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  1. Politico or Babylon Bee? Only Republicans can notice and be pissed about burning US flags Full on communists.
  2. Most of us stopped believing them a long time ago, but after the past several days imagine anyone still believing anything the regime medua tells us about Trump or Biden....
  3. Cmon Roundy, you can do it! Do you condemn vandalizing public property, beating law enforcement and burning the US flag? I mean two of those three happened on J6 and you had no problem rightly condemning those people. Is it the burning of the US flag part that makes you hesitant to condemn this lawless mob?
  4. Is Roundy here to tell us how all the effective boycotts of woke companies really don't work again? Either that or attacking the messenger? I'm going with both!
  5. It's not "free speech" any longer.... When you block jewish students from entering campus/buildings. When you break into and seize buildings. When you throw projectiles at law enforcement. When you vandalize property. When you disobey orders to disperse When you assault others. I know useful idiots such as The King don't understand this, but needs to be said anyway.
  6. If you support DEI, woke or CRT in any way, then you are probably a marxist, and definitely a useful idiot.
  7. Meanwhile, if you do nothing else but reject by default the narrative spoon fed to you by legacy media, you'll be far closer to the truth. Useful idiots crave being lied to.
  8. I love how useful idiots think that billionaires have hundreds of millions just sitting around in cash.
  9. You'd think the left would stop using the let's be clear line. Sane people hear that as: Here comes the gaslighting.
  10. Cmon Roundy. Defend this. Call us all hateful transphobes again for calling this out for what it is. Bring down the temperature and create unity!
  11. One thing is absolutely certain, the 2024 election will either be one of two things in the reliable media. The new most secure election in US history. Supplanting 2020. Or Russia hacked it again.
  12. I highly encourage everyone who isn't a useful idiot to watch the full documentary. If not that, then at least the first 20 minutes that shows 90% of police bodycam footage that you or the jurors in the case have never seen of the George Floyd arrest. Did you know that the arresting officer in the George Floyd case is black? Of course not. Did you know that EMS was called 36 seconds after George Floyd was on the ground? Of course not. Did you know that the MRT (maximal restraint technique) employed by Derek Chauvin is indeed in the MPD training manual? Of course not. The lies, deceit and corruption only snowball from there.
  13. My old Dem buddies have been flooding me with frantic calls, texts, and emails. Unlike Ro, I wouldn’t dream of airing those private conversations publicly, but the message is clear: they’re terrified of the idea of our movement joining forces with Donald Trump. When I point out what the Democratic Party and their super PACs have done to sabotage our campaign, their response is always, “but Trump is worse.” Here’s an idea: stop suing us. Let us debate. Quit rigging the media and the polls. It’s a simple formula, people—get with it.
  14. And to commie ***** posters the Biden didn't check his watch narrative will be forever true. You can shower them with videos and facts and they will never budge. Such is the tragedy of demoralization. It's irreversible. None of these idiots are worth your time.
  15. 7-8% cut in spending just to stabilize the debt. Yeah right that's going to happen. The uniparty has ***** us.
  16. I'm not posting any content going foward in the ridiculously titled other thread. What really happened on January 6th 2021 and the mass trespassing at the US Capitol? What has the DOJ, government and media done since that day to obfuscate and outright lie? Document it here.
  17. I've also noted a creep in the suggested tip at the bottom of a receipt recently. It used to be 15%, 18%, 20% everywhere. I'm seeing 18%, 20%, 22% alot. I've even seen 20%, 25%, 30%! I worked as a bartender a long, long time ago so I always tip well IF the service is good. But I absolutely don't get forced into it. And I make a point of not tipping at all if the service is particularly sub par. That used to happen once in a blue moon, it's unfortunately become more common lately.
  18. Nobody was fired up about Biden? 81 million votes in the most secure election in US history says otherwise.
  19. A publication that calls for using an AI augmented President to get out "true information" can also be reliably trusted to report on things like Russia collusion, the most secure election in US history, J6 insurrections and pipe bombers and really anything at all about a certain orange dude.
  20. We reported Biden's cognitive issues. Of course we're reliable. Biden's 2024 victory? Trust us.
  21. As long as they tell you that the fix is in in advance its all good! It worked on the King in 2020. They told you it would take a week to count the votes so most secure election in US history and shut up!
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