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  1. AP and NBC promoted the Big Lie? No way! Oh that's right, in the months before the election it's not a lie at all is it commies?
  2. The most secure election in US history!!!! The Big Lie!!!! It's almost as if commies perpetually lie or something....
  3. Commies. The only principle they have is lying and ignoring their own malfeasance and then doubling down on it.
  4. With commies everywhere in our institutions? No. Yes.
  5. Or Natasha Bertrand anyone? Proven liar. Was she even so much as reprimanded let alone fired or sued for starting and promoting the LIE that the Hunter laptop is Russian disinformation? Of course not. Because commies love THEIR liars. None of this matters. Fox only gets stronger as their viewers dig in deeper and commie networks are protected for doing far worse. The national divorce can't come soon enough. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/19/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276
  6. Commies do not care. Lying propaganda is a feature of their plan. They simply ignore the data and keep on doubling down with more lying. The media in all of its forms is all too eager to help establish this propaganda as fact. Because the media is infested with commies and those who support them as well.
  7. Nadler getting heckled at NYC committee on crime. Beautiful. Jordan actually had to admonish the crowd to let him continue his commie nonsense.
  8. I'm shocked, absolutely shocked I tell ya, that commies don't get Babylon Bee humor. Next thing you'll tell me that water is wet.
  9. Hey @ChiGoose I've got news for you. You may not be a card carrying commie, but you do indeed support them.
  10. Commies don't demand that you accept and celebrate the patently absurd. No, not at all.
  11. Let's get @redtail hawk lunacy straight..as much as is possible at least. He makes the long ago debunked commie talking point that Trump called the nazis and white nationalists at Charlottesville very fine people. Then he apparently posts an article that he believes supports his contention, but the article in fact reports the truth that Trump explicitly and specifically condemned neo nazis and white nationalists at Charlottesville. He admits he was "wrong" along with the compulsory yeah but we all know what Trump really thinks so it doesn't matter. Good luck having an intellectually honest conversation with a commie !@#$ stick like him.
  12. Pool, Greenwald, Taibbi. Who are three true liberals who consistently expose self described liberals as actual commies. Never gets old.
  13. I'm certain that @redtail hawk continues to double down on his idiocy because commies always ignore the entirety of Trumps words... In commie world "condemned totally" means support. "Peacefully and patriotically" means go do an insurrection. and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists; they should be condemned totally -- you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."
  14. BREAKING: commie ignores point that beer executive who denounced fratty brand label, exhibited fratty behavior herself.
  15. It's almost as if @L Ron Burgundy is a fu kc stick commie not worth your time. But carry on.
  16. And as the fu kc stain that @BillStime knows full well, I dont ever see his/her/their posts unless someone unfortunately quotes him/her/them. Same goes for the rest of the PPP commies.
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