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  1. "get around British law". There are many scandalous British rags including those once owned by Maxwell and the Murdochs that get away with lying daily.
  2. Snopes is "Undecided" on this one! 😱 https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/epstein-musk-maxwell-email/
  3. Ever heard of Robert Maxwell? https://bylinetimes.com/2021/02/12/robert-maxwell-and-modern-britains-monstrous-gallery-of-media-moguls/
  4. I spend half my week in South Carolina. Graham had very similar negatives to Cruz. He’s far less popular in the state than Tim Scott and this was around the time of the Lincoln Project ascending, where they came into the state and ran ads nonstop posing as Republicans against Graham. Also, Harrison was far better funded & backed than Allred, who has been begging the DNC to help him .. indicating they, themselves, don’t view it as a winnable race.
  5. argue with the facts presented, not the reputation of the publication (leans left, so what?). Even your crazy, far right, mo f'er bloggers are correct on occasion. Here, try this one. Unlike your sources, these folks actually have enough resources to make suing them for false info worthwhile (see Alex Jones)... https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-235651652542 also this from wiki: AllSides was launched to the public in September 2012.[2][3] After working as a Republican political operative in the 1980s[4][5] in the southern United States(including for George H. W. Bush, Mitch McConnell and the Republican National Committee),[6] John Gable worked at internet firms in Silicon Valleywhere he recruited software developer Scott McDonald to help him launch AllSides and become his CTO.[4][7] Gable continues to identify as a Republican.[7]
  6. You would have shared 10k x posts from every single moron on the planet if she endorsed Trump. You a joke son. Her one endorsement has more power than all your Scott Baio type knuckleheads combined. Not saying it should be that way - but it is.
  7. I think there's a chance the character Michael Scott was based on you. Zero self awareness. Zero. Love it! Who the f does she think she is???
  8. Trump team trots out Tim Scott now. These are some piss poor spin room surrogates.
  9. Florida is also in play now with polls showing them almost tied: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4864690-florida-senate-race-poll-rick-scott/amp/
  10. This is an interesting topic that spans across party lines. The issue is real but I suspect there are multiple causes. People now spend more time in internet communities rather than participate in groups, clubs, attend church, etc where they can meet partners. Some women and men are just very picky with the attitude of “I’m not settling for anyone unless they meet all my requirements.” Many people have superficial standards based upon people’s appearance or financial wealth. Instagram images of perfect people may influence this. American culture does not celebrate the academic achievements of young people. Sports achievements are what we celebrate as a culture in our high schools and colleges. Meanwhile, the high school nerds are ruling the world. I wonder if this young male problem is present in other cultures which place higher emphasis on academic achievement. Obviously as women have more options for employment and careers, they no longer feel a need to be attached to a man for financial support. America has a culture of independence so women are doing what they need to do to not be dependent upon men. I know alot of men who earn less than their professional wives. It’s not a problem if they understand each other. Young people often move away from home for jobs in distant cities where they are on their own. Student loan debt, stupidly expensive cars, increased housing prices all make it hard for young adults. Child care, if you can find it, is crazy expensive. If you are worried about your bills, you may not be as interested in finding a partner. As Scott mentions in the video, most of the wealth accumulation has gone towards older generations. We need policies that help all young people. We are leaving our kids with some crappy issues to deal with as we refuse to address hard issues like the federal debt. It’s hard to think that they will be better off financially than previous generations.
  11. Trafalgar is coming out with some swing state polls today apparently. Harris even or down +2 is good for them. Trafalgar got their Republican butts handed to them in 2022: "Trafalgar's polling numbers were considerably off in the 2022 United States midterm elections.[18] Trafalgar's polls incorrectly suggested that Republican candidates such as Mehmet Oz, Herschel Walker, Kari Lake, Tudor Dixon, Adam Laxalt, Blake Masters, Christine Drazan, and Tim Michels would all win.[19] Their polls also suggested that Republican candidates such as Don Bolduc, Lee Zeldin, Mark Ronchetti, Doug Mastriano, Scott Jensen, Heidi Ganahl, Joe O'Dea, and Tiffany Smiley, were within striking distance, but some lost in landslides." This isn't Trafalgar Law we're talking about, and One Piece of advice would be to not give them much weight.
  12. FL is interesting now. Chris Bouzy who did pretty good at the mid-term projections is saying FL will flip. Main things he's looking at is abortion and Rick Scott on the ballot, change in demographics.
  13. What utter nonsense. From the interview on Faux News Sunday "And you know, I -- and I would have -- I was welcome to listen to anything from the Democrats that they were going to do something about the war -- about the Ukraine war, about the censorship, about the child health crisis, this epidemic of chronic disease that is now disabled about 60 percent of our kids. And you know, when my uncle is President Shannon, only 6 percent of Americans had chronic disease. Today, over 60 percent. And, you know, it's hard to find a kid today that's not been damaged by it, and it's coming from our food supply, from contain -- from pollution in our environment, from toxics in our environment, and mainly from corruption in our government that allows that to happen." I haven't heard anything realistic from Jr. or Trump on how to end the war in Ukraine. The only easy way to do that is to let Putin have his way. Maybe you agree with that as a solution but I consider that to be cowardly and selfish. RFK Jr. complains about censorship but ignores Trumps role in censorship, for which Trump is a convicted felon. RFK Jr made his name as an environmental champion and anti-vaccine nut. He complained about "pollution in our environment, from toxics in our environment" but ignores that Trump dismisses environmental issues and named an opponent Scott Pruitt, an opponent to RFK Jr, to head the EPA. Nothing Trump has done suggests that children's health is one of his top issues. His numbers regarding chronic disease are wrong, more than double the statistics from the CDC and he confuses correlation with causation, as typical for him. RFK Jr has admitted that his family has talked to him with their disagreements over vaccines and Trump. If he is too hard headed or brain damaged to change his mind, I see no reason why his family shouldn't oppose him publicly. Kerry was acquitted.
  14. Dude, it’s advertising and corporations you need to worry about… which is why they try to make it look like government. Sigh. Lets look at Epstine’s flight logs again… or all those photos of the felon and Elmo with him and Maxwell to start.
  15. Scott Jennings Stuns Other CNN Hosts: ‘Democrats Have Controlled White House for 12 of Last 16 Years But Everything is Trump’s Fault?’ (Video)
  16. Agree. Much like the issue of slave states vs. free states in the 1850s, we have the issue of abortion access states vs. abortion ban states now. The "leave it up to the states" theory is on a collision course with freedom of movement. Do we really think that anti-abortion/pro-life (I'm not interested in arguing nomenclature) activists will be happy that abortion is banned in Texas but that the number of Texas women having abortions remains the same because they are traveling to New Mexico for the procedure? That they'll be happy with the new status quo? I can't imagine that. If they truly believe that abortion is murder of an innocent child, well, then the issue of interstate travel for abortion access can't be accepted as moral. We'll see some of these states attempting to prosecute their own women who travel out of state to get abortions, or (more likely at first) to prosecute or civilly sue groups that help facilitate such movement. And add to that the issue of federal control of Mifepristone vs state attempts to override that. Dred Scott, anyone?
  17. Lol, the guy who posts nothing but negative bs says this. You have Michael Scott level self awareness.
  18. The role of the Star Tribune revisited By Scott Johnson Some observers outside Minnesota may reasonably ask, if Governor Tim Walz is so bad (and, as I say, worse than bad), why he has done so well politically. The reasons are many. One reason is the subservience of the Star Tribune to the needs of the Democratic Party. The work of the Star Tribune in Walz’s service provides a current case study. See, for example, Rochelle Olson’s treatment of the current controversy regarding Walz’s departure from the Minnesota National Guard before it was to deploy to Iraq in this classic “Fact check: Walz’s National Guard records show that Vance’s claim of ‘stolen valor’ is false.” Subhead: “GOP vice presidential candidate JD Vance claims that the Minnesota governor and Democratic vice presidential candidate bailed as his unit headed to Iraq, but Walz retired before his unit was called up.” The Star Tribune featured Olson’s story on page one yesterday. (Dustin Grage has stepped up to serve as a one-man Walz truth squad.) https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/08/the-role-of-the-star-tribune-2.php .
  19. Maybe MAGA can tell us how Trump fluffer, Scott Rasmussen, is rigging polls too.
  20. America Is Ready for a Jewish Veep. The Democrats Aren’t. Almost as soon as Harris began her search for a running mate in earnest, a campaign from the progressive left made it clear that the anti-Israel wing of the party would not vote for Shapiro. Though his support of Israel is identical to that of every other contender, though he hates Benjamin Netanyahu a lot, though his view on college campus protesters (he called it “absolutely unacceptable” that “universities can’t guarantee the safety and security of their students”) is the most common, most popular view, none of this was a match for his last name, the fact that he is an observant, kosher-keeping proud Jew, and that, like the vast majority of Jews, he supports the state of Israel. In their criticism of Shapiro, leftists pointed to the fact that he excoriated University of Pennsylvania president Liz Magill for refusing to condemn calls for the genocide of the Jews—I know, what a monster!—that he called on Penn to shut down the anti-Israel encampments, which violated university codes and guidelines—the shame!—and that he told The New York Times, “If you had a group of white supremacists camped out and yelling racial slurs every day, that would be met with a different response than antisemites camped out, yelling antisemitic tropes.” How dare he suggest antisemitism should be condemned, no matter what side it comes from! As The Babylon Bee put it Monday night, “Democrats Worried Choosing Jewish Vice President May Cost Them The All-Important ‘Death To America’ Vote.” By Tuesday morning, the Harris campaign had turned farce into tragedy and picked Walz for Harris’s running mate. There can be no doubt about it: there was only one reason to reject Shapiro, and it was that the Democrats would rather cater to their antisemitic base and lose the election than embrace the vast non-antisemitic American middle and win. “You also have antisemitism that has gotten marbled into this party,” Van Jones said on CNN Tuesday. “You can be for the Palestinians without being an anti-Jewish bigot, but there are some anti-Jewish bigots out there.” This is a party whose “progressive” politics have gone very far “back and to the left,” as Oliver Stone would say, since Al Gore chose Joe Lieberman to be his veep in 2000: Back then, “the media not only applauded it as a historical milestone but considered his piety a political plus: Lieberman was well-known for his devout faith, which, the Democrats/media hoped, would contrast nicely with President Clinton’s cigar-tinged indiscretions. The possibility of liberal blowback wasn’t even considered. But now, the truth is just too big to ignore,” Scott Pinsker wrote yesterday. “When Lieberman was tapped, antisemites weren’t yet a key Democratic voting bloc. Now they are.” https://www.thefp.com/p/america-is-ready-for-a-jewish-veep
  21. Freedom, Walz style By Scott Johnson Governor Tim Walz declared an emergency on March 25, 2020, and ruled by for the following 15 minutes. His rule was arbitrary, petty, deceitful, tyrannical, and hugely destructive to life, liberty, jobs, commerce, and family. The declaration of emergency was itself predicated on a lie. All in all, the era of one-man rule gave us a picture of Walz in full. It wasn’t long — about two weeks — before the regime expelled me from its daily Covid press briefings. I filed a Data Practices Act request to discover why. It turned out that my expulsion derived from a question that was implicitly critical of the emergency regime. Walz can dish it out… https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/08/freedom-walz-style.php . Pointing out his mistakes is NOT being scared. wnyguy was right. You are an idiot.
  22. Scott Adams? Really?? No fool like an old fool.
  23. That’s not the Rasmussen Reports poll. Scott left 10 years ago Adults. So per the voters - and after the next month or so as the economy continues to free fall and she has to talk - will be 25 percent.
  24. If anything I think Team Trump never thought they wouldn’t go to convention and instead just instantly anoint Harris. They weren’t “had.” If anything the reverse is true - Team Trump took all their options off the table by saying for months Biden was not going to run. Biden stayed in long enough to where the only option was Harris. The only people that have been had are any voters that think this low life (and she is) is qualified to be president. As they watch the media scrub her pre 2023 life from the record. Including that she never represented the Black community - that’s the point of the attack line. It’s the same dam thing Dems do with Tim Scott or Clarence Thomas. You know they don’t really count as “Black” but Harris does? Ok then. Now that they know it’s her - they couldn’t prepare for 15 candidates - the campaign will settle into 2 clear choices. A left wing moron that’s been - in a position - for the last 4 years for a government clearly not run by the people you vote for. And Trump. The guy they tried to kill bc he’s a threat to the system that shut down the planet for almost 2 years.
  25. IT’LL NEVER HAPPEN: 10 Questions We Dare the Media to Ask Kamala Harris. https://pjmedia.com/scott-pinsker/2024/07/24/ten-questions-we-dare-the-media-to-ask-kamala-harris-n4931022 .
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