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  1. Capitol police stood by and watched "insurrectionists" waltz right past them into the Capitol and in some cases even escorted them around the building in order to allow dangerous insurrectionists into the senate chamber itself... True 9/11 flight 93 level stuff as brave officers offered zero resistance to bloodthirsty terrorists who ultimately left the building when asked to leave. You leftist commies are beyond moronic.
  2. Or the ones who stormed the White House and injured scores of officers in the process? Who also tried to burn down a historic church? But, but, but...Trump used tear gas (lie) so he could pose with a Bible in front of the church that antifa scum attempted to burn down. That's the narrative and the commies are sticking to it.
  3. The same commies who ignore the Durham report...cheer this. But sure, it totally makes sense to engage with these insane leftists.
  4. Nope. See other thread. Some are commies. Most are the useful idiots who support them.
  5. Again, when I'm talking about commies I'm talking about them. The only time that I see posts from commies is when others quote them. Therefore... If you'd do me the favor and stop quoting commies then you'll see far less posts from me about commies. You can still engage them without quoting them, right? Seem fair?
  6. You might suggest it, but you'd be wrong. I toss around the commie label at those proven to be either an actual commie or one who supports them. It's a pejorative that they fully deserve via their stated positions on this forum. Again I understand your wish to try to have reasonable discussions with unreasonable people. I think it's absolutely pointless, but you have to do you. Might I suggest at minimum that you please not quote those who you know many here do not wish to engage with on any level? Simply tag them in your responses if it's not clear that you're addressing them. If more people did that then I promise you the commie references would dwindle as I'd be seeing far less posts from commies.
  7. Additionally a wise person once told me that political discussions are not for the person you're directly discussing a topic with. It's for the third person who might be listening off to the side. Therefore I'm perfectly fine ignoring commies that will continue to be commies no matter what you, I or anyone else "discusses" with them. If a lurker however looks into something a little deeper than they otherwise would have....then that's the point of being here. Leftists, and the commies increasingly among them, are forever lost.
  8. I'm fine talking to people who disagree with me....as long as they're not a commie or one who supports commies. I'm not fine talking to morons who give you an endless stream of Trump memes in response to every single post you make. I've changed my posting style substantially over the years here in direct relation to the rise in leftist idiocy. Can you say @BillStime has altered his style one nanometer over the years that you've engaged in "discussions" with her? Despite your best efforts there is absolutely zero point.
  9. Not a chance with me. I'll call commies and those who support them exactly what they are. BLM is an organization led by self described marxists. There are many here who do indeed support that sham commie organization. If the shoe fits.... @BillStime et al. are indeed commies. Now as far as pointless exercises go I need to ask, with all due respect, what can the point possibly be to continue engaging posters such as @BillStime ?
  10. @The Frankish Reich always likes to be informed when I'm ignoring posts from commies like @Tiberius You're welcome @The Frankish Reich Tag and ignore. Ignore and tag.
  11. If you can't see the commies who have taken over the left then I can't help you. And again, you may not be a card carrying commie, but when you support leftist commie crap you are a useful idiot for commies. Just as bad. Sorry, not sorry.
  12. Another commie chimes in. Tag and ignore. Ignore and tag. @Tiberius
  13. Says the commie! Anyway more commie madness..
  14. Someone quoted @ComradeKayAdams I couldn't remember why he/she/they were on my ignore list... Commie sez what?
  15. They are being reasonable. They're commies, it's what they do.
  16. Again, it's almost as if posters such as @Tiberius and @BillStime are only worthy of your scorn and derision. They prove minute by minute, day after day and year after year here at PPP that they are fully incapable of any thought outside of TDS fueled Trump schlock. Why anyone would choose to engage with these commie stooges is beyond me. You can write their programmed responses on your own to anything that you might post.
  17. The next GOP Presidential nominee not named Trump will be painted the Super Nazi worse than Trump candidate. You can take it to the bank. It's how commies operate.
  18. Yep. PLENTY of ammo to attack Trump, yet the commies always go with the made up *****.
  19. There never will be any type of criminal justice for anyone involved. Never. The only solution is to begin firing people en masse who are entrenched in these bureaucracies on day one of a non commie Presendential term. Anything less than that and it will just continue unabated.
  20. Completely trustworthy. Not activist commie hacks at all!
  21. Is @Roundybout a Miller Lite or Bud Light drinker? Don't care. I do know that he/she/they is/are a commie.
  22. When commies get caught lying, they pivot and deflect. Well sure Trump explicitly and in clear English condemned those groups, but we know what he REALLY thinks... @redtail hawk @Tiberius
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