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  1. That’s all he has left. Playing the greatest hits. Hillary, Biden, being the DJ at mar a lago. That’s all he has left. He’s just a washed up weirdo playing out one last con.
  2. If killary couldn’t win, Kumala won’t. Hillary was much more electable than her. Atleast she could string a sentence together.
  3. LOLOLOL who is the lady on the cover of Hillary’s book? Good lord.
  4. Kamala will not step aside quietly for Newsome, Michelle etc... But she very well might for Hillary. They rigged the convention in 2016 against Bernie to install Hillary. Why not do it again? Pissed off the Bernie bros and helped the orange dude.
  5. To this day Hillary is calling trump an illegitimate president. You've got the buffalo head guy. I think these elected US senators were worse and a much greater threat.
  6. Yet you believe Hillary ? If i'm a coward your a ignorant no count fool blinded by biased hate to make up your opinion and can't or refuse to see it when it comes from all those you support just as much !!
  7. Ready for Round 2: Why we Need Hillary more than ever The Hill, by Pablo O’Hana The strongest argument against replacing President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic nominee is the notion that no suitable successor exists. But there is, and not just a good one but one of the most qualified people ever to run for the office: Hillary Rodham Clinton. For what feels like longer than two weeks, we have publicly and endlessly debated about Biden’s candidacy. Democrats have repeatedly called on him to make a decision. It is damaging, divisive and only serves to further improve Donald Trump’s chances. https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4780301-hillary-clinton-2024/ .
  8. That has zero to do with "relevant experience." Hillary obviously had tons more relevant experience than Trump and she lost. Don't confuse public opinion with objective criteria.
  9. The "Polls" also had Hillary winning in 2016 and how did that work out. We will find in Nov but I wouldn't put much stock into what the polls say no matter who they say is in the lead.
  10. Hillary wouldn’t have ignored her intelligence in 2019. Hillary wouldn’t have disbanded the pandemic expert team causing inefficiencies and shortages in resources. Hillary wouldn’t have ignored the pandemic playbook that Obama left behind. Hillary wouldn’t have politicized the pandemic response. prioritize political gains over public health data, hindering effective management. Hillary wouldn’t have withdrawn from the WHO and obstruct global collaboration. Hillary wouldn’t have lied to Americans about the severity of the virus and kept telling Americans it would just go away… with heat, disinfectant, uv light, and unproven treatments. Hillary wouldn’t have downplayed the severity of the virus, compared it to the flu and claimed it would disappear on its own, delaying action. Hillary wouldn’t have had inconsistent messaging, actions and contradicted health professionals, thus eroding public trust in health advice. Hillary would have done her absolute best and idiots in red states would still die at higher rates just to own the libs.
  11. MAGAs have demanded the deaths of nearly every major Democrat over the last 10 years, from Obama to Hillary. Guess the snowflakes can’t take it, huh?
  12. Trump is nuts. Bringing up Hillary's emails again? His lying is just getting soft in the brain stupid. Claiming he never said "Lock her up" If you don't think Trump is soft in the head, you probably don't judge people very well
  13. Yup, blathering on at a "news conference" about all his personal problems, Hillary's emails and he didn't really mean "lock her up" showed how done he is. Him being on a stage with a smart, sharp Harris for debate won't go well for him
  14. Good points. I think he "won" in 2016 because he communicated better to his followers, and those that were willing to give him a chance, on twitter, which was kind of a new thing. Hillary never really used twitter that much, and it hurt her.
  15. Maybe this is the inverse of 2016. I view that election not as Trump having “won,” but as Hillary having lost. Now, perhaps it is that people view Harris favorably in part because she evokes joy (a rare thing in this country since 2016), and in part because she’s not the weird, deluded narcissist on the other side.
  16. yup https://www.newsweek.com/kamala-harris-drink-donald-trump-poll-beer-1938456 In 2016, a Rasmussen Reports survey found that 45 percent of likely voters said they would prefer to have a beer with Trump over his Democratic election rival Hillary Clinton (37 percent
  17. Along the same lines.... was Hillary undermining our democracy when she advised Biden not to concede under any circumstances in August 2020? Or nah?
  18. 2016 was a 5 billion dollar election. But some hackers on a 20 dollar budget threw the election. When did Mueller know the dossier was fake. And continued to investigate based on its contents being real. Didn't Hillary just pay a fine for that https://nypost.com/2022/03/30/clinton-campaign-dnc-fined-by-fec-for-lying-about-steele-dossier-payments/
  19. The people that had a good laugh when Hillary said the GOP was going to appoint judges who would overturn Roe, They were like, 'Who would be stupid enough to do that?" 🤷‍♂️ Well, they know now, and they are going to vote
  20. What is the end you desire? Hillary conceded. She also attended his bizarre inauguration.
  21. That's not even Obama. That's CLEARLY Hillary, an old white woman thing. Only Leftists can see the obvious truth.
  22. Trump was already president and now he's not. How is that anything like this? You live in a fantasy land. Trump said it seemed rigged, the same exact thing Hillary said 4 years prior. You guys have a short memory it seems
  23. So eloquently stated… Care to elaborate? Did the FBI not hold a press conference in the summer of 2016, stating the numerous crimes Hillary had committed? Did the special say Joe had committed crime but that a jury would see him as too old a feeble to stand trial? Please tell me you are aware of these things, and that you’re not just living in LaLa land…👍
  24. I dont like Hillary. But tell me which of those is not true?
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