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  1. What say you @ChiGoose @BillStime et al.? Why not call THE CHIEF OF USCP to testify about J6 if they're laser focused on the truth and only the truth? You know why. But you're commies.
  2. Amendment VI In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury.. Batting .000 and pissing on the Constitution in DC and other commie jurisdictions.
  3. Does Trump lie? Yes. Does Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton etc. along with every single politician in history? Yes. It's a job requirement. In other news water is wet and the sky is blue, at least for some of us anyway. But people only have a problem when politicians from the other team lie. Shocker. What we ALL should condemn and be concerned about is when lying becomes rampant in supposedly apolitical institutions like the media and high levels of law enforcement. But commies don't care when that kind of lying becomes prevalent as long as the lies help punish their enemies.
  4. Yes absolutely. Even more blatant in your face lying from the media, commies in elected government, FBI, DOJ etc.
  5. In DC with a commie jury and an activist judge? It will be all she wrote for the orange man. From there it will be just adding more grease to the already slippery slope to begin going after everyone else. Attended a Trump rally anywhere at all? Donated to his campaign? Actually participated in "our democracy" and voted for him? Defended him even though you don't like him on a message board because you actually believed in constitutional principles? You're next.
  6. Oh i have a full grasp as I actually listened and learned in history class. It's clear as day what these commies are up to.
  7. All of the above is true for those of us still living in a world where the sky is blue. For the commies? Not so much.
  8. The GOP doesn't have the solutions to our problems....that is certain. But make no mistake that leftist commies are most certainly the cause of the destruction of our country.
  9. A commie DC jury pool and an activist judge guarantees this in all sham trials. Who knew that water is wet? And the commie circle jerk continues. Don't get any on ya boys and girls! You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Roundybout. Options You've chosen to ignore content by ChiGoose. Options
  10. Remember when the Aspen institute happened to war game the exact scenario in June 2020 that ended up happening in real time in October 2020 with the Hunter laptop and Russian disinformation? I mean what are the odds given that 51 former IC officials told everyone in their infamous memo in October that they had zero evidence it was Russian disinformation. Did the Aspen institute commies have information in June 2020 that the USIC did not? Did the USIC have this intelligence in June but lost it come October? All so strange. Most secure election in US history / The big lie keep repeating the commie lemmings....
  11. Trumpist orthodoxy = anything that doesn't fall in line with their commie narrative. See also TDS. And I'm DrsGhost, or at least I was for 6 months out of the 21 years I've been here. I became DRsGhost because the original DR lives inside their heads always and forever. Now I do as well. It's beautiful.
  12. au contraire @ChiGoose you indeed are the most pathetic and sad poster on this board this side of @BillStime & @Tiberius Exhibit A: You're a perpetual apologist for all dem malfeasance. When even a hint of it is pointed out, there you are hand waving it all away. A sad, uber partisan "former republican" hack. Exhibit B: you can't figure out how to use the ignore function on the board. So instead you continue whining, playing the victim and LAMPing away. How commie of you. So I'll keep ignoring your posts, tagging you while calling out your past ridiculous on the record takes and you'll keep LAMP whining. Meanwhile @BillStime will continue tagging me and I'll get 0.0% of the notifications because I'm not a moron who can't figure out how the ignore function works.
  13. My wife asked me a the other day why a few of our neighbors don't fly their US flag anymore? Simple, I said, they're pink hair commies.
  14. They don't leave things alone. They intervene to purposely make things worse. Because they are commies.
  15. Which is why this will only get uglier and end this republic as we once knew it. I have zero interest in compromising with the commies who have brought us here. ***** every last one of them.
  16. Flush our own energy independence? Check. Make us beholden to China for raw materials? Check. Commies in our government? Check.
  17. While @BillStime is the most overt with the above strategy, its really how all the commies here operate. Therefore my ignore list is ever expanding.
  18. Commies: Its sexual harassment to share, with another adult, images from a pornographic "kids" book that parents want removed from school libraries. Also, you're a fascist book burning transphobe if you don't allow kids access to the very same book.
  19. No. He thinks that WE are into lurid stuff for showing images from a pornographic book that parents don't want on the shelves of their public school library for kids to see. Standard commie stuff.
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