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  1. But it's not incredible, unbelievable or anything close. This is how marxists and their useful idiot minions have always operated.
  2. Again Finding Qanon with the trust the experts BS. That. Ship. Has. Sailed. With covid. Your credentials and experience mean *****. Least of all to non useful idiots among us. I wipe my ass with your credentials.
  3. What's "shocking" is that useful idiots like The King here and Finding Qanon don't even want to ask how it's possible that a rag tag bunch of middle aged, unarmed protesters were able to storm the Capitol of the most powerful nation this planet has ever known with incredible ease. It's akin to 12 random stadium wall posters taking the field against the Bills offense and holding them to negative yards. Useful. Idiots.
  4. With C Section everything that's not a hoax is a hoax. It's a common theme with useful idiots.
  5. Nothing is more hilarious than useful idiots referring to "Trumps FBI and CIA" Do they mean the same intelligence agencies that Schumer said have "six ways from Sunday at getting back at you" (Trump)? Do they mean the very same FBI that spied on Trumps campaign? Yeah Trump had those agencies right in his back pocket to do his bidding....
  6. And this is all its about, shining more light on the obvious corruption. It's not for the useful idiots like King and Quack...never is enough for them, but rather for whatever portion of the remaining 39% who might be capable but can't yet see the obvious. Remember according to CNN 61% of likely voters (64% of independents) already believe Joe was in business with Hunter.
  7. For there being no evidence, why does the narrative have to always get walked back and altered as if no one, outside of useful idiots, will notice?
  8. Ignore all of what's coming in terms of mandates. I already did it in December last year at a large DC conference. The convention center had a mask mandate in place, so I wore a mask to get past the security guards and took it off once inside. I never put it on the remainder of the day and nobody ever said a word to me over the three day conference. I'd estimate I was among the 20% not wearing a mask even though it was "mandatory." Keep in mind this was in commie DC in 2022. Outside of the true useful idiots like The King and Quack, MD no one is buying this crap anymore.
  9. You have.....I Believe Without Questioning Proven Liars MSM Brain. The hallmark of the useful idiot. Thus your well deserved moniker... THE KING I've got news for you. Regurgitating your masters talking points with your typical bloviating flourish isn't contributing anything more than showing your useful idiocy.
  10. Newsflash... If you dont support the regime, then you are by default MAGA. This is how useful idiots are programmed to "think"
  11. A new semester and the useful idiot from Capen hall is back. Oh joy. Wtf is "SUNY Amherst" anyway?
  12. In the useful idiot venn diagram the TDS patients are a smaller circle wholly inside the larger useful idiot subset. Quack, The King, billsfuk.c, tibtool et al. are certainly in the TDS group.
  13. There's classic liberals like Bill Maher and Glenn Greenwald. These types are in very short supply these days. The majority of people on the "left" today are most definitely not classical liberals. They are woke leftists comprised of two types: A. A small group of elites and those with institutional power who are out in the open marxists. B. The larger group of useful idiots who cater to the above group without question or dissent.
  14. Love these supercuts... 1. Useful idiots' masters repeat: No Evidence! Interspersed with cuts of... Evidence!
  15. ⬆️ Triggered useful idiot
  16. We've got another brilliant UI take on Joe's mental decrepitude. By all accounts.. Lost his fastball.. Some mental decline....but Trump is worse! So let's combine them all into one massively idiotic useful idiot take.... Sure Biden has lost his fastball, but by all accounts the hardly perceptible mental decline doesn't hold a candle to Trump!
  17. 🎯 The ONLY way you wake up a useful idiot is by making it personal. Make them personally pay the price that their commie masters brought to their front door.
  18. So fun seeing leftists triggered by emoticon reactions to posts Here's a few more for them... For the sane, you do realize that this will be their next angle to complain to mods, right? But he eyerolls all my content! Additionally we have useful idiots getting triggered by: Ignoring them. (The King and Finding Qanon) Tagging them and the notifications it generates (The King et al.)
  19. This is why useful idiots are so...useful. Here we have a dem mayor calling out the crisis in NYC. But they won't believe him. Their masters in DC have told them there is no problem...therefore there is no problem.
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