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  1. Another day and more government corruption exposed. Not that it matters to DC commies.
  2. This is why you should just put the @ChiGoose @redtail hawk etc. of the board on ignore. They are commies who live in a fake news world that they have zero hope of ever escaping from.
  3. You're trying to use reasoned discussion with a commie. But still, thanks for the post.
  4. Easter edition. Hey @BillStime @Tiberius @716er @redtail hawk @ChiGoose Go ***** yourselves, commies.
  5. @ChiGoose First it's up to school boards and administrators to monitor what's on the shelves. Petition them he/she/they says/say. Sure...go petition the very same commies to stop this madness who: 1. Allowed it to happen in the first place. 2. Will tell you that it's not happening right after being confronted with irrefutable evidence that it is. So yeah...***** you very much for that plan. Then he/she/they say/says that giving porn to kids in their school libraries can't be criminalized. This from the same person who supports.. Denying political prisoners rotting in DC jails their constitutional rights. Cheers the comical political indictment of the leading Presidential candidate. With all due disrespect, ***** you with your selective rule of law I'll ***** on the constitution when its politically expedient bull *****. Finally I have a proposal for the @ChiGoose and @BillStime of the world. 1. I give you one of these books shown to be on the shelves of elementary schools. Let's pick the one that talks to kids about tossing off and ***** slime. 2. You go to a local park, ask a random 7 year old to sit on a bench next to you and you read the book to him or her. 3. I record video of you reading this book to a minor and provide it to the kids parents and law enforcement. 4. I look forward to you continuing your defense of this crap during your ensuing legal troubles.
  6. The commies would have thought so, because it's their plan. Imagine ten years ago a question in an election debate to candidates around should books describing graphic sexual activities be available on public school library shelves for 3rd and 4th graders to read. 10 years ago that's the biggest softball question of all time. Of course no, next question. Today if you asked that question the moderator asking it would be attacked as a transphobe by the commie candidate.
  7. Hey look. @ChiGoose with constant hand waving strawmen, ignoring receipts and telling everyone else that they are the idiots living in a bubble. Such a refreshing change of pace from our former republican turned commie.
  8. And then they'll call YOU a fascist when you provide dozens of receipts showing that it is, IN FACT, happening. Think about that for a moment.... We are dealing with pure commie evil.
  9. And also remember the euphemism "gender affirming care" includes using puberty blockers on children. Also notice the game pedo commies like @ChiGoose play...well even if surgery is done its extremely rare and it's top surgery... As if performing a double mastectomy on a 14 year old isn't disgusting on every level. And it isn't rare. But sure, we're being lied to and fooled says the commie.
  10. But but but It's not happening! And it would be equally inappropriate if the above cited passages from a book in an elementary school library were graphically describing heterosexual genital touching and oal sex among 4th graders. A point that dishonest posters like @ChiGoose always ignore as well. To quote the parent in the video.. "Who normalizes sexual behavior among 4th graders? I can tell you who. Pedophiles. " And who throws in behind pedophiles? Commies.
  11. Likelihood that the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles is run by commies? High.
  12. Musk was Time person of year. Then he bought Twitter. Then he was commie enemy #2 after Trump. You a holes are so blatantly transparent in your dumb*****ery.
  13. Or these two. Waste of time. Commies. You've chosen to ignore content by L Ron Burgundy. Options You've chosen to ignore content by redtail hawk. Options
  14. Nope. He/she/they haven't the slightest interest in absorbing any of that and critically thinking about it. Because he/she/they is /are a commie.
  15. Of course our government agencies work in concert with private companies to consistently violate the 1st ammendment! @SUNY_amherst you're not a commie. No, not at all!
  16. I'd go out on a limb and say that commies will only use Good Friday to ramp up the vitriol.
  17. If they can convince you words have constantly changing meaning to fit the commie narrative. If they can truly convince you that men can become women and women can become men.... If they can convince you that saying peacefully and patriotically really means go do an insurrection.... If they can convince you that universal masking will end the pandemic despite their anointed pandemic oracle originally telling you that they are useless... If they can convince you that black conservatives are really white supremacists... If they convince you that the sky is green. Then they own you. Fully, completely own you. With people who are fully owned by the woke commies there is absolutely zero reason to interact. They are forever lost.
  18. Why Bud Light went all in on trans and why boycotting won't help. CEI scores. Corporations have been beholden to these commies for decades. It has nothing to do with actually being behind the trans movement, the trans movement is simply a tool that if promoted in your face enough, will continue tearing the country apart faster. Rest assured if commies ever take full control, homosexuals and trans people will be among the first groups persecuted. It's going to get much worse folks. Wake up.
  19. Did she use the word fight? Is the white house press secretary responsible for trans violence? By commie rules? Yes, yes she is.
  20. Commies are fully aware that they're hypocrites and are intellectually dishonest. It's a feature, not a bug.
  21. You don't need to make it up when you realize that our government institutions are infested with commies and those who support them.
  22. So as nearly everyone, including many Trump hating democrats, are laughing at this ridiculous indictment what are TDSers like @nedboy7 doing? Warning us about the NEXT coming political indictment. Commies to their core.
  23. Cities and deep blue areas. The commies own them. Get out yesterday.
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