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  1. Beautiful with the useful idiots going to the "conspiracy theory" well once again. Absolutely nothing should make you more certain of the veracity of a story than when leftist media/useful idiots align so quickly and forcefully behind the right wing conspiracy theory angle. And we're off! 1. It's not happening, it's just a conspiracy theory! <--- useful idiots are here with the Springfield Haitians. 2. It's happening, but it's rare and not really a problem. <--- simultaneously here as we already have witnesses in Springfield 3 it's happening and it's a good thing. <---My guess is the angle here will be...well you're a racist if you expect them to starve! Watch a useful idiot clear all three steps in a world record time here:
  2. Cmon stevestojan, roundy and the rest of you pathetic useful idiot a holes. Laugh emoji the above post. The next hilarious joke of insert dog breed that goes well with insert dipping sauce will have everyone rolling.
  3. In a world where useful idiots still repeat and believe these: Charlottesville fine people on both sides. Trump incited an insurrection Trump said there would be an actual bloodbath if he isn't elected. Etc... It's under this green sky that we can confidently say that Haitians are indeed pit smoking felines by the hundreds right out on Main St. in Springfield, OH. We will continue to laugh in the faces of useful idiots who deny any of it. Your rules commies.
  4. Closed. You must work as a corporate drone? I get it, i used to slog away in that daily grind too. You're right a million dollar sale working for someone else isn't a big deal. When you don't work for a corporation? And because I'm self employed I'm not stealing from my employer when I post here. Unlike you.
  5. You're not a commie. You're a useful idiot tool for commies. The entire post, once again, is the iron law of woke projection in action. Don't worry I have a call at 1 pm. Closing a million dollar sale. But I'll be back to continue triggering you.
  6. Things useful idiots / commies say: Increased capital gains tax rates are a good thing.
  7. Back to the thread. Apparently Haitians are being given licenses and passing the exam despite not knowing English or how to drive. But that's not happening. Because useful idiots get successfully gaslit constantly.
  8. Ok, this might beat Finding's reliable media thread. It falls just short only because it's not an OP in a thread. Stevestojan typed this below, presumably thought about it for more than a half second, then hit submit reply anyway. Do you ever see a tweet or have a thought and decide “maybe I don’t need to spam TBD with it? Those of you who have been here for awhile know why this is dripping with the iron law of woke projection. For the rest of you, stevestojan used to post incessantly on the main forum every single day about the most mundane aspects of his pathetic life. From his job in the porn industry. It got so bad that "LAMP" (look at me post) was coined after his tedious and annoying daily routine. It eventually grew so stale that in the midst of various vacations imposed on stojan, the mods actually changed the curse filter for shi.t to "stevestojan" for a period of time. But beyond all that history, it's fantastic knowing that I hit a nerve. Love it.
  9. Same time dude. And it's not like I was being Kreskin. You've gone to the same tired bomb every single time. Maybe next time it will be relevant or funny. Is leftist useful idiot stevestojan constructing straw man arguments? It just cant be. Leftists never do that. Ever.
  10. Will stojan go back to the wood paneling well once again? Useful idiot extraordinaire. Boom. Called it!
  11. People on the ground in Springfield have reported the pets geese stories. Real US citizens. Tim Walz and the law he repealed are on the public record. Those are fake stories though! Project 2025, fine people on both sides, J6 fairytales, bloodbath hoaxes that have been repeatedly proven as hoaxes ad nauseum are swallowed like the deep savory loads that stevestojan craves. Once again, any story that is jumped on collectively by the reliable media and "debunked" in unison so useful idiot hordes can parrot it, aka gaslighting, is all you need to prove with absolute certainty that the original story is as real as a heart attack.
  12. Do you think the ABC moderators would have been out if line if they reminded Commie-la that in a few short hours we as a nation would be remembering the anniversary of 9/11 where THOUSANDS OF US CITIZENS DIED.... Or nah?
  13. The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. Venezuelan gangs in Aurora, CO? Not happening. Haitian illegals eating pets in Ohio? Not happening. Useful idiots gobbling up regime propaganda? Happening
  14. Remember when The King told us that dems have never wavered in their consistent rock solid support of VP Harris!
  15. It's always too funny watching The King and others lose control. Everything Trump is accused of? Slam dunk A dem is accused of wrong doing? Laughable politically motivated nonsense with zero evidence. Completely lost. It wasn't Comey's friggin job to determine if she should be prosecuted. So there's that. I hope this post gets more than my average 60 views bc it’s important. Please repost if so inclined: In the clip below from today’s @dbongino montage of Comey, the corrupt former FBI Director who caused chaos with the Russia Collusion Hoax, he unilaterally cleared HRC for mishandling classified materials and destroying evidence before the 2016 election. During this Press Conference I was at the FBI office with my agents working on a cartel prosecution. We all stopped to watch with amazement as Comey was initially eviscerating HRC’s unlawful conduct, but as we all now know he eventually stated “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case!” I remember turning towards my agents and saying “well, I guess I’m an unreasonable Prosecutor . . .” I knew in that moment at my deepest core, based on years of prosecutorial experience and instinct in federal law enforcement, that the reason Comey cleared HRC had nothing to do with the prosecutability of that fact pattern - it was political interference in its most corrupt form. And here’s why. Comey had NO authority to decline prosecution. At the end of the day, he was “just a cop” so to speak. His ONLY authority was to turn the investigation over to the DOJ which has sole discretion on who to prosecute, or not. He can make a recommendation, but not a decision to not prosecute, especially based on the reason stated. That’s why this will go down as one of the most embarrassing and demoralizing moments in FBI history. My agents were crushed. They knew what just happened as much as I did. This man stepped out of his lane to cover and protect a politician, while at the same time, without any of us knowing in that moment, he was also beginning the years long political assasination of Trump in what later became the Russia Hoax.
  16. 🎯 I want to say this as clearly as possible to every influencer being contacted by the FBI as a Tenet “victim”: *This is a TRAP* The FBI is going to try and get you to make statements that contradict email/text communications they already possess and have reviewed Do NOT talk to them without a lawyer and strongly consider not talking to them at all There is no upside to working with them If you are a victim, it will be shown by the evidence If you give them an inch of doubt, they will take a mile of your liberty This isn’t about seeking “justice” for them They hate us and want our voices silenced
  17. How stupid/useful do you have to be to believe ANYTHING that commie reliable media reports? A: Finding/Quack/Starr/Roundy level stupid/useful. The AP just deleted this tweet to avoid getting slammed by community notes, but let’s be clear about what just happened here… JD Vance told reporters that he doesn't like that there are psychotic maniacs who shoot up schools, and that we should respond by improving security to make schools less vulnerable targets. What did the AP do with that? They twisted and cherry-picked his comments to make him seem cold and indifferent to victims. The AP is a collection of liars and propagandists dressed up as a wire service. They're a dumping ground for bitter people too stupid to make it at a real publication. What trash.
  18. You could write a book millions of pages long with stories from reliable media sources just like this. And then you get the iron law of woke projection from useful idiots in response. I challenge anyone here who isn't a leftist to explain how you hope to have a meaningful exchange with leftists who are informed from these well documented lying reliable media outlets. Answer: You can't.
  19. The Don Jr. thing is a joke, but honestly if Garland came out and made those charges useful idiots would believe every word of it.
  20. They interviewed (fake commie) residents and I swallow it fully like a good useful idiot. And all of you hate brown people. - Roundy Meanwhile Aurora PD whistleblower says..
  21. In case Roundy was talking to me there. I'd @ you every single time I mention you if I was allowed to. In fact I used to do exactly that in the past, so you should be complaining to The King and Simon.
  22. So Tim Walz used the hide with cover from the media strategy as well? Shocker.
  23. It will be interesting if they will employ that type of work around, then tweet from the local media accounts who are present at the game in Brazil as if the tweets are actually originating from there. Either way US fans in Brazil for the game will not be able to follow anything on X. I went to the London game last year and I remember following on X like I always do for inactives and other updates. This will not be possible for local Packers and Eagles fans. Par for the 2024 course.
  24. Mike Benz used a Sopranos analogy to describe how the blob works to enforce censorship in other countries. The CIA is like Furio, the muscle goon, and the US State Department is Tony Soprano. Thus the title change. In any case..... Wake up people.
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