marv is going to pony up this year, but with Mcgee's recent contract as well as the three new rooks, he is simply renting. Da playmaker doesn't care about the team or our poor souls, he's eye efin all those zeros dancing in his head.
  24. Personally I think NC is as good as gone....if not this year, then next.
  25. Marv has set himself up to succeed with the drafting of Youboty...and Whitner. He's got Nate locked in for a year, and if Youboty fails to produce, or isn't ready, he will negotiate a long term deal with Nate, and give Youboty time to grow. Look at McGee....very good DB, great return guy. He'll be corner number 2 for a while. Clements stays for a year, we've got 2 very good corners a talented rookie learning the ropes, and other capable backups.
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