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  1. Yes, the bandage-wearing clowns who are hooting and hollering to the likes of Hulk Hogan, Kid Rock and Dana White….the world is laughing at us. We are the shithole country. Can Scott Baio make a surprise appearance?
  2. I spend half my week in South Carolina. Graham had very similar negatives to Cruz. He’s far less popular in the state than Tim Scott and this was around the time of the Lincoln Project ascending, where they came into the state and ran ads nonstop posing as Republicans against Graham. Also, Harrison was far better funded & backed than Allred, who has been begging the DNC to help him .. indicating they, themselves, don’t view it as a winnable race.
  3. IMO Tier 1 (Unlikely, but absolute home run picks) Ron DeSantis Glenn Youngkin Tier 2 (Likely, and each serves a purpose) Marco Rubio JD Vance Tier 3 (Unlikely, and uninspiring) Doug Burgum Tim Scott
  4. She just divorced Scott Hassan, sounds like she needs a new grift to pay the rent. Show me any kind of proof that this guy actually said it.
  5. Scott would be fun. It would be a good chance to see the tolerant and inclusive left show what they are made of. It wouldn’t be pretty, that’s for damn sure.
  6. Tim Scott Levels CNN Anchor for Deceptively Misquoting Trump After 'Hush Money' Conviction Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) made a CNN anchor look foolish during a segment discussing comments regarding a jury’s decision to convict former President Donald Trump in the “Hush Money” trial. During the conversation, host Abby Phillip deceptively claimed that, if elected, Trump would use his position to seek revenge against his enemies. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/05/31/tim-scott-levels-cnn-anchor-for-deceptively-misquoting-trump-after-hush-money-conviction-n2174903
  7. Grassy knoll. RFK Jr. telling us that Sirhan - on camera, actually shooting his father - wasn't the real gunman. Coretta Scott King telling us that James Earl Ray wasn't the real assassin. 60 years later, no proof of any of these. People don't like to believe that sometimes bad things happen because bad people are out there.
  8. What, everyone on the left (or for that matter, in the middle) would be intolerant for criticizing Tim Scott's stated policy positions? If so, I guess Trump should pick him. If I say Jamal Bowman is a fool and that I hope he loses his primary, does that make me "intolerant?"
  9. Very interesting, and it actually sounds like a legitimate error (uploaded the wrong file?). By the way, the abortion decisions are driving us right over the new Dred Scott cliff. Thousands and thousands of Texas women are going to NM to have abortions. Texas law allows any person to bring a case against any person in Texas who facilitates an abortion contrary to Texas law. Like Dred Scott, does fleeing to a "free [abortion] state" insulate you (and the person driving you, paying for your gas, etc.?) from liability? We also have the federal/state issues like this one, and soon the banning of medication abortion access. Justice Alito, you just opened a really dangerous can of worms ...
  10. The cult is REALLY upset this thread came back to life... right @ScotSHO? Scott doesn't care if his cult takes away FKN CONTRACEPTION - this freak is upset I am highlighting it... @Doc - not transformative, eh? Totes normal.
  11. Not defending Tim Scott, but just curious ... Do you promise to accept the results of the 2024 presidential election regardless of who wins?
  12. I could see him picking Rubio, just to degrade him and make him leave Florida. I could see him picking Scott, just to force him to get married. But I still see him picking Stefanik. I think the ***** move the needle more than race does.
  13. I think he is going to pick Vance from Ohio. He said he wants to pick someone who can take over for him once he's done and I don't think that's any of the other candidates. I think Tim Scott would have been an obvious choice if he was pandering for votes. I personally like Vivek and Tulsi. I think Vivek would be good as chief of staff
  14. I still think that there’s a good chance that it will be someone not being greatly discussed. But, If I had to put money down, I’d say Tim Scott. .
  15. Tim Scott is definitely the guy you choose if you want to neutralize any “racist” attacks, while also lowering the temperature for those reluctant to vote for Trump due to his personality. JD Vance is legitimately a strong politician. Well spoken, articulate and knows how to deal with the media. Both Scott and Vance are heavy hitter fundraisers. Rubio could work. Burgum seems like a Mike Pence type pick, but less weird and rich. Byron Donalds would be Trump saying F it and risk his campaign becoming unhinged for the chance of sweeping MI, PA and WI and making Dems nervous for future election realignment of a noticeable R pull of black men. Major risk/reward pick.
  16. argue with the facts presented, not the reputation of the publication (leans left, so what?). Even your crazy, far right, mo f'er bloggers are correct on occasion. Here, try this one. Unlike your sources, these folks actually have enough resources to make suing them for false info worthwhile (see Alex Jones)... https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-235651652542 also this from wiki: AllSides was launched to the public in September 2012.[2][3] After working as a Republican political operative in the 1980s[4][5] in the southern United States(including for George H. W. Bush, Mitch McConnell and the Republican National Committee),[6] John Gable worked at internet firms in Silicon Valleywhere he recruited software developer Scott McDonald to help him launch AllSides and become his CTO.[4][7] Gable continues to identify as a Republican.[7]
  17. Trafalgar is coming out with some swing state polls today apparently. Harris even or down +2 is good for them. Trafalgar got their Republican butts handed to them in 2022: "Trafalgar's polling numbers were considerably off in the 2022 United States midterm elections.[18] Trafalgar's polls incorrectly suggested that Republican candidates such as Mehmet Oz, Herschel Walker, Kari Lake, Tudor Dixon, Adam Laxalt, Blake Masters, Christine Drazan, and Tim Michels would all win.[19] Their polls also suggested that Republican candidates such as Don Bolduc, Lee Zeldin, Mark Ronchetti, Doug Mastriano, Scott Jensen, Heidi Ganahl, Joe O'Dea, and Tiffany Smiley, were within striking distance, but some lost in landslides." This isn't Trafalgar Law we're talking about, and One Piece of advice would be to not give them much weight.
  18. So who is the unnamed "athlete" here? In a different context, the story mentions Ben Roethlisberger (unlikely to be offended by Trump's antics) and figure skater Scott Hamilton. Somebody is no doubt going through the leader board for that 2006 pro am. BTW, Trump finished 62nd of 80 in the amateur event. And yeah, that's even after he cheated.
  19. DeSantis, Youngkin, Haley, Scott all run away with this election … especially Youngkin, who would win this by an electoral landslide we haven’t seen in a long time. I’m not sure if this country would elect Vivek. Bombastic Hindu… I don’t know. Id vote for him, but he’d better get a bit more serious & less hot take populist on foreign policy. (Even though I like some of his general points)
  20. Freedom, Walz style By Scott Johnson Governor Tim Walz declared an emergency on March 25, 2020, and ruled by for the following 15 minutes. His rule was arbitrary, petty, deceitful, tyrannical, and hugely destructive to life, liberty, jobs, commerce, and family. The declaration of emergency was itself predicated on a lie. All in all, the era of one-man rule gave us a picture of Walz in full. It wasn’t long — about two weeks — before the regime expelled me from its daily Covid press briefings. I filed a Data Practices Act request to discover why. It turned out that my expulsion derived from a question that was implicitly critical of the emergency regime. Walz can dish it out… https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/08/freedom-walz-style.php . Pointing out his mistakes is NOT being scared. wnyguy was right. You are an idiot.
  21. Why wasn't Maxwell arrested with Epstein when he was FIRST charged in 2006? And after a two-year investigation, who gave Epstein that sweet deal of a single state charge of solicitation in 2008? Donald Trump's Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta. And who still wasn't arrested at the time? And who held on to the very end?
  22. MONEY TALKS. It’s Happening: Alex Soros Calls For Democrat Party to Unite Around Kamala Harris by Anthony Scott Shortly after Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 Presidential race and endorsed Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential nominee, Alex Soros, the son of billionaire philanthropist George Soros, also supported Kamala Harris as Biden’s replacement. Alex Soros, who chairs the Board of Directors of the Open Society Foundations, wrote in a post on X, “It’s time for us all to unite around Kamala Harris and beat Donald Trump.” Soros continued, “She is the best and most qualified candidate we have.” “Long live the American Dream!” concluded Soros https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/its-happening-alex-soros-calls-democrat-party-unite/ .
  23. Good lord. If that poll has validity if the Republicans just ran a run of the mill candidate (Nicky Haley, Tim Scott, etc.) they'd win in a landslide. Trump is such a turnoff to suburban women who cost him the 2020 election.
  24. Biden’s ‘you ain’t black’ comment comes back to bite him as Tim Scott mocks the president leaking minority voters. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/2958479/bidens-you-aint-black-tim-scott-mocks-president-leaking-minority-voters/#google_vignette
  25. Agree. Much like the issue of slave states vs. free states in the 1850s, we have the issue of abortion access states vs. abortion ban states now. The "leave it up to the states" theory is on a collision course with freedom of movement. Do we really think that anti-abortion/pro-life (I'm not interested in arguing nomenclature) activists will be happy that abortion is banned in Texas but that the number of Texas women having abortions remains the same because they are traveling to New Mexico for the procedure? That they'll be happy with the new status quo? I can't imagine that. If they truly believe that abortion is murder of an innocent child, well, then the issue of interstate travel for abortion access can't be accepted as moral. We'll see some of these states attempting to prosecute their own women who travel out of state to get abortions, or (more likely at first) to prosecute or civilly sue groups that help facilitate such movement. And add to that the issue of federal control of Mifepristone vs state attempts to override that. Dred Scott, anyone?
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