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  1. What a shocker that Finding Qanon started this ridiculously titled thread. Its masters are proud of their little useful idiot.
  2. So JFR, a colossal useful idiot, is for ignoring centuries of precedent as long as it's his side doing it. A true centrist, independent! What a clown. .
  3. Fusion Ken Dilanian is actually correct here. For those who bothered to actually read the memo, it specifically states that they had zero evidence that Russians were behind the laptop. It's in black and white. It didn't matter, these IC operatives knew that their mouthpieces in the media would report it as done and decided: Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation. And of course they dutifully followed IC instructions by not only reporting a complete falsehood as fact, but censoring users from reading and sharing of the truthful NY Post story from social media. You need to be a useful idiot to be blind to how blatant this was.
  4. If everyone ignored it, it will go away. Nothing frustrates a useful idiot troll more than being ignored. Presenting facts and rational arguments only gives it more oxygen to troll
  5. Will racist piece of ***** roundy show its face in this thread again? Absolutely! Because it's useful idiot commie trash.
  6. Julie Kelly. ✔️ Libs of Tik Tok. ✔️ Who else lives comfortably in their collective useful idiot heads?
  7. It is absolute. Useful idiots know nothing else. The government isn't coming after churches you idiots! 😂
  8. Remember that the trusted decade plus FBI informant: Was paid over six figures by the FBI. His identity was only known to the FBI. Was never known to, much less interviewed by Congress. Is now suddenly, with the walls closing in on Biden, some kind of Russian double agent. Given all of the above we are supposed to believe this says everything about Trump and the Biden impeachment inquiry being compromised, and not about the FBI paying and being duped by an agent of Russia for over a decade. Also, whatever happened to Comey and Wray and their reticence to compromise sources and methods? They had no issue burning this CHS in a very public way. Seems like it might be difficult for the FBI to recruit CHS now... You need to be an incredibly stupid stooge to buy the narrative the IC and media are trying to sell you ......again. Useful. Idiots.
  9. Remember they already did this in June 2020 via the "Transition integrity Project." Tell us useful idiots, how many many dems would go to jail under this scenario? Heck, by useful idiot standards, the people involved in even planning this type of scenario are insurrectionists. This is why people should be prepared now: They simply will not allow Trump to be POTUS again under any circumstances. Seriously, compare this ridiculous dem scenario to what Trump tried to do in reality. And this wasn't a fringe group...Podesta, Brazille and other noteworthy dem names were involved. The final scenario was the only one that posited a clear Trump victory. Biden, like Hillary Clinton before him, won the popular vote (in this case, the margin was a decisive 52% to 47%). But Trump won the Electoral College victory with 286 electoral votes. In other words, Trump was the clear winner of the presidency. Biden conceded defeat on election night but then withdrew his concession as Democratic anger grew over another election in which the winner lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College. The Biden campaign pushed the Democratic governors of Michigan and Wisconsin to disregard Trump’s victory, overrule their state legislatures, and send Biden electors to Washington. House Democrats refused to recognize Trump’s Electoral College victory. The Biden campaign also came up with what appears to be a demand for concessions in exchange for recognition of Trump’s victory: Trump could take office if the Electoral College were eliminated, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico were given statehood, and California was divided into five states to create more Democratic senators. Otherwise, California, Oregon, and Washington state would secede from the union. In the end, the standoff “remained unresolved,” and Inauguration Day “arrived without a single president-elect.” The scenario ended with: “It was unclear what the military would do in this situation.” So those are the four scenarios. In only one did a candidate win a clear victory and the opposing candidate refuse to accept the result. And the loser who refused to accept the result was Biden — not Trump. That is precisely the opposite of the Trump-won’t-accept-results speculation that has dominated the media in recent weeks.
  10. By now I'd argue it's not unreal at all. It's run of the mill, par for the course leftist behavior. Everyone needs to ask themselves if they can ever find common ground with people who defend this nonsense, let alone promote it. Then act appropriately. Engaging with commies/useful idiots with whom you know that you can never find common ground accomplishes only one thing: Wasting your time. The list of issues goes on...DEI, border security, weaponized government and on and on...
  11. Let's make this is as simple as possible, but alas not simple enough for useful idiots... If person A lends person B $1000, and person B pays person A back in full. Who paid the debt? Person B paid the debt. If person A lends person B $1000 and person B pays $0 to person A. Who paid the debt? Person A paid the debt. ALL DEBTS ARE PAID.
  12. Perhaps now that Bobulinski has testified behind closed doors its time for a public hearing? Right useful idiots?
  13. Sounds familiar... Konstantin Kilimnik anyone? Any useful idiots remember that name? Of course not!
  14. They'd never recycle the same BS that they know useful idiots will lap up. Never.
  15. Useful idiots attacking the messenger and not the presented facts? I'm absolutely shocked that would ever happen!
  16. @ Finding Qanon. I'm sure this dude, if still around, is confused as to why he was tagged by a delusional useful idiot at PPP. Wait....maybe THIS poster is the real DR.......?
  17. I know why I'm here. To call out and then ignore, thereby triggering, useful idiots.
  18. Finding Qanon beclowns itself once again. They used geofencing technology to nab hundreds of J6 protestors. When the FBI tried to use the same technology to ID the pipe bomb suspect who wandered ALONE in the streets in much of the video we've been able to see? The data was corrupted! Well of course it was. Finding Qanon of course finds it 'wierd' why people would question that bombs planted at the DNC in plain sight and near the RNC in an alleyway could remain there, undiscovered for 17 hours. Then miraculously within minutes of the joint session about to begin both "bombs" are discovered by random passers-by. Well the DNC bomb discoverer not being so random, but a former Capitol policeman. Imagine that! Finding Qanon also finds it 'weird' that bomb sniffing dogs TWICE missed the DNC bomb during sweeps. Crazy! Finally I'm sure that Finding Qanon finds it 'weird' why anyone would ask what VP elect Harris was doing at the DNC on J6 in the first place? Furthermore he most definitely does not find it weird why the DOJ would repeatedly lie about Kamala Harris' whereabouts on J6 to help bolster sentencing of J6 trespassers. You're a useful idiot clown.
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