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  1. Transforming America - just the way @Doc likes it. idiots
  2. Who are you kidding… You really need to place an asterisk next to the word “women” because we all know you are conditioned to think how your masters train you… Here is *your* definition of woman: Idiots
  3. Of all weeks to bring a ten year old thread back to life: 95% of House GQP voted against capping the price of insulin that millions of Americans need to survive. PS: What happened to TrumpCare? Idiots
  4. Awe, that's cute. Referencing Mueller; who DID highlight numerous meetings and connections associated with Trump and Russia - was purposely watered down by Bill Barr. And tell us - All Pro - why hasn't that fully unredacted report been released? But what is also cute - you purposely fail to mention that the GOP's own Senate Report highlighted all of the collusion, as well! 140+ meetings with Russians Campaign data shared with Russians Coordinated WikiLeaks dumps with Russians You want to know what sealed it? First he said this: And then Traitor in Chief realized he F'd over US intelligence - he misspoke: F'n idiots
  5. Wait - what? The America First crowd was no where to be found? Idiots
  6. Alignment with the lower/middle class? Isn't this a hoot. Trump’s signature legislative achievement was a tax cut for the 1%. Rent moratorium = bad Every economic crisis benefits the rich because they have the capital to endure - no one in your orbit really cares about the Mom and Pop landlords - spare us the faux outrage. PPP loans for Trumps friends = good And speaking of being destroyed from within: Idiots lolz
  7. It's not? You told us the big bad boogeyman isn't labeled "as CRT" but "the elements are there, most prominently telling kids they are oppressors or victims based on their skin color." Amazing, I went through public education the first 12 years of my formal education and never once did an educator make me feel bad about being white. My four siblings all went through school and never once did they complain about being made to feel bad about their skin color. My 12 niece and nephews - in various stages of grade school and college - never once complained about being told they should feel bad about their skin color. And guess what? Everyone in my family is a conservative Republican. Of course, you would call them a RHINO because they don't kneel to the alter of Conald Trump and the rest of the GQP. According to HamSandwhich - CRT is so bad - the elements are there and the cult wants anyone who teaches it fired - so, how can we teach history with CRT getting in the way all the time? Idiots
  8. No the dark money is manipulating idiots like you and DR who jump on these engineered crisis because the cult can’t win on their own merit.
  9. Who is passing laws that state what can and cannot be taught in schools? Yep, communist red states. I bet you're perfectly okay with schools teaching about a mythical being who created the earth in seven days, right? I challenged you on states passing laws dictating what can and cannot be taught in schools - not the merits of the 45+ year old theory that has become the cults latest boogeyman. idiots
  10. No - I’m talking about your cult and all the dark money inciting parents at the local level you idiot over faux issues. I love when idiots like you accuse others of being communist while at the same defending Trump the past five years and his actions leading up to and after his coup AND defending anything and everything Putin - actual communists. Go pass more laws that ban books, history, gay rights, abortion, and voting rights you communist. Idiots
  11. Taking money for an event that does not exist is stealing. and also idiots
  12. Wow - that one hour discussion that is open to the public is going to DESTROY our military. Idiots How much PPP did Trump give away during the pandemic? freaks
  13. Slow night on the Covid death march? Breitbart did it’s job - riled up Big Ditz. PS: Socialism sucks except when the government bails out industry. Idiots
  14. Now do what your CULT is doing with voting, abortions, and gay rights. Idiots
  15. Now provide a recap on who received Trumps PPP loans. Your masters love your ignorance and have you right where they want you. You focus on those 5 people who got a tiny stimulus check (that you have to pay taxes on) while Trump and his friends loot the Treasury with PPP loans that were forgiven. Idiots
  16. Hey Chef Jim - you're right - I should have QUOTED RIGHT FROM THE REPORT BY TRUMP's SECRETARY of HOMELAND SECURITY "As Secretary, I am concerned about any form of violent extremism. That is why we design our programs to be threat agnostic – ensuring that we can combat a broad range of domestic threats. However, I am particularly concerned about white supremacist violent extremists who have been exceptionally lethal in their abhorrent, targeted attacks in recent years. Domestic Violent Extremists (DVE) Among DVEs, racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists—specifically white supremacist extremists9 (WSEs)—will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland. Spikes in other DVE threats probably will depend on political or social issues that often mobilize other ideological actors to violence, such as immigration, environmental, and police-related policy issues. Among DVEs, racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists — specifically white supremacist extremists (WSEs) — will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland. Spikes in other DVE threats probably will depend on political or social issues that often mobilize other ideological actors to violence, such as immigration, environmental, and police-related policy issues. WSEs have demonstrated longstanding intent to target racial and religious minorities, members of the LGBTQ+ community, politicians, and those they believe promote multi-culturalism and globalization at the expense of the WSE identity. Since 2018, they have conducted more lethal attacks in the United States than any other DVE movement. Other racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists could seek to exploit concerns about social injustice issues to incite violence and exploit otherwise peaceful protests movements." Idiots
  17. Yeah cool comparison bro - Trudeau is totally cranking up the gas chambers. Idiots
  18. HA!!!! LMAO 1) I never once said anything about the National Archives RAIDING MAR-A-LAGO. 2) I didn't delete any of my comments here like you did @leh-nerd skin-erd - why did you do that especially after I already commented on your garbage? 3) BFD - Trump cooperated in giving back 15 boxes of White House documents?? Why did he take those boxes in the first place and how do we know not all materials have been returned? It's not a big deal that Trump representatives are “continuing to search” for additional records? You're telling me this is NOT a security risk? Why would the National Archives seek a Justice Department investigation of Trump's handling of White House documents if it wasn't a big deal? Trump already has a track record for tearing up WY documents and has been called out multiple times by Watchdog groups. Don't you think Trump should come in and testify for 11 hours like Hillary did? Conald campaigned on Hillary being a national security risk and you of course, in typical GQP fashion - the cult was just projecting like they always do. Hilarious to watch these idiots turn themselves inside out defending the indefensible. We have 5 years of this game and it NEVER GETS OLD! #DRproud
  19. Is this why you weren’t a fan of lock her up because you knew it was all BS? And is that why you turn yourself into pretzel trying to defend your right to vote for Conald even though he went to market campaigning that Hillary is a national security risk? And as it turns out - Conald is even more of a risk to our security and our republic as well. Idiots
  20. Putin couldn’t be more proud of you and your advocacy of a police state. Teachers aren’t paid enough to put up with this bulllllllschit. Idiots
  21. Someone called me a dick and you're upset with my response? SMFH LMAO idiots.
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