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  1. Perhaps Scott Campbell should read some more, beore throwing all the lemmings into a frenzy.
  2. Maritime Journalist Shares Early Analysis of Francis Scott Key Bridge Disaster From his link: “The vessel notified the MD Department of Transportation (MDOT) that they had lost control and a collision with the bridge was possible,” ABC quoted the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s report as saying. “The vessel struck the bridge, causing a complete collapse.” She struck the southwest support column at a speed of 7.6 knots (8.7 MPH). Cameras from the Vessel Traffic Service captured footage of the collision and subsequent collapse. The ship’s lights went out twice before the collision, indicating possible issues in the engine room. Despite the quick restoration of lighting, this suggests a full blackout occurred, prompting the emergency generator to restore basic electrical services and lighting. Without propulsion or tugboats, a ship this size is nearly impossible to stop. The emergency generator does not connect to propulsion but should support steering and navigation systems but the ships heading appears to have been pushed off course by the wind directly into the support column. Ships are not required to have tugboat escorts when passing under the Francis Scott Key Bridge so they have limited ability to slow down on their own when they lose power and can not put the propeller into reverse. https://gcaptain.com/ship-lost-control-before-hitting-baltimore-bridge/ https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/03/26/maritime-journalist-shares-early-analysis-of-francis-scott-key-bridge-disaster-n2394406 You can read Konrad's full analysis here.
  3. The drooling vegetable is fine. He has all his marbles. No worries. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/biden-says-he-took-the-train-over-collapsed-baltimore-francis-scott-key-bridge-even-though-it-never-had-tracks-president-makes-commuting-gaffe-as-vows-to-cover-the-full-cost-of-maryland-disaster/ar-BB1kCVj6?ocid=entnewsntp&pc=DCTS&cvid=b27b365e424747d9bdee4471aa4e62f8&ei=19
  4. Who will Donald Trump choose as his running mate? What to know as potential VPs gather in Florida. David Jackson, Zac Anderson WASHINGTON Former President Donald Trump will spend part of his weekend hosting the latest episode of "The Apprentice," but this time it's the vice presidential edition. At least six contenders for the former president's running mate – Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.; Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio; Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.; Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y.; South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and North Dakota Gov. Doug Bergum – will attend a Republican donor retreat Friday and Saturday in Palm Beach, Florida, in what looks like a series of auditions. "This is a wonderful opportunity for Republican leaders and supporters to come together," says the invitation to the event, which will also include panel discussions featuring campaign officials and Republican lawmakers that are closed to the press. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/03/donald-trump-vice-president-running-mate/73510077007/ .
  5. You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options Continuing to make the thread about himself. Meanwhile: 2 Rescued After Baltimore Bridge Collapse; Sonar Detected Multiple Submerged Vehicles By Jennifer Van Laar https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2024/03/26/breaking-francis-scott-key-bridge-in-baltimore-collapses-after-container-ship-crashes-into-support-n2171921
  6. America Is Ready for a Jewish Veep. The Democrats Aren’t. Almost as soon as Harris began her search for a running mate in earnest, a campaign from the progressive left made it clear that the anti-Israel wing of the party would not vote for Shapiro. Though his support of Israel is identical to that of every other contender, though he hates Benjamin Netanyahu a lot, though his view on college campus protesters (he called it “absolutely unacceptable” that “universities can’t guarantee the safety and security of their students”) is the most common, most popular view, none of this was a match for his last name, the fact that he is an observant, kosher-keeping proud Jew, and that, like the vast majority of Jews, he supports the state of Israel. In their criticism of Shapiro, leftists pointed to the fact that he excoriated University of Pennsylvania president Liz Magill for refusing to condemn calls for the genocide of the Jews—I know, what a monster!—that he called on Penn to shut down the anti-Israel encampments, which violated university codes and guidelines—the shame!—and that he told The New York Times, “If you had a group of white supremacists camped out and yelling racial slurs every day, that would be met with a different response than antisemites camped out, yelling antisemitic tropes.” How dare he suggest antisemitism should be condemned, no matter what side it comes from! As The Babylon Bee put it Monday night, “Democrats Worried Choosing Jewish Vice President May Cost Them The All-Important ‘Death To America’ Vote.” By Tuesday morning, the Harris campaign had turned farce into tragedy and picked Walz for Harris’s running mate. There can be no doubt about it: there was only one reason to reject Shapiro, and it was that the Democrats would rather cater to their antisemitic base and lose the election than embrace the vast non-antisemitic American middle and win. “You also have antisemitism that has gotten marbled into this party,” Van Jones said on CNN Tuesday. “You can be for the Palestinians without being an anti-Jewish bigot, but there are some anti-Jewish bigots out there.” This is a party whose “progressive” politics have gone very far “back and to the left,” as Oliver Stone would say, since Al Gore chose Joe Lieberman to be his veep in 2000: Back then, “the media not only applauded it as a historical milestone but considered his piety a political plus: Lieberman was well-known for his devout faith, which, the Democrats/media hoped, would contrast nicely with President Clinton’s cigar-tinged indiscretions. The possibility of liberal blowback wasn’t even considered. But now, the truth is just too big to ignore,” Scott Pinsker wrote yesterday. “When Lieberman was tapped, antisemites weren’t yet a key Democratic voting bloc. Now they are.” https://www.thefp.com/p/america-is-ready-for-a-jewish-veep
  7. Not a terrible plan. My go-to news sources: WSJ and NYT digital subscriber. There's your center-right and center-left. Memeorandum as the best news aggregator to quickly browse. No Twitter account. No Facebook. No Tik-Tok. I just don't like getting inundated with stuff they think I'd like. Some blogs that point me to interesting stuff: marginalrevolution (right-libertarian leaning economists), themoneyillusion (Scott Sumner, economist, similar but also a good film critic on the side), astralcodexten ("Scott Alexander," very libertarian, just an interesting thinker about lots of things) TV: not an everday regular of any program, but I often check out CNBC (umm, waiting for Deirdre Bosa to appear while I get my financial news; I'm a fan of Rick Santelli too for very different reasons). I will watch the opening 10 minutes of a Morning Show (they all irritate me, but it's a quick news review); BBC America half hour evening news sometimes - much, much better international news coverage. Same with the CNN World coverage late at night if I'm up. MSNBC/Morning Joe last hour only sometimes (the hour aimed a DC newsmakers, not Joe's annoying rants with nodding head Mika). I also record Fareed Zakaria's GPS show. Pretty much avoid the other Sunday morning public affairs shows now.
  8. Christianity and the Hypocrisy of the Left by Scott Hoganson The American Left is like a dog with a bone when it comes to attacking religion. Barely a day goes by without somebody holding some totalitarian worldview yelping about how Christianity in the United States is creating a new era of racism or anti-LGBTQism or some other form of generalized hate for something or other. The Left recently warned that flying the colonial era “Appeal to Heaven” flag is a leading indicator of one who is “extremely invested in the semiotics of American fascism.” No less alarming is how Christianity is fomenting an “ideology that justifies any tyranny that one’s nation might inflict.” Such dangerous behavior is surely fueled by the irresponsible rhetoric of the Right-Wing political class. Imagine the fevered ravings of a radical Christian Nationalist talking to and through the national media, to practically insist that freedom loving Americans abandon our civic norms with the veiled demand, “I ask you to join with me in prayer." This extremist invokes the name of “almighty God” with a hubristic request for providential intervention “to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization.” This theocratic rant then leads to imploring this almighty God “to rededicate ourselves in renewed faith,” and this toxic sentiment is punctuated with “O Lord, give us Faith. Give us Faith in Thee.” Perhaps the darkest passage comes when this man, this threat to democracy, tries to coerce mindless simps into submission saying “Thy will be done, Almighty God,” as if some spirit in the sky has anything to do with anything. He then demands that “people devote themselves in a continuance of prayer,” a hair's breadth away from the establishment of religion. It’s nothing short of a militant call for replacing our cherished freedoms with an oppressive, government-imposed belief system. In the parlance of the American Left, this is something we might expect from "Christian boogeyman" and House Speaker Mike Johnson or “fake Christian” Donald Trump or an "unhinged" Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene but it’s not. It’s Franklin Delano Roosevelt addressing the nation on D-Day. https://townhall.com/columnists/scotthogenson/2024/06/09/christianity-and-the-hypocrisy-of-the-left-n2640103 Link has the full address. .
  9. More from the actual program, for those intelligent enough to wonder. More from the Actual @60Minutes Transcript Scott Pelley: You bring up ideology, but you don't wanna talk about it. Your Twitter site brings up grooming and you don't wanna talk about that. And what your critics say is that you're trying to impose your values on all of the parents and schools in this country. Tina Descovich: So I addressed the ideology. So I'm gonna take this one because I addressed the ideology for you to say that we don't want to address it is fake. Scott Pelley: What ideologies do you disagree with? That was the question. Tina Descovich: Yeah, and I answered that, I said Children, parents do not want their Children, let me rephrase that clearer. Parents do not want their Children learning that they can change their gender in kindergarten through third grade. 70% of parents, we know that because of the polling. Parents do not want gender… Scott Pelley: So to be clear, transgender ideology is something you disagree to? Tiffany Justice: Gender ideology has no place in American public schools, no place. Tina Descovich: 70% of American parents agree with that. They want their Children to learn to read, write, do math, history and science. They don't want…. Scott Pelley: 30% of American parents, according to your statistic, who want that kind of teaching in their school.
  10. OK, I found that "blockbuster" Daily Mail story all by myself. Here's a link since your Twitter monkeys don't know how to do that: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13481849/democrat-plot-biden-replacement-clinton-obama-pelosi-schumer.html Here's the key section: Now DailyMail.com has learned that if Joe stumbles in that first face-off with Trump or if his polling numbers keep falling, it'll take a united front of the liberal grandees to make Joe throw in the towel. 'The only people who could force him out would be Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer,' one Democratic strategist told DailyMail.com. 'It would have to be the four of them collectively.' And the process would be high risk. One consultant theatrically described the difficulty level of replacing their candidate as similar to trying to turn that doomed container ship that careened into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore in May. That sad story ended with a total collapse and six deaths. But other party insiders concede that the candidate swap could work if everything was carefully planned and executed. Political columnist Joe Klein theorized in a recent newsletter that if Biden were to stand down, 'a vigorous young candidate — don't ask me who — could win over the country with a single convention speech' in August.' In Klein's scenario, the Democratic party savior would deliver an Obama-esque inspirational speech, akin to Barack's famous 2004 Democratic Convention address, that would quickly bring together disaffected Democrats and moderate independents. Ooh, some people have speculated that if he does poorly there may be a movement among Democratic leaders to replace him! Not exactly what the headline promised, now is it. There is literally no "news" here. No "plot" here. Just speculation, which as the article admits, had already been in the news when Joe Klein speculated out loud a while ago. Our posts crossed. Now read it and tell me where it says there is a "democrat plot" in place to replace Biden on the ticket. Fake news. Kind of like one of those news stories on the football side: "Insiders Say Mounting Criticism of McDermott May Lead to Dismissal" And then you read it and they tell you that if the Bills start 2-8 there may be a concerted movement to fire him. Blitzy, you're a smart football commenter, and wouldn't fall for that kind of thing on the football side. Why do you fall for it here?
  11. THE BIDEN BETRAYAL By Scott Johnson President Biden publicly acknowledged his betrayal of Israel’s anticipated offensive in Rafah in an interview with Erin Burnett on CNN. The CNN story on the interview is here. As a practical matter, Biden supports Hamas. Biden opposes Israel. Biden’s declaration of “ironclad” support for Israel is “inoperative,” to borrow a term from Watergate. On Tuesday Biden gave a Holocaust remembrance speech decrying those calling for “the annihilation of Israel, the world’s only Jewish State.” Biden asserted that his support for the “security of Israel and its right to exist as an independent Jewish state is ironclad, even when we disagree.” In Biden’s world, the usual principles of rational thought do not obtain. Who says A need not say B. Who says A also says not A. “Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers,” Biden said in reference to the 2,000-pound bombs that Biden is withholding from the IDF. Biden also told Burnett that he’s withholding artillery ammunition. Biden labored to articulate his thinking, or his “thinking.” This is how he put it on CNN: “I made it clear that if they go into Rafah – they haven’t gone in Rafah yet – if they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities – that deal with that problem,” Biden has proved himself a fool many times over. It has long since become redundant. This episode merely puts an exclamation point on it. Every friend of the United States must weigh the price of friendship, Biden style. Every enemy of the United States is experiencing the kind of pleasure that is usually limited to private experience. Much more at the link: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/05/the-biden-betrayal.php .
  12. It Could Take HOW LONG to Rebuild Francis Scott Key Bridge??? STEPHEN GREEN Could it really take twice as long and four times as much money to replace the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge than it did to build it in the first place? The Key Bridge was built at a cost (adjusted for inflation) of about $200 million. Replacing it could take a decade and cost $400 million to $800 million dollars, according to experts in what has become a dismal field. “To actually recreate that whole transportation network" could take a decade or more, structural engineer Ben Schafer told USA Today on Wednesday. Huge projects, Schafer said, now take “rarely less than 10 years." Well, they didn't use to. By comparison, the Apollo program that put a man on the moon required seven years, eight months, and 23 days. And — this is the really exciting part — everything about Apollo, from the massive Saturn V rocket to the "tiny" flight computer, had to be created from scratch. Those seven-and-a-half years included a monthslong delay following the tragic loss of astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee during an Apollo 1 dress rehearsal that ended in a deadly crew capsule fire. Construction began on the Hoover Dam on July 7, 1930, and five years later, it was complete. It started generating electrical power on Sept. 11, 1936 — exactly six years, two months, and four days after the first shovelful of dirt was moved. The Empire State Building was fully erect (heh) after just one year and 45 days of construction. But those were all 20th Century projects, back when we used to get things done. Welcome to 21st Century America, where everything is needlessly time-consuming, expensive, stupid, or (most likely) all three. The timing "all depends on factors that are still mostly unknown," the AP explained. "They range from the design of the new bridge to how swiftly government officials can navigate the bureaucracy of approving permits and awarding contracts." {snip} The replacement bridge will have to be new and somehow improved — or so they'll claim — and require months or years of study on the environmental impacts, even though there's been a bridge there for 50 years already. Hiring contractors will likely take twice as long as they'll have to meet strict new DEI standards. Competence and speed? Tertiary considerations, at best. Planners will likely require three years just to decide on a new name. They'll eventually settle on "The George Floyd-Pete Buttigieg Antiracist Inclusive Transit Structure" or some such BS. This is why we can't have nice things anymore. That's not entirely true, of course. We can have nice things — sometimes. But only when the stars align, the tea leaves are correct, and the progressives are distracted by something even shinier. https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2024/03/29/it-could-take-how-long-to-rebuild-francis-scott-key-bridge-n4927756
  13. Trump takes credit for Ronna McDaniel keeping her chair. Trump takes credit for Ronna McDaniel losing her chair. Trump pushes for Lara Trump to be co-chair. The only thing giving me any hope in this constant Trump-led circus of musical chairs is the fact Scott Pressler looks to be up for an actual role in the RNC.
  14. Our stupid politics. 1. This confused me: Renewed efforts by Congress to force TikTok to sell or face a ban in the US have the backing of the White House, even as President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign has started to use the platform to reach younger voters. I’m confused. If using Tiktok endangers national security, then why is Biden using TikTok? I get that his specific tweets don’t endanger security, but doesn’t his use make TikTok more popular? 2. I’m confused. Why would Trump try to ban TikTok in 2020, and then suddenly support TikTok after meeting a GOP investor who own’s $21 billion worth of TikTok, right after losing some legal cases that threaten to bankrupt him? That's from economist Scott Sumner at themoneyillusion.com.
  15. Idiots. PETA Pressures Jill Biden to Switch Eggs for Potatoes at Annual White House Easter Egg Roll by Anthony Scott People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is pressuring Jill Biden to forego eggs this Easter but instead use potatoes for the White House’s annual Easter Egg Roll event. In a statement, PETA wrote, “Ahead of the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, PETA sent a letter to Dr. Jill Biden today asking the first lady to modernize the celebration by replacing eggs with dyed Easter potatoes.” “Children love animals and would be sad to learn that the eggs used for fun and games at the White House come from tormented hens https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/peta-pressures-jill-biden-switch-eggs-potatoes-annual/
  16. Yup, basically. Corporate oligarchs and their political minions blame TikTok for Gen Z rejecting Zionist narratives, thereby destabilizing American politics. But the realities of the ongoing Gazan genocide are alone to be blamed for that (see: my 13-point post in the “Israel and the Slaughter in Gaza” thread, page 183). Banning TikTok will only lead to further destabilization of American politics. I’m guessing that it’s probably still defined by partisan politics, but this time outside the left vs. right paradigm and by roughly more of a populist vs. establishment one. I see that all of my people (the progressives, a.k.a. the left-wing populists) correctly voted “no” on the ban: AOC, Jamaal Bowman, Cori Bush, Greg Casar, Maxwell Frost, Pramila Jayapal, Ro Khanna, Summer Lee, Jerry Nadler, Ilhan Omar, Mark Pocan, Ayanna Pressley, Delia Ramirez, etc…Rashida Tlaib didn’t vote for some reason. Trump and MAGA (a.k.a. the right-wing populists), comparably speaking, are almost but not quite as coherent on this issue. We do know that Trump also hates everything China, loves Bibi 100%, and pretty much helped trigger the procession of events leading up to October 7 when he moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Furthermore, I do question the “populism” element in right-wing populism because what these politicians purvey is a rebranded Reagan-era platform of laissez-faire economic policies, behind a veil of Christian nationalism, that solely benefit corporate oligarchs and imperialists.
  17. I believe Hunters drug problem started when he was an adult When did Donny Jr start w the white stuff? Unproven But if you’re pathetic enough to go there - you do realize the guy you fellate daily told us he would be dating Ivanka if she wasn’t his daughter. When she was 16 he said: “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?” He also called his daughter “voluptuous’ and described her as “a piece of ass.” Same POS was sued twice for raping a 13 year old and spent an enormous amount of time partying w a later convicted pedophile and child trafficker. Trump even told us he knew Jeffrey likes them young - AND - when Trump was asked about Jeffrey’s co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell, ‘I wish her well’ @LeviF - best to take your Christian teaching and shove it up Conald’s 🍑. These idiots never ever think.
  18. You are the one defending a scumbag who told us he would be dating Ivanka if she wasn’t his daughter. When she was 16 he said: “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?” He also called his daughter “voluptuous’ and described her as “a piece of ass.” Same POS was sued twice for raping a 13 year old and spent an enormous amount of time partying w a later convicted pedophile and child trafficker. Trump even told us he knew Jeffrey likes them young - AND - when Trump was asked about Jeffrey’s co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell, ‘I wish her well’ Sit the f down.
  19. Back to the news: Ship Lost Control Before Hitting Baltimore Bridge John Konrad The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore collapsed early today after the large containerships Dali struck a primary support column. Two individuals were rescued, one is seriously injured, and authorities estimate that seven people are currently missing, though the number could be higher. This incident represents the most severe US bridge collision since the Tampa Skyway Bridge disaster in 1980. The event occurred in the early morning hours as the ship was leaving the port under pilotage. Agencies are reporting the containership Dali, which collided with a Baltimore bridge on Tuesday, “lost propulsion” while exiting the port. The crew on board alerted Maryland officials that they had lost control of the vessel, as reported by ABC News, citing an unclassified U.S. intelligence report. “The vessel notified the MD Department of Transportation (MDOT) that they had lost control and a collision with the bridge was possible,” ABC quoted the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s report as saying. “The vessel struck the bridge, causing a complete collapse.” According to Marine Traffic the ship departed the Seagirt Marine Terminal in the Port of Baltimore at approximately 00:30 local time, sailed northwest past the Nuclear Ship Savanah then turned southeast to depart the harbor, released the tugboats, and collided with the bridge at approximately 01:38. https://gcaptain.com/ship-lost-control-before-hitting-baltimore-bridge/
  20. Personally, I like Tulsi. I think she’d be a great choice for VP. Vivek would be a psychotic choice. Trump needs someone to offset the crazy, not amplify it. Kristi Noem is a safe bet, but I think Tulsi does the same for Trump plus more. Tim Scott is a nice guy but comes across as a complete joke when he’s around Trump. Donalds would be interesting.. not sure what I’d make of that. Risky, but does have positives. As far as DeSantis goes.. im so glad he shot down his name being floated immediately. I don’t want him anywhere near Trump.
  21. so will you vote for him? Scott Jennings is a conservative R advisor: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/02/11/sotu-panel-d-full.cnn
  22. Maybe the internet was a bad idea... Online Conspiracies About the Baltimore Bridge Collapse Are Out of Control Conspiracy theorists are calling the Baltimore bridge collapse a “black swan event” and are blaming everything from Israel to DEI to Covid vaccines. A non-exhaustive list of things that are getting blamed for the bridge collapse on Telegram and X include President Biden, Hamas, ISIS, P. Diddy, Nickelodeon, India, former president Barack Obama, Islam, aliens, Sri Lanka, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, Wokeness, Ukraine, foreign aid, the CIA, Jewish people, Israel, Russia, China, Iran, Covid vaccines, DEI, immigrants, Black people, and lockdowns. The Francis Scott Key truss bridge collapsed when the MV Dali cargo ship collided with one of the bridge supports. Six construction workers, who were filling potholes on the bridge’s roadway at the time, are presumed dead. The ship is owned by Singapore-based Grace Ocean Private Ltd., and the 22-person crew were all Indian. The ship was en route to Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the time of the accident. This did not stop people from “asking questions” about the incident, a frequent conspiracist response to major events. And though conspiracy theorists are having a hard time pinpointing exactly what conspiracy caused the collapse, the one thing they do agree on is that this incident is a “black swan event.” The term black swan event has been around for decades and is used to describe a major global event (typically in the financial markets) that can cause significant damage to a country’s economy. But in recent years, the term has been co-opted by the conspiracy-minded to explain an event triggered by the so-called deep state that would signal an imminent revolution, a third world war, or some other apocalyptic catastrophe. One of the first people to call the bridge collapse a black swan event was disgraced former US national security adviser Michael Flynn. “This is a BLACK SWAN event,” he wrote on X. “Black swans normally come out of the world of finance (not military) … There are harbor masters for every single one of these transit points in America that are in charge of assuring the safety of navigation … start there.” Flynn’s post has been viewed 7.2 million times. Misogynist influencer Andrew Tate, who has been charged in Romania with rape and human trafficking, also posted on X early on Tuesday morning, writing: “Nothing is safe. Black Swan Event imminent.” The post has been viewed almost 19 million times. The term black swan quickly began trending on X, and soon conspiracists, extremists, and right-wing lawmakers began coming up with explanations for what or who triggered this “black swan event.” One post claiming a link between the bridge collapse and the film Leave the World Behind has been viewed more than 1.2 million times. The post claimed that because the ship was headed to Sri Lanka, which has a lion on its flag, then the situation was linked to the ship that runs aground at the beginning of the film which was called White Lion. The post also points out that the film was produced by Obama. A post from Anthony Sabatini, a former Florida state congressman, declared, without evidence, that “DEI did this”—and its been viewed over 2.2 million times. Some politicians have boosted the conspiracy as well. “Is this an intentional attack or an accident?” Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, an influential and conspiracy-minded member of the GOP, posted on X above a video shared by a prominent QAnon conspiracist. Under previous iterations of X, formerly Twitter, such speculation would typically have gained little traction, as the algorithm would have prioritized trusted news sources and primary evidence. But under Elon Musk’s reign, anyone willing to pay for a blue check can have their posts artificially boosted by the algorithm. This means that conspiracies like this are ending up in the news feeds of millions of people. On Telegram, one prominent election denier claimed the incident was linked to the fact that the bridge was named after Francis Scott Key, who wrote the words for the Star Spangled Banner, and was thus an attempt to undermine America. “Don't let them erase our history,” the conspiracist wrote. Investigators are looking into the cause of the tragic incident, but William DelBagno, the FBI special agent in charge, said on Tuesday that there are no indications of terrorism.
  23. It's alright. Moms for Liberty taped the WHOLE interview and have provided what CBS selectively edited out. Only the lemmings are fooled '60 Minutes' Airs Hit Piece on Moms for Liberty and 'Books Bans' That Reeks of Bias By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell A 60 Minutes segment featuring Moms for Liberty co-founders Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich aired on Sunday, to much controversy. Titled "97 Books," correspondent Scott Pelley outlined the “growing trend of right-wing book bans.” No bias there, whatsoever. Pelley grilled the co-founders of the organization about their campaign to remove books from school libraries that they deemed offensive, and why they insist on using the term "groomer" to describe people who insist children should have access to these books. The interview went as expected: Pelley produced the legacy media hit job with closed-ended questions and narrative massaging cuts and lead-ins. https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2024/03/04/cbs-60-minutes-brought-a-knife-to-a-gunfight-with-moms-for-liberty-and-regrets-doing-so-n2170911 I encourage you to read the entire article for the truth, I know that it is too long for PPP's poorer posters. .
  24. THE SOTU FROM HELL By Scott Johnson The comedian Richard Lewis, of blessed memory, is credited with the formulation “the x from hell.” Having watched President Biden’s State of the Union Address last night in order to comment on it this morning, I found it to be the SOTU from hell. Thank you, Mr. Lewis. The White House has posted the text of the speech “as prepared for delivery.” That isn’t exactly how he gave it. You have to see it to get the full flavor. I have posted the White House video at the bottom. Herewith are my impressions of Biden’s delivery and my observations on the speech in the form of bullet points: • The Democrats in the audience broke out in cheers of “Four more years.” You have got to be kidding. Let me begin with a prediction. Even if Biden wins reelection to another term this coming November, he will not be giving four more State of the Union addresses. No way no how. • This was a terrible speech terribly delivered. It’s a good thing no drug test was required before the address. Biden sounded hopped up. He spoke too fast. He slurred his words. He was frequently difficult to understand. He shouted a variety of clichés and shibboleths as though we might otherwise miss their depth and meaning. The disparity between the shibboleths and the shouting was almost funny. • To whom was this speech addressed? The opening reflected the poor judgment of Biden’s daycare minders in the White House. As I heard it, the country needs to be protected from two threats: Russia and Donald Trump (“my predecessor”). • This SOTU was a nakedly partisan campaign speech. I have to think that viewers lacking the persuasion of Democratic partisans were quickly turned off. In any event, the speech was a disgrace. • And that’s not all. The speech was also disjointed and telegraphic. It covered everything from potato chips to computer chips More at the link: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/03/the-sotu-from-hell.php .
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