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  1. 4th-stain! Any, ANY other sources, especially when it comes to all things orange man, is far more likely to be accurate than legacy media where it receives its programming The iron law of dem/useful idiot/commie projection is absolute.
  2. People noticing a guy who they may not necessarily agree with getting continuously framed and railroaded by a corrupt government = thinking he's Jesus. We call them useful idiots for a reason.
  3. Lron fully embracing putting on the the useful idiot dunce cap. Completely out of touch. I've said it before, but the only thing that will give me solace as this revolution continues to materialize will be the slack jawed, dumbfounded gazes from morons like Lron as the revolution consumes them. But, but I'm on your side!!!
  4. It's not "free speech" any longer.... When you block jewish students from entering campus/buildings. When you break into and seize buildings. When you throw projectiles at law enforcement. When you vandalize property. When you disobey orders to disperse When you assault others. I know useful idiots such as The King don't understand this, but needs to be said anyway.
  5. 1. Story about Trump? 2. Derogatory? Lol, right what else could it be... 3. Goes viral instantly on MSM. If a story meets those three metrics and your very first instinct ISN'T to think it's most certainly a hoax.... Then you might be a useful idiot.
  6. ⬆️ Let me guess, yet another post where a commie/useful idiot attorney (zero difference at this point) hand waves with legal-ese telling everyone how evidence of WH coordination with DOJ of the Trump lawfare isn't really evidence at all. Refreshing always.
  7. Imagine in 2024 using reliable and mainstream media in the same sentence. How to tell everyone that you're a useful idiot and that you should be mocked and ignored.
  8. Will useful idiots believe that Marxists who call themselves Marxists are actually indeed Marxists? Of course not!
  9. 🎯 🎯 🎯 You want to know how we've arrived where we are at in a short 2 minute clip? This is it. The long march through the US institutions began with pupils of the Frankfurt school coming to the US decades ago and planting the seeds of critical theory and cultural Marxism. They knew the classical struggle of Marx pitting the proletariat vs. bourgeoisie couldn't fly here because it was too easy to gain middle class status here in the US, so driving a wedge there wouldn't fly. . Enter cultural marxism. Critical race theory, q.u.ee..r theory, climate change, political correctness. All by design to create oppressor vs. oppressed struggles everywhere. And here we are in a world where everyone is a victim. This is from 2011. I fully admit I wasn't awake then, but there's no excuse to still be asleep in 2024 unless you're already a commie/useful idiot. Wake. Up.
  10. How do you know that a thread is beyond any doubt a 100% spot on bullseye? Have an unparalleled useful idiot such as Tib-stain disparage it.
  11. This sham trial has the useful idiot TDS symptoms flaring!
  12. Please don't quote useful idiots. No need to read TDS fueled LRon rage posts.
  13. Just like the suckers and losers hoax, these claims that become 'truth' among useful idiots have no video or audio evidence to back them up. Even when they do have video evidence like with Charlottesville and very fine people or J6 and peacefully and patriotically, they chop up the video to hide reality in order to support their "truth" Moral: if the MSM is reporting negatively on the orange dude (all the time) then you are extremely safe is assuming that they are lying.
  14. So to recap: Trump calls Zelensky and asks what the heck the Biden family was up to in Ukraine, sounds pretty shady. A "whistleblower" comes forward claiming Trump asked for oppo research in exchange for arms. A massive effort was made to conceal the identity of the whistleblower. Trump then releases transcript of the call showing no such thing happened. The uniparty impeached Trump anyway. Now we know for certain that the "whistleblower" Eric Ciaramella FRIGGIN WORKED FOR VP BIDEN, when the very shady dealings in question occurred. The regime absolutely LOVES useful idiots. For now.
  15. You don't say. The rest if you who aren't part of the far left useful idiot cult better wake up real soon....preferably yesterday.
  16. The predominant circulating variant in the US currently is Omicron JN.1. Estimated to comprise 83.1% of the circulating variant population. You can breathlessly follow the developments at the link below if you wish. The media certainly will when it's time to attempt to scare useful idiots again. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/?ref=dailybrief.net#variant-summary
  17. 🎯 🎯 🎯 But a few weeks is plenty of time to determine with absolute certainty that we had just conducted the most secure election in US history. THAT'S exactly how I know with absolute certainty that widespread cheating happened and half the country are indeed useful idiots. I've said this since 2000 and anyone who thinks differently is fooling themselves. There are no greater stakes in an election than for POTUS. It means control of the U.S. Executive Branch and all the money and power that comes along with that. And given the electoral college process, and the hard deadlines that appear at various points in that process from which there is no going back, there is very little chance that a meaningful AUDIT of election results can be accomplished to uncover sophisticated efforts at vote fraud either in the casting of ballots or the counting of ballots. Highest possible stakes on earth + little or no chance of being detected in time = max likelihood of cheating taking place. Foolish to assume otherwise.
  18. If you didn't KNOW that this was the point all along, then you just might be a useful idiot.
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