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  1. Yeah, I got tired of explaining the obvious to the willfully ignorant. Trump was indicted because he actively took steps to obstruct the investigation. Had he just done the exact same thing that Pence, Hillary, and Biden done, he wouldn't have been charged. But that doesn't fit the narrative of the ignorant, so they ignore it in favor of whatever they think feels right. Always feelings, never facts.
  2. I cannot believe the D talking points that went out included to seriously ask this question In 2016 vs Hillary this may have meant something. In just under 5 years Ds could no longer define what a woman is. Vote accordingly
  3. Hillary = POS. She might even be more hated than Pelosi as far as women in politics.
  4. because if it's not results you like it's clearly a rigged setup? right Hillary?
  5. Met him once. He was campaigning for Hillary and I was called up by the college administrator in charge of the event to check some attendees that passed out. He had palpable charisma and seemed kind and caring. If every politician (or male) who couldn't keep his dick in his pants was disqualified from service, there'd only be females in power...
  6. The Vance couch ***** hoaxers might want to sit this one out. Not because they fell for another lame hoax, that's to be expected, but #TamponTim is as real as the blue sky. Also, when Hillary takes to X trying a lame Clintonian dipsy-do-fliparoo with #TamponTim.....then you know it's working. But you're Canadian, right? Take off, hoser.
  7. You miss the point. You are making Andy's point for him. You don't realize it, but you are supporting the argument you are against. You bring up "deplorables.' Hillary lost. Trump is insulting people, and he lost last time and will probably lose this time. You are trying to play whataboutism, but you are literally supporting the argument you are against.
  8. I like this idea. Because both sides of the aisle have been putting up absolute bottom barrel candidates for years. Trump, Hillary, Biden, Harris. Not to mention the absolute dinosaurs Pelosi and McConnell. All pure trash that shouldn’t be running a kennel, nevertheless a country. What we really need is a viable third party. But if it hasn’t happened in the past 8 years, it is never happening.
  9. Hmm. Barrack O makes sense certainly. Hillary is a world class enabler of such behavior, had some issues as Sec State of course, lost absolutely winnable election in historic fashion, though i can see why she would be a speaker as well. Bill Clinton would qualify as a predator by any standard today, in the era of female empowerment.
  10. Whenever someone on the left calls someone on the right a Nazi, it is nothing more than mere projection. Hillary essentially wants no hate speech or misinformation unless it is state-sponsored. This sounds quite like a particular country in Central Europe 80-100 years ago, doesn't it? Please stop projecting the intents and goals of your party on the other one, and please spare me the tired, unimaginative propaganda and tropes that the mainstream media has jammed down our throats for eight years if you reply.
  11. Betting markets/polls/media had Hillary winning in 2016. How did that work out. Polls are meaningless. November will tell the story. I have seen polls that say Trump is winning and those are meaningless as well. I would guess from now until Nov there will stats saying Harris is winning and then Trump is winning. They will be going back and forth.
  12. Polls mean nothing. Remember 2016 they all said Hillary was a lock to beat Trump. How did that work out. I would say the same thing if the polls had Trump ahead. From now until Nov they will probably be flipping back and forth between Trump and Harris being ahead in the polls.
  13. In all seriousness (no edgy warning needed) - this National Review article makes a good point. Vance is a Bill Clinton type. Outside of policy (and his born-again Trumpism), what he'll be criticized for is that he comes off as more Hillary than Bill: stiff and awkward rather than slick and personable.
  14. If its not Hillary then Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer might be found some morning with their hands tied behind their backs with 10 gunshots which the medical examiner will rule were suicides.
  15. You mean they hacked the computer that Hillary left unsecured with top secret info on it? I care but you see no fault in Hillary being openly incompetent
  16. Remember when Hillary lost and they rioted. Resisted. Spend four years attacking him at every turn?
  17. I don't know why its happening, but who can forget Hillary was heavily predicted to win in 2016? Steve Kornacki said "Trump has no path to victory" (in 2016). I don't put too much Stock in polls either.
  18. Cross tabs in the NYT poll shows Kamala Harris has done two things (if accurate) Solidified her base (black people & unmarried white women) Made huge inroads with older whites Trump is strong with younger white men and married whites .. that’s not enough if boomer whites give Kamala Hillary-level support & her base stays this energized.
  19. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-2022-midterm-elections-business-elections-presidential-elections-5468774d18e8c46f81b55e9260b13e93 NEW YORK (AP) — Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee have agreed to pay $113,000 to settle a Federal Election Commission investigation into whether they violated campaign finance law by misreporting spending on research that eventually became the infamous Steele dossier.
  20. Tarheel seems to believe that it was a good thing that "Hillary Clinton intentionally misclassified" payments to Christopher Steele. So what's he complaining about?
  21. LOL: THE WASHINGTON FREE BEACON REFUSES TO PUBLISH HILLARY CLINTON’S NEW BOOK COVER: The Reason Is Obvious. Warning: The following post contains harmful misinformation that is likely part of a foreign influence operation to interfere in American politics. Some readers may find it disturbing, while other readers may be too dumb to avoid getting brainwashed. Please proceed with caution. Hillary Clinton has written a new book. Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love, and Liberty is due out in mid-September, roughly eight years after the author suffered a health episode and nearly collapsed on the campaign trail in Manhattan. We regret to inform you that, per the results of a Washington Free Beacon analysis, the promotional materials for Hillary’s forthcoming book are dangerously misleading at best. The author’s photo on the cover image, for example, has been deceptively edited beyond all recognition. Our analysts were unable to verify the identity of the individual who appears in the image. Given the appropriate caution that media outlets have taken with respect to suspicious material—including the Associated Press’s decision in March to retract a “manipulated” photo of Kate Middleton—the Free Beacon is refusing to publish the photo without including the following crucial context to enhance our readers’ ability to discern fact from fiction. https://freebeacon.com/author/stiles/culture/hillary-book-cover/ Hillary morphed into Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine so slowly, I hardly even noticed:
  22. He's too selfish and stubborn to drop out. But if the Democrat party wants him out they'll do whatever they have to to get him out. They screwed Bernie to get Hillary in. I'm sure they could cook up something if they want to.
  23. You're acting like they're idiots. Have they or were they fine just having the people around him push the buttons as long as he pushed their policies with the assumption he would be the best candidate to beat Trump? Why wouldn't they since he beat him in 2020 when Hillary couldn't four years earlier. Then the debate changed that.
  24. I don't care one way or the other. I do think on this topic: Barrack O makes sense certainly. Hillary is a world class enabler of such behavior, had some issues as Sec State of course, lost absolutely winnable election in historic fashion, though i can see why she would be a speaker as well. Bill Clinton would qualify as a predator by any standard today, in the era of female empowerment.
  25. He did lose. Where do you see people here stating otherwise? Politics don’t always shift based on a debate. Most recently, Trump losing his debate with Hillary in 2016. The debate is over. Now the focus is on what, if any, effect did that debate have on the electorate. Polling may pick up any trends, or lack thereof, in the next few days/weeks… but today is about focus groups: -Dems are THRILLED -R’s are angry at the moderators -Undecideds seem unmoved from their leans heading into the debate Thats all we’re really seeing today.
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