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  1. Like everything else under Marxism and the useful idiots who promote it this is... All. By. Design
  2. To inbread indeed!! Yep. I'm just here keeping useful idiots company while ignoring them. They don't seem to like that very much.
  3. And their useful idiot puppets parroted all those talking points dutifully and without fail. Transitory. Putin/Trump's fault. It's higher elsewhere / global phenomenon.
  4. Are these racist comments or what? Predictable crickets from the marxists and useful idiots.
  5. Masks don't work as a public health measure against respiratory viruses. Period. Anyone who still advances this nonsense as part of The Science? Yup, useful idiot litmus test.
  6. Of all the useful idiot marxist loving posters here, I'm imagining that your description matches both The King (chigoose) and Finding Qanon (frankishreich) the best. Bravo.
  7. Trump put out a video on Twitter calling for people to be peaceful, obey law enforcement and go home. This was in addition to Trump asking them to be peaceful and patriotic earlier that day. What did Twitter do with Trump"s video message? Well they took it down of course! Buying the coup/insurrection narrative is yet another useful idiot litmus test.
  8. Follow The Science (TM) = Follow Marxists = Be a useful idiot. Complete useful idiocy. Your Marxist masters are so proud of you. These risks are real, but to many doctors, they’re worth it. Physicians have joined protests in cities across the country, and an open letter signed by 1,200 health professionals says protests should not be shut down over fears of COVID-19 transmission. The letter calls for a harm-reduction approach to gathering, encouraging protesters and police officers to wear masks and maintain social distancing. It also urges police to stop using crowd-control tactics that could contribute to viral transmission, like tear gas (which prompts coughing) or mass arrests (which force people to spend long periods of time in cramped conditions). “We support [racial-justice protests] as vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people in the United States. We can show that support by facilitating safest protesting practices without detracting from demonstrators’ ability to gather and demand change,” the letter reads. “This should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders.”
  9. Oh I remember, but I disagree Adam. The full blown useful idiots like Quack and The King fully believed that social justice riots were not capable of being covid spreading events. Their commie masters just smirk and nod watching their useful idiots do their bidding.
  10. Problem is that when the commies administer the test then only useful idiots can pass it.
  11. Absolutely. But they'll rig it again in ways so blatant and in your face that only useful idiots will refuse to acknowledge it. And quite frankly that's all that they'll need.
  12. Meanwhile, if you do nothing else but reject by default the narrative spoon fed to you by legacy media, you'll be far closer to the truth. Useful idiots crave being lied to.
  13. What will this make now, 14 straight months where the intital jobs numbers ultimately get revised down? Useful. Idiots.
  14. A self described non partisan who is in fact rabidly partisan. And he's never voted. Ever. Not even in local elections. He's a very useful idiot
  15. Not yet at least. When marxists redefine, or outright censor, language then peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard really means do the Insurrection. And it still does to useful idiots to this day. Yuri Bezmenov was right.
  16. The point, which went over 4ths useful idiot head, is Olbermann wants people ARRESTED for stupid ***** like this. Did anyone here or conservative podcasters want Kathy Griffin arrested for her idiotic stunt? That absolutely was a fireable offense seven-ish years ago. Today? NFW. She'd get promoted today.
  17. If grown adults want to engage in this behavior IN PRIVATE, the vast majority of Americans don't GAF. However, the vast majority do GAF when this crap is shoved in their faces IN PUBLIC, not to mention at the friggin White House. This will give useful idiots seizures. Love it.
  18. I knew a useful idiot would post that. Figures it was the biggest one who did. Absolutely roasted in the comments. By Christians and the Gaza "genocide" crew alike. I scrolled through five pages, not a single one in support of this insincere message that KJP wrote anyway. Here's just one.
  19. Course correction? That ship has loooong since sailed. Even without the nonsense commie useful idiots have brought upon us for the past several years, PPP has been and always will be a sewer. If you don't accept that reality coming in, then yes a self ban might be your best "course correction." The "Trump History" memes go right over useful idiot heads. The whole point of that X account is absurdity. Therefore they are ON TOPIC posts in absurd threads created by absurd posters.
  20. The peaceful transition of power occurred on Jan 20, 2021 as required. In fact DC was far more peaceful that day than it was during the previous peaceful transition on January 20. 2017. Fact check: True. Now let's assume that on January 6th 2021, the unarmed "insurrectionists" who ended up turning around and going home all on their own that day, instead decided to occupy the Capitol and declared that Trump was going to remain President after January 20th, 2021. Ummm yeah...the peaceful transition of power would still end up happening on Jan 20th 2021 as required. Commies and useful idiots are absolute clowns.
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