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  1. Concern about biolabs in Ukraine? Qanon conspiracy!!! Victoria Nuland says hi. @Jauronimo still thinks that I'm DR? What a pathetic commie moron.
  2. The 2020 election was indeed rigged...no I'm sorry..it was "fortified"... Saying the quiet part out loud and in detail. Go ahead commies lets argue about the meaning of words...nah lets not. I'll just let you useful idiots keep being useful to your masters. Say, what is the "proper outcome" of an election? One where Trump loses and Biden wins sounds about right to me. This is the inside story of the conspiracy to save the 2020 election, based on access to the group’s inner workings, never-before-seen documents and interviews with dozens of those involved from across the political spectrum. It is the story of an unprecedented, creative and determined campaign whose success also reveals how close the nation came to disaster. “Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” says Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan rule-of-law advocacy group. “But it’s massively important for the country to understand that it didn’t happen accidentally. The system didn’t work magically. Democracy is not self-executing.” That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures.
  3. Stephen King does. He stands with the commies.
  4. And you though the commies in DHS actually shut down the ministry of truth?
  5. DHS isn't infested with commies at all. I don't care if it's Trump, DeSantis or Joe Blow... on day one, day friggin one, you fire thousands from FBI, DHS etc. As the commies howl you follow up the next day and double the firings. And then keep going.
  6. The final step is the realization that you will never, ever get anywhere with commies/useful idiots. Once you come to that realization then you can cease engaging with them and focus on defeating them.
  7. Oh I'm not saying that they're worse. Well some of them are, the commies and all. But by and large dems and Republicans suck equally on this issue, just like most others. I merely showed evidence of one of the guys offering no solutions who eschewed the mental health angle as well. Happens to be a Democrat. They all suck.
  8. To useful idiots and outright commies, nothing is ever evidence. Shun them, ignore them and mock them. They are forever lost.
  9. Supporter of the commie left... You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options When they censor so heavily then you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're over the target.
  10. The commie left will always tell you to ignore what you see with your own eyes in favor of what their masters tell them to see/think.
  11. You'd believe it if you come to the simple realization that they're commies.
  12. This is why I ignore the commies on this board and why you should too. They ignore the mountains of evidence showing the 2020 election was rigged... then you can show them this video evidence of tampering with voting machines that ultimately failed at a 60% clip on election day in AZ and what do you get? More denials. They will never, ever see what is happening right in front of their eyes. They are the useful idiots. They will not see until they themselves get eaten by their "own". History is very clear on this.
  13. Commies in response: "The Big Lie" Green sky world of communists.
  14. If leftist commies are chirping about malfeasance from the right, then it's a certainty that they themselves are guilty of the exact same malfeasance they whine about.
  15. Nope. See other thread. Some are commies. Most are the useful idiots who support them.
  16. You might suggest it, but you'd be wrong. I toss around the commie label at those proven to be either an actual commie or one who supports them. It's a pejorative that they fully deserve via their stated positions on this forum. Again I understand your wish to try to have reasonable discussions with unreasonable people. I think it's absolutely pointless, but you have to do you. Might I suggest at minimum that you please not quote those who you know many here do not wish to engage with on any level? Simply tag them in your responses if it's not clear that you're addressing them. If more people did that then I promise you the commie references would dwindle as I'd be seeing far less posts from commies.
  17. Additionally a wise person once told me that political discussions are not for the person you're directly discussing a topic with. It's for the third person who might be listening off to the side. Therefore I'm perfectly fine ignoring commies that will continue to be commies no matter what you, I or anyone else "discusses" with them. If a lurker however looks into something a little deeper than they otherwise would have....then that's the point of being here. Leftists, and the commies increasingly among them, are forever lost.
  18. I'm fine talking to people who disagree with me....as long as they're not a commie or one who supports commies. I'm not fine talking to morons who give you an endless stream of Trump memes in response to every single post you make. I've changed my posting style substantially over the years here in direct relation to the rise in leftist idiocy. Can you say @BillStime has altered his style one nanometer over the years that you've engaged in "discussions" with her? Despite your best efforts there is absolutely zero point.
  19. Not a chance with me. I'll call commies and those who support them exactly what they are. BLM is an organization led by self described marxists. There are many here who do indeed support that sham commie organization. If the shoe fits.... @BillStime et al. are indeed commies. Now as far as pointless exercises go I need to ask, with all due respect, what can the point possibly be to continue engaging posters such as @BillStime ?
  20. @The Frankish Reich always likes to be informed when I'm ignoring posts from commies like @Tiberius You're welcome @The Frankish Reich Tag and ignore. Ignore and tag.
  21. If you can't see the commies who have taken over the left then I can't help you. And again, you may not be a card carrying commie, but when you support leftist commie crap you are a useful idiot for commies. Just as bad. Sorry, not sorry.
  22. Another commie chimes in. Tag and ignore. Ignore and tag. @Tiberius
  23. Says the commie! Anyway more commie madness..
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