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  1. Barr is on the case by Scott Johnson Original Article Attorney General William Barr sat for an extended interview with NBC’s Pete Williams to discuss the findings in the Department of Justice Inspector General report released yesterday afternoon. NBC has cut the thing up in a couple of stories, but it has also posted the whole thing on YouTube (24-minute video below). Barr is familiar with the evidence gathered so far; he knows what he’s talking about. He understands that what we have staring us in the face is an unprecedented political scandal. He tentatively anticipates the criminal investigation reaching “a watershed” by late spring or early summer. .
  2. ATTORNEY GENERAL BILL BARR TESTIFIES: Barr testifies before the House Judiciary Committee this morning. Powerline’s Scott Johnson has already posted his opening remarks (six pages). Barr’s remarks are a good read and they bring heat. Scott has highlighted Barr’s analysis of the on-going riots
  3. It's like I talk and you never listen. I am not brimming with confidence at all, I rarely think anything is in the bag---a lesson learned when Scott Norwood missed a certain kick and OJ Simpson was arrested. I calculate probabilities on just about everything, sometimes to my detriment. I can absolutely see people who got their b^lls in an uproar over a vote cast for Trump--an incorrigible heathen as it were---lining up to vote for Biden. That's the part that fascinates me, and that I appreciate the opportunity to point it out. You're a couple months out from riding out on that high horse to the ballot box at Kona Town Hall, pulling the lever with confidence and a certain smugness that others can't see what you do--you're voting for the best groping, lying, racist and sexual assaulter in America--Joe Biden. Because, as you say, what choice do you have other than to vote for your personal fave abuser? Worst case scenario, I think you think, he only really assaulted one throw away Bernie babe. If Biden wins, he wins. Lots of smarticus folks like you ferverently believe Joe only needed 50 years in office and the presidency so he could stop making absurd racial comments, or coppin' a feel off a 13 year old, so he could NOT target people of color with aggressive legislation, so he could finally tell all Americans how he really feels about the million or so law enforcement citizens and how they are the enemy of the average person on the street. I think most of you are convinced Dementia Joe is a better man than Fully-witted Joe, and again, that makes me laugh. All I'm stating is the obvious--the vote you cast for Biden simply means that you're a hypocrite.
  4. Pro-Biden Group Launches Racist Attack Against Nikki Haley And Totally Beclowns Itself Tim Scott’s RNC Speech Triggers a Tsunami of Racist Comments from the Left
  5. LOL! So because he hung out with Epstein over a decade ago with no evidence of him knowing about Epstein's pedophilia much less partaking in it, gave a job to a guy who was told to go easy on Epstein to appease those on whom he had dirt, and because he hoped that Maxwell would stay alive so she could testify against those same people who appeased Epstein...means he's a pedophile or trash?
  6. Who is saying she shouldn’t get justice? Trump wishing the child molester fits a patter. Epstein, Acosta, Maxwell. Yup, he’s in knee deep.
  7. President Donald Trump again extended well-wishes to accused sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell, apparently expressing sympathy for Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime companion. “Her friend, or boyfriend, was either killed or committed suicide in jail. She’s now in jail,” Trump told Axios’ Jonathan Swan in an interview that aired on HBO “Yeah, I wish her well,” he said. “I’d wish you well. I’d wish a lot of people well. Good luck. Let them prove somebody was guilty.”
  8. No, seriously: School Safety Advocacy Council endorses Scott Israel for Broward County Sheriff
  9. Look who is getting canceled! https://apnews.com/53437a0f21d0b3df86f96a11e76e5687 RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Jerry Falwell Jr. took an indefinite leave of absence Friday as the leader of Liberty University, one of the nation’s top evangelical Christian colleges, days after apologizing for a social media post that caused an uproar even among fellow conservatives. The private university in Lynchburg, Virginia, gave no reason for Falwell’s departure in a one-sentence announcement Friday afternoon. But it came after Falwell’s apology earlier this week for a since-deleted photo he posted online showing him with his pants unzipped, stomach exposed and his arm around a young woman in a similar pose. The statement said the executive committee of Liberty’s board of trustees, acting on behalf of the full board, met Friday and requested Falwell take leave as president and chancellor, “to which he has agreed, effective immediately.” A high-profile supporter of President Donald Trump, Falwell has served since 2007 as president of the university founded by his evangelist father, the late Rev. Jerry Falwell. He did not immediately return a call seeking comment. University spokesman Scott Lamb said he had no further comment. In an interview this week with Lynchburg radio station WLNI, Falwell said the woman in the photo was his wife’s assistant and that the picture was taken during a
  10. I'm not sure if this gives any perspective on the current Dem #s, but here is March, 2015 Quinnipiac Republican poll #s (a lot of names that nobody GAS about anymore): https://poll.qu.edu/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2172 REPUBLICANS/REPUBLICAN LEANERS........................ Mar 05 Nov 26 Jul 08 Jan 21 Dec 11 Oct 02 Apr 03 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 Bush 16 11 10 11 11 11 10 Carson 7 8 na na na na na Christie 8 8 10 12 17 13 14 Cruz 6 5 8 9 13 10 na Graham 1 na na na na na na Huckabee 8 5 10 na na na na Jindal 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 Kasich 1 2 2 2 2 na na Paul 6 6 11 13 14 17 15 Perry 1 2 3 na na na na Rubio 5 2 6 8 7 12 19 Santorum 2 1 2 na na na na Walker 18 5 8 6 5 4 2 McDonnell na na na na na na 1 Portman na - na na na na na Romney na 19 na na na na na Ryan na 5 8 13 9 10 17 SMONE ELSE(VOL) 1 1 - - 2 - 1 WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) 2 1 2 1 1 1 - DK/NA 17 16 20 22 17 19 18 By July, 2015, according to CNN poll, https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/01/politics/donald-trump-poll-hillary-clinton-jeb-bush/index.html It was: 19% Jeb Bush 12% Trump 8% Huckabee 7% Carson 7% Rand Paul 6% Rubio 6% Scott Walker 3% Christie
  11. From that article: "Also busted in the lengthy massage parlor probe in three Florida counties was Kenneth Wessel, the 75-year-old president of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Indian River County and the John’s Island Foundation, Treasure Coast Newspapers reported Friday." "The three former law enforcement officers who are facing charges in the sex probe were Scott Taylor, 70, a former deputy with the Indian River County Sheriff's Office, Charles Thompson, 67, a former Vero Beach cop and Vito Gioia, 54, a former Sebastian cop, WPEC reported."
  12. I don't say any of the following to be combative, we've never communicated down here before and I don't want it to be construed as argumentative. I'm a talker and long winded is all So I break it up point by point just to expound on my own thinking/opinion to further the conversation... I know this thread is 400 pages but there's a lot of really good information back in the early parts of this thread which speak directly to this. Steele was never the source of the information. His credibility is irrelevant when it comes to securing a warrant. Steele collected information from sources, all of it entirely second and third hand, making it impossible to verify any of the sources of his memos or "dossier". That's a really important point that's been purposefully glazed over in the rush to sell the dossier way back in 2016/2017. This is also not how it went down. It's no longer controversial to state that Fusion GPS was hired by the HRC Campaign and the DNC specifically for the purposes of doing opposition research. Scott Walker, a republican, had hired Fusion GPS to do the same months prior and the contract was ended. There was no Russian dossier or research done by Walker or Fusion until they hired both Nellie Ohr and Christopher Steele directly after being hired by Hillary's campaign in April of 2016. The omission in the referenced article are paramount because included in them was that Steele was fired by the FBI, for cause, and then re-engaged for the explicit purpose of creating a circular intelligence loop in the media (through David Corn and Mother Jones) to bolster their case before the FISC. Have you ever asked why Page? By their own admission they were looking to get this warrant as early as June/July of 2016 but did not secure it until October 2016. By then, Page had been off the campaign for over half a year. Why, in your opinion, did the FBI desperately want a warrant on Page? The first point makes the information they got bull####. The fact the sources cannot be verified is a major problem when you're seeking a warrant at the FISC. To this day, Comey, McCabe and the upper tier of the FBI maintain the dossier remained unverified even after they took it to the court. That, in a vacuum, would be one thing. But they purposefully omitted major context about the origin of the dossier in a deliberate attempt to circumvent the law. I know that sounds ticky tack on the surface, especially if you don't like Trump (which is fine, and not what this is about). But you have to understand what the FISC is and what the powers of a FISA warrant actually are. Which is why the Carter Page question I asked above is important.
  13. from Red ? Watch the video, make up your own mind. Social Justice Warriors are piling on. They have given out the number of the school the teens came from. They claim to identify the teen who silently stood and endured the provocation by Phillips.This is a creating of an outrage from nothing, unless you consider the obvious provocation by Phillips. It was created for the media, to show the power of the left to intimidate and cower anyone who is not in one of their favored identity groups.This is how fake news is created. ‘MORE media lies’: Looks like there’s a whole lot MORE to story about Catholic students ‘harassing’ Native American protester WOW: Member of Pawnee and Seminole tribes tells DIFFERENT story about Covington Catholic high school kids and protester Here is an example of the REAL INTOLERANCE............from the LEFT What a SWEETIE: Blue check nobody asks his ‘fans’ to take video of themselves assaulting Covington kid, TRIES deleting (but we got it) "Scott Adams apologizes for believing @CNN about the Covington Catholic Boys fake news." Students vs Native American -- media again rush to judgment... Didn't all those sites you just posted also promote Trump's claim that muslim prayer rugs were found at the boarder? LOL
  14. I am not surprised that gator opened wide and swallowed this. This LIE has been disproven, by several sources , but the damage is done........................and the sheep are out there bleating the false story over and over. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oza37DTXwkIt does not matter. The Washington Post runs a story claiming the young MAGA hat wearer showed disrespect by "smirking" at Phillips.Phillips was involved in another incident in Michigan, where he claimed to have been disrespected. No evidence but his testimony was apparent. From his account, he appears to have provoked any incident that might have happened in Michigan.At newsmaven.io/indiancountrytoday, the writer tries to portray the incident as teenagers in MAGA hats ridiculing, mocking, and taunting Phillips.Some of the commenters there watched the video and are not buying the "mocking" narrative.from onlygirl: from Red ? Watch the video, make up your own mind. Social Justice Warriors are piling on. They have given out the number of the school the teens came from. They claim to identify the teen who silently stood and endured the provocation by Phillips.This is a creating of an outrage from nothing, unless you consider the obvious provocation by Phillips. It was created for the media, to show the power of the left to intimidate and cower anyone who is not in one of their favored identity groups.This is how fake news is created. ‘MORE media lies’: Looks like there’s a whole lot MORE to story about Catholic students ‘harassing’ Native American protester WOW: Member of Pawnee and Seminole tribes tells DIFFERENT story about Covington Catholic high school kids and protester Here is an example of the REAL INTOLERANCE............from the LEFT What a SWEETIE: Blue check nobody asks his ‘fans’ to take video of themselves assaulting Covington kid, TRIES deleting (but we got it) "Scott Adams apologizes for believing @CNN about the Covington Catholic Boys fake news." Students vs Native American -- media again rush to judgment...
  15. FORGET THE WALL — DEMOCRATS NOW HATE THE BORDER ITSELF. by Rich Lowrey It’s a wonder that Democrats haven’t staked out a negotiating position demanding the ­destruction of already-existing barriers along the US-Mexico border. Their opposition to President Trump’s border wall — or, more properly, his so-called wall — is now so total as to be nearly indistinguishable from opposition to any serious infrastructure at the border at all. The partial government shutdown is fueled by a clash of ­visions over, ultimately, the legitimacy of borders and, proximately, physical barriers to make our southern border more secure. Trump has the better part of the argument, but his lurch into the shutdown with no discernible strategy and his scattershot pronouncements make it unlikely that his view will carry the day. Obviously, a 2,000-mile-long border wall rivaling the best work of the Ming Dynasty never made any sense and was never going to happen. And short of Trump finding a latter-day Gen. Winfield Scott to go occupy Mexico City, Mexico wasn’t going to suffer the humiliation of funding a Yanqui border wall. This was all lurid fantasy, and Trump has conceded as much, ­although he will, at times, deny having conceded as much. His ­ambitions are now much more reasonable, involving the kind of ­up-to-date bollard or “steel slat” fencing that already exists in places. But he’s running into an opposition that is much less reasonable. Triggered as always by Trump, and growing more dovish on ­immigration almost by the hour, Democrats are treating the notion of a wall as practically a human-rights abuse. President Barack Obama routinely droned people without generating as much high dudgeon as Trump does asking for $5 billion to better fortify our southern border. Sen. Chuck Schumer calls the wall “medieval.” It’s true that the core idea — a physical barrier to impede the movement of people — isn’t a new technology. The basic concept proved out so long ago that there hasn’t been any need to revisit it. Nancy Pelosi deems the wall “immoral.” She sounds like West Berlin mayor Willy Brandt condemning the Berlin Wall as the “Wall of Shame” — when the East Germans built their border barrier to keep people in, whereas we only want to keep illegal entrants out. If a wall is immoral, what standing does the current 350 miles of primary fencing have? Isn’t it just as hateful as what Trump proposes? The $5 billion the president wants wouldn’t even match what we already have — it would construct about 150 miles of new barriers where none currently ­exist. A wall or fencing is relatively mild as far as immigration ­enforcement goes. It doesn’t ­involve deporting anyone. It doesn’t separate families. It doesn’t prosecute and detain anyone. It doesn’t deny any illegal immigrant currently working in the US a job. All it does is seek to avoid getting in a situation where these other things are necessary in the first place. A wall doesn’t close down the border or close us off to the world. There are still ports of entry. People can still travel to and from Mexico. People can still, for that matter, fly to Paris. A wall only diminishes illegal entry at certain strategic points. Robust fencing made an enormous difference in stopping illegal crossings in Yuma, Ariz. The area had only about 5 miles of fencing in the mid-2000s, then saw the extent of its fencing ­increase 10-fold. Illegal crossings plummeted. Yuma got that additional fencing thanks to the passage of the Secure Fence Act in 2006 on a ­bi-partisan basis, prior to the Democratic Party becoming ­unsettled by the prospect of putting physical barriers in the way of illegal entrants. The wall isn’t the most important immigration enforcement measure. Requiring employers to verify the legal status of their ­employees would be much more consequential. But the wall has taken on great symbolic significance. What it denotes, perhaps more than anything else, is the growing irrationality of the Democrats on immigration. Well, they are transnational “Progressives,” after all. As Bertolt Brecht famously asked about an East German populist uprising in 1953, “Would it not be easier, in that case, for the government to dissolve the people and elect another?”
  16. *****. When the Scotts talk it’s like the sound of gravel running down a metal chute while you’re wearing ear muffs that your granny gave you as a toddler.
  17. Why would you make her move? All she should have to do is self-identify as a legal resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia As a citizen of Scott's district, I can say without a doubt that he is a douche canoe
  18. Sen. Scott from here in Florida is proposing term limits but that has a snowball's chance in hell of ever passing. Unless voted out no way would any of them give up the gravy train.
  19. Really ?..................gotcha ? Abortion discussion is not a "gotcha" situation Here is how that sounds Of course, the main author of the bill said the same thing, but now we can ignore her actual intent because she also backtracked the same day....gotcha. I have held dozens of dead babies in my hands, and had to comfort the grieving parents. No amount of your attempts at "explaining" the (perfectly obvious) law will be changing anyone's mind. OUR CALHOUN MOMENT by Scott Johnson The internal logic of the uninhibited abortion regime has resulted in a sacramental and/or positive good view of abortion. Before the revelation of his medical school yearbook photo display embarrassed Democrats, Governor Northam extended the cheery view to infanticide. Democrats want him to disappear and take the inconvenient questions he inadvertently raised with him. The abortion regime will be with us long after Northam disappears (as will the Democrats’s cynical charges of racism against political opponents such as Northam employed against Ed Gillespie). Boston College Professor Paul McNellis, S.J., elaborated the sacramental view of abortion promulgated in the film version of The Cider House Rules nearly twenty years ago. Writing in 2000, he commented: “Abortion as a maturing, coming-of-age experience, as a myth to live by–is this what we’re willing to swallow? Apparently. And this is what makes the film a cultural watershed, for it could not have been made even 10 years ago. In fact, it took Mr. Irving 14 years and four directors to get from novel to film. He had to wait for his audience to catch up with him. That we have done so is testimony not to his courage or foresight, but to our own corruption….” By the same token, our own corruption permeates the positive good view of abortion. Kyle Sammin explores the analogue in the evolution of opinion about slavery culminating in the thought of John C. Calhoun. Sammin’s excellent Federalist column was written before we had Northam’s thoughts to consider, but it generally illuminates the abortion mania Northam reflects. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2019/02/our-calhoun-moment.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+powerlineblog%2Flivefeed+(Power+Line)
  20. We shall see. It's sickening to me that these disgusting Democratic colluders are allowed to skate Scott free. And it should be disgusting to all the other ones who have an objective bone in their bodies.
  21. Little known (or cared for) fact that Scott Adams when to my school in the Catskills in the 70s. He was in my older brother's class...a class of about 28 kids in a K-12 school that totaled 650 kids in all. He was named Valedictorian, and when asked later in an interview if it was true, he answered something to the effect of "Yes, but that's just because I was the only kid in my class who could spell 'Valedictorian'."
  22. It does in terms of the culture and tradition of PPP. PPP has a tradition of veering towards this specifically to keep it from popping up on the main board. You may disagree with that philosophy/strategy, but Scott has run it that way with the mods help for a long time.
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