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  1. Psyops! Yes it takes a cabal of independent journalists making up a tiny percentage of the overall landscape with a fraction of the reach of the corporate media IC partnership to create, coordinate and carry out a psyop! Projection is ALL they have. Projection works great on useful idiots.
  2. What are crimes in a police state? Whatever the police state says are crimes! Useful idiots like the King, Quack, JFR are more than willing to accept what their regime masters tell them are crimes.
  3. Quack MD not surprisingly, in his full TDS idiocy, still doesn't get it. He and the other useful idiots NEVER will. Nobody here as far as I know "admires" Trump at all. In fact, most people who this moron calls MAGA are openly disdainful of the orange man... It's. Not. About. Trump. What sane people HATE is blatantly criminalizing free political speech.
  4. Triggered all the useful idiots. As expected. Don't worry JFR...they'll NEVER come for you! You're on their side.
  5. Oh I won't donate to the orange narcissist. But you see I'm also not a commie useful idiot like you, and I can not support a candidate personally while at the same time be against communists criminalizing political speech. Because I'm not a useful idiot. And you are. So I understand that you're incapable of not craving more deep loads from your masters.
  6. Anyone with a brain knew Trump would flip this and capitalize. So that leaves out the useful idiots who are celebrating the backfire under their green sky. Anyway, the link takes you to his fundraising page with the following text... A Personal Note from President Donald J. Trump Today, at the notoriously violent jail in Fulton County, Georgia, I was ARRESTED despite having committed NO CRIME. The American people know what’s going on. What has taken place is a travesty of justice and ELECTION INTERFERENCE. The Left wants to intimidate YOU out of voting for a political outsider who puts the American people FIRST. But today, I walked into the lion’s den with one simple message on behalf of our entire movement: I WILL NEVER SURRENDER OUR MISSION TO SAVE AMERICA. If you are doing poorly due to the sinister people in control of our country right now, don’t even think about donating! But if you can, please make a contribution to evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House and SAVE AMERICA during this dark chapter in our nation’s history. Thank you and God bless you,
  7. Speaking of evidence, we now have the evidence, in the form of bank records, that Biden was lying here. His son did indeed receive 3.5 million from the mayor of Moscow wife. Money, from Russians? Where's defcon 1? Useful idiots.
  8. Bills fu.k.c own goal again... He takes a snippet from one of his woke masters and tries to dunk with it.... Problem is, and its always a problem with useful idiots like Billstool, is what Oliver Anthony actually says in the clip... After he says diversity is our strength...and this is where ***** stains like Billsjizz stop listening... He continues.... "We need to harness and appreciate it and NOT USE IT AS A POLITICAL TOOL to keep everyone separate from each other.." Bills*****: PPP Court Jester All time own goal scoring champ.
  9. Ignoring the fact that he/she is a useful idiot for a moment... Why the ***** do we have a 49er Fan on a politics sub forum of a Bills board?
  10. Everything a good useful idiot will regurgitate. Good job!
  11. The covid lie that started it all... And I'd watch the video while you still can, as I suspect YouTube will take it down soon. This about what is unquestionably one of the biggest events/stories of the last century. So the question is why would anyone continue to trust these liars about any story at all? Including when they tell you the 2020 election was the most secure in US history.. Answer: useful idiots. If you're not one, then it's well past time to wake the ***** up.
  12. I don't believe he can, or more accurately put, he can't be allowed to win. The sham indictments are only the beginning. They will stop at nothing to prevent him from winning. The out in the open rigging every non useful idiot observed in 2020 will look like child's play compared to what's coming.
  13. Changed the headline. What, the useful idiots weren't even buying it?
  14. I know Trump can't win you moronic ***** stick. I've said it repeatedly. All these commie indictments are accomplishing is accelerating the demise of the republic. Which is reflected in the polls. And what useful idiots like you cheer in the name of SaViNg oUr dEmOcRAcY. I'd say get it through your thick skull. But you can't. Because you're a useful idiot.
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