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  1. The longer Biden hangs on, the more the media and useful idiots will reverse message and begin again with "he really just had a bad night."
  2. 1. Biden doesn't have dementia. 2. Ok, maybe he's lost a bit of his fastball, but it's inconsequential. 3. Biden has "handicaps" and it's a good thing. Always the same playbook with the true useful idiots.
  3. The problem is that for most of the useful idiots they have undergone full ideological subversion. So my problem with the last portion of the tweet is that there is no getting past anything. They're forever lost to reality. Susceptibility to suggestion is not directly correlated with intelligence. Democrats still think their news sources are trying to tell the truth. Once they get past that illusion we will be in good shape.
  4. What are the chances that the media and all the leakers would sit on this bombshell Trump/Epstein evidence for so long? It's almost as if there is major unsettling news going on elsewhere in the political world and the useful idiots need a shiny new TRUMP!!!!!! object to distract them.
  5. It's actually worse than that. When you've gone full useful idiot you don't perceive any of this as being lied to, processing it as such and then regurgitating it because it helps your team. The point of saying 2+2=5 over and over isn't just to get you to parrot it while knowing it isn't true. It's to get you to say it AND believe it to be true.
  6. A trip down memory lane. Biden's first PC as POTUS. Lost a bit of his fastball, by all accounts and spry for his age takes all came after this sad display and numerous other examples of a feeble old man. But sure Trump, right wing media and CNN moderators being uncharacteristically approaching fair deserve your scorn. Useful. Idiots.
  7. Again the save our democracy crowd among democrats should be absolutely LIVID after Thursday night. They overwhelmingly voted for Biden in the primary and then get sucker punched in this debate when it's by most accounts too late to replace him. Save our democracy? You just got the Putin treatment from your own party leadership. They got duped by the dem/media disinformation machine into believing this guy was competent and who are they mad at? Trump, the CNN moderators and the "right wing" media who have been telling the truth about Biden for years. So now you'll see them line up behind a dementia patient like good little useful idiots. But I've got some "good" news for them. Something big is coming to alter the landscape. I don't know what, but it's most certainly coming. The people who surround Biden knew this was coming in the debate. 100% knew it would be a disaster. They don't put him out there without a plan. They have a plan. Bet the house on it.
  8. If it is a democrat running against Trump then they can get you to believe anything they want you to believe. See Biden, Joe. By all accounts, spry for his age, sharp as a tack. Edit: By "you" I don't mean you, Doc. I mean useful idiots.
  9. They are oh so very reliable..... To The Party. Are Quack, Finding and King partisan useful idiot dolts? Of course. But dont be fooled by the media suddenly in unison coming to the realization that Biden is toast. They always knew. The entirety of media flipping the script in unison is never organic. Last night was their signal to continue their support of The Party by throwing old Joe under the bus.
  10. When you understand that Janaal Bowman and his campaign are communists/useful idiots you don't start tweets reporting the revelation that paid activists harrass and intimidate his opponents supporters with a "wow" You start them with "of course" For comparison... Wow. Water is indeed wet. Or... Of course water is indeed wet.
  11. The Party told you to ignore the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. The King and Quack are dutifully following party commands. Like good little useful idiots. Also I encourage people to go to that Yahoo article Quack swallowed fully and linked to and read the comments.
  12. Yup. Obama's own DHS secretary called 1000 crossings per day crisis level. We have been well above that for most of the Buden administration. Yet useful idiots swallowed whole the talking point that it was the Republicans fault for rejecting a border bill that would have normalized crossings well in excess of crisis level of 1000 per day. How about striving for getting ILLEGAL ALIEN crossings to friggin zero per day?
  13. Roundy, Quack and others have been parroting the propaganda that cultural Marxism is a ...... you guessed it a conspiracy theory! Why don't we turn to one of the groups leading the charge in recent years and the words of one of their founders. Of course useful idiots after viewing the short clip below where BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors describes herself and her partner as "trained Marxists" it will only dig in its heels in deeper. After all isn't it obvious to everyone that when a cultural leader self identifies as a Marxist, it can only be a conspiracy theory when others call her movement rooted in Marxism.
  14. Lron f-stain! The covid pandemic: They will never be the same. It broke them. This pandemic shifted the entire history of the planet you friggin moron. Nobody will be the same.The entire friggin world shut down with mostly useless mitigation measures because of a virus that was genetically engineered in a Chinese lab. But....Get over it already! Useful idiot indeed.
  15. It's not they made educated guesses and were wrong. They KNEW the policies that they were pushing were useless, pushed them regardless and they censored other scientists who disagreed. So no, Finding and the rest of the Marxists won't admit that they were wrong. That's precisely what makes them the useful idiots that they are.
  16. Here's an easy useful idiot litmus test. Does Trumo lie? They'll rattle off numerous examples, most of them hoaxes, but there will undoubtedly be a few actual lies in there. That's because every politician in history lies to get and keep power. Including the great orange menace Trump. Now ask them if Biden lies. And there's your litmus test.
  17. Also file under party members and useful idiots being eaten by the very regime they helped bring to power. CCP’s show trial of Jiang Qing after Mao’s death. Jiang was Mao’s widow and an active player in the Chinese Cultural Revolution. There was no doubt that she committed numerous crimes and was mostly hated. But trial was purely politically motivated and the decision was made even before the trial began. The goal was to blame everything on her and her accomplices called the Gang of Four so that Mao and his legacy could be preserved, without which the CCP would lose its legitimacy. Jiang was given a suspended death sentence. She later committed suicide in prison. The show trial was the first since the CCP took over China in 1949. In the Mao era “justice” was carried out in the “People’s Court” by mobs. Some compare Jiang’s trial to Trump’s, with important differences. At least it was very clear what Jiang was charged with: insurrection, counterrevolution…; Jiang was allowed to speak; and the trial was televised for the entire nation to watch. It’s terrifying to see a worse version of history repeating!!
  18. I'm sure all the useful idiots will be all for it when a local red DA under a Republican administration "scours the penal code" in search of crimes to charge Obama or Biden with. I know it's about your TDS circle jerk tonight, but this is the pandora's box that's been opened. So it's really only about Trump for useful idiots. Sane people can see its about crossing the rubicon straight towards the end of the republic. Enjoy! Hey more useful idiots with the same tired hoaxes! Wait Trump said neo nazi and white supremacists are very fine people too, right?
  19. Expect nothing less from a dyed in the wool useful idiot. Congrats!
  20. Useful idiots like Quack MD are so completely lost. Keep repeating convicted felon....over and over and over. His poll numbers will go down. Really they will. Promise!
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