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  1. If you're not crucify Trump, you're MAGA. That's all these useful idiots can see.
  2. ⬆️ Riiiight porn boy. If you wanted to be clear with "source" in this context then you would have said: ONE of the sources interviewed by the reporter in Springfield (among the 8 or so interviewed in total) referred to Haitians as sand monkeys. But you didnt do that. Because you're intellectually dishonest and wanted to brand the enitire video and everyone in it as racist. Or you're just a moron. Probably both. I say all this with the full realization that you're a demoralized useful idiot. So I get it.
  3. It's misleading says the useful idiot. As if Biden linking to another website paid for by Democrats and not to the ACTUAL Project 2025 site is the definition of straightforward transparency. I mean if Project 2025 is so obviously dangerous then just send people there to be horrified, right?
  4. ⬆️ One of the communists....actually no...definitely one of the useful idiots in our midst.
  5. What are the chances that the media and all the leakers would sit on this bombshell Trump/Epstein evidence for so long? It's almost as if there is major unsettling news going on elsewhere in the political world and the useful idiots need a shiny new TRUMP!!!!!! object to distract them.
  6. And the countless hours of Capitol video still not released to this day. I'm sure I can find 1 million examples of Trumps speech that edited out the "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard" part. Then there's the millions of Trump retweets that never happened because Twitter deleted the video he sent out of him asking people to remain peaceful and go home while they simultaneously locked his account. You people are pathetically and perpetually willing useful idiots supporting obvious marxists. You're useful idiot / commies because you support marxist / commie leaders. Period. End of story. It's a free country and you're allowed to have any views and support any candidate you want. Just own it. But I understand you can't because you're fully demoralized. If you support Harris / Walz you are supporting people who have explicitly espoused marxist views. You're not a moderate.
  7. This isn't for the commie useful idiots, but for sane people. Trump gave a multitude of debate concessions to BIDEN so he would agree to a debate. Presumably Harris doesn't need those same concessions due to her not having dementia, so why should Trump agree to a debate under Dementia Joe's terms for a debate with Kamala? He shouldn't is the answer for sane people.
  8. I'm sure all the useful idiots will be all for it when a local red DA under a Republican administration "scours the penal code" in search of crimes to charge Obama or Biden with. I know it's about your TDS circle jerk tonight, but this is the pandora's box that's been opened. So it's really only about Trump for useful idiots. Sane people can see its about crossing the rubicon straight towards the end of the republic. Enjoy! Hey more useful idiots with the same tired hoaxes! Wait Trump said neo nazi and white supremacists are very fine people too, right?
  9. If it is a democrat running against Trump then they can get you to believe anything they want you to believe. See Biden, Joe. By all accounts, spry for his age, sharp as a tack. Edit: By "you" I don't mean you, Doc. I mean useful idiots.
  10. Kamala is staunchly in favor of DEI that is straight out of the Frankfurt school of Marxism. She talks constantly, well at least before she began running for POTUS, about equity. Equity is forced equal outcomes as opposed to equality of opportunity. Walz says socialism is neighborly. These are straight out in the open Marxist concepts that they both have explicitly and publicly supported over and over and over. Roundy: oooohhh those scary communists! Just like a good useful idiot.
  11. I'll start. Trump said neo nazis and white nationalists in Charlottesville were very fine people. Great story, makes a fine yarn to bolster the racist Trump narrative. Sucks for useful idiots that it never happened.
  12. If you don't understand the difference between: Equality of opportunity (US bedrock principle) Vs. Equality of OUTCOMES. ie. equity (Marxist DEI principle) Then you're at minimum a useful idiot, but probably a full blown Marxist.
  13. It's a useful idiot commie. Lost to reality. Not worth any of your time beyond laughing at it.
  14. Useful idiots like Quack MD are so completely lost. Keep repeating convicted felon....over and over and over. His poll numbers will go down. Really they will. Promise!
  15. The problem is that for most of the useful idiots they have undergone full ideological subversion. So my problem with the last portion of the tweet is that there is no getting past anything. They're forever lost to reality. Susceptibility to suggestion is not directly correlated with intelligence. Democrats still think their news sources are trying to tell the truth. Once they get past that illusion we will be in good shape.
  16. Biden put her in charge of the border, the southern border in particular. He said that when she speaks on the border that she is speaking for HIM. The reliable media often called her the border czar at the time. Czar being a term widely understood as someone being in charge and having power in a particular area. Now Harris herself, democrats, the very same reliable media and useful idiots who called her border czar before claim that she never was. Please stop embarrassing yourselves, even though you can't.
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