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  1. Since the last thread was deleted by parties unknown ( ) ... https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/08/nyregion/jeffrey-epstein-charges.html ( @Alaska Darin If we can merge the old thread into this new one, that would be swell -- not sure if it's possible. Thank you!)
  2. Ever heard of Robert Maxwell? https://bylinetimes.com/2021/02/12/robert-maxwell-and-modern-britains-monstrous-gallery-of-media-moguls/
  3. Snopes is "Undecided" on this one! 😱 https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/epstein-musk-maxwell-email/
  4. "get around British law". There are many scandalous British rags including those once owned by Maxwell and the Murdochs that get away with lying daily.
  5. Dude, it’s advertising and corporations you need to worry about… which is why they try to make it look like government. Sigh. Lets look at Epstine’s flight logs again… or all those photos of the felon and Elmo with him and Maxwell to start.
  6. Trump team trots out Tim Scott now. These are some piss poor spin room surrogates.
  7. Scott Adams? Really?? No fool like an old fool.
  8. I’m waiting for a caller to say “have Trumps shoes been inspected yet? Maybe they are some sort of Maxwell Smart-ish shoes with a blade in them and he cut his own ear off. Well, have they?”
  9. I think there's a chance the character Michael Scott was based on you. Zero self awareness. Zero. Love it! Who the f does she think she is???
  10. Florida is also in play now with polls showing them almost tied: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4864690-florida-senate-race-poll-rick-scott/amp/
  11. Lol, the guy who posts nothing but negative bs says this. You have Michael Scott level self awareness.
  12. Maybe MAGA can tell us how Trump fluffer, Scott Rasmussen, is rigging polls too.
  13. Scott Jennings Stuns Other CNN Hosts: ‘Democrats Have Controlled White House for 12 of Last 16 Years But Everything is Trump’s Fault?’ (Video)
  14. JD Vance is the choice here Tim Scott, if he wants to play it safe
  15. FL is interesting now. Chris Bouzy who did pretty good at the mid-term projections is saying FL will flip. Main things he's looking at is abortion and Rick Scott on the ballot, change in demographics.
  16. You would have shared 10k x posts from every single moron on the planet if she endorsed Trump. You a joke son. Her one endorsement has more power than all your Scott Baio type knuckleheads combined. Not saying it should be that way - but it is.
  17. Unless I miscalculate the level of racism in the US, I think Tim Scott would slam dunk this election for Trump.
  18. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2017/01/11/tim-scott-explains-why-he-corrected-a-troll-who-called-him-a-house-n/ https://www.yahoo.com/news/tim-scott-proves-black-whisperer-185700323.html https://www.thedailybeast.com/tim-scotts-vision-for-america-isnt-for-black-people From the yahoo link: that his whole purpose as a Black Republican is to serve as a Trojan Horse for the GOP, a ***** Whisperer for white supremacists. If Scott is the nominee do you believe we will see more of this kind of thing, or less? It’s a rhetorical question.
  19. That’s not the Rasmussen Reports poll. Scott left 10 years ago Adults. So per the voters - and after the next month or so as the economy continues to free fall and she has to talk - will be 25 percent.
  20. Joan Jett is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous in this video, but she's no Bon Scott, but that's ok. Well done nonetheless.
  21. You have seen the two pedophiles in videos together, right? And you know the labor secretary in Trump's cabinet is the guy who refused to prosecute Epstein, right? And Epstein died in Trump's jail, right? Here's what newsweek says is one of the flight logs: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21165424-epstein-flight-logs-released-in-usa-vs-maxwell Maybe that USSC ruling has sent a chill through newsrooms
  22. IT’LL NEVER HAPPEN: 10 Questions We Dare the Media to Ask Kamala Harris. https://pjmedia.com/scott-pinsker/2024/07/24/ten-questions-we-dare-the-media-to-ask-kamala-harris-n4931022 .
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