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  1. The Big Lie is laughing at you DoC - lmao Idiots never think
  2. Yeah - our resident Australian also failed to mention that Trump’s motor inn in Florida was a revolving door with random people, pedophiles, and Chinese ”trespassers” who crept past that 24/7 security. But yes - tell us more about canceling those pedos. It’s so funny how hard these idiots try to downplay how Trump obstructed justice w these sensitive documents. He literally could have returned them and all would be forgotten but as usual - the POS thought he was above the law and could sell these documents for top dollar. They were literally an insurance policy for him to get out of all his mounting debt. F him because it’s all about him
  3. Conald isn’t doing jack for MAGA but robbing those low iq idiots blind. Right @Pokebball?
  4. Trump was still POTUS in 2020 you idiot. But thanks for acknowledging that he handed off an absolute economic disaster to Biden.
  5. I know - the horror. At least Biden didn’t decline to visit a WWI cemetery near Paris and called war heroes suckers and losers. Idiots
  6. Yup. Keep their idiots distracted.
  7. Listen to these pathetic idiots defend millionaires and billionaires. If Trump actually did something for the average Joe these freaks would be going nuts. But since the GQP’s platform is to serve Putin, the 1%, Corporate America and own the libs - all they can do is trash things that actually might benefit their families, children, and grand children. Their cult leaders are the luckiest terrorists in the world - they take advantage of these low iq insecure degenerates and get them to vote against their best interest every single time. You reap what you sow. Losers
  8. 👆👆👆👆🤡🤡🤡🤡 LMAO - Karen’s factual Julie reporting goes back to 2022 where she is once again lying about Rosanne Boyland. There is a reason why this thread died you idiot.
  9. Are you shamefully trying to compare the respect Biden has for our military to that of Trumps? John McCain and numerous gold star families are laughing at you pathetic trash. Let’s see - Trump was there to mark 100 years of the end of World War I. He made a complete ass of himself and further disgraced those who died in WWI, the people of the United States and the office of the Presidency. Trump Completes a Shameful Trip to Paris Had Biden or any Democrat been POTUS at the time - they would have NOT disrespected our War Heroes and families. He is an utter disgrace and 💩stain on our country’s legacy. This is YOUR guy: Trump marks Pearl Harbor anniversary years after claim he didn’t know what it was Idiots - disgraceful idiots
  10. These idiots told us the same thing leading uo to the last election. No one knows when their time is up on this planet. Death does not discriminate.
  11. Chris and DoC to the rescue to clean up for dear leaders' mess. The automaker could face a much more expensive recall if NHTSA requires repairs or replacements of physical parts No doubt, these idiots will get upstaged like they always do.
  12. It’s funny - these idiots never think. A second Trump term is only possible if he gets elected. That’s why he fought so hard last time to let it go - and if he gets back in - look the fk out. Last - not only are not a doctor - you are not an independent. You're just another degenerate who hates everything about yourself. Karma is gonna suck for you… and you will take it to your grave. How cute - Big Ditz retweeting a racist and a white supremacist at the same time. #winning
  13. Awe, Mister Wannabe Moderator "strikes" again... lolz Hilarious tho - this coward would never pull this with his keeper, right @BillsFanNC? Idiots
  14. Notice most of the cult isn’t here tonight? They're hiding in their safe place but will reappear as soon as these idiots vote for McCarthy. What a disgrace.
  15. When your party literally has nothing else to run on.... Idiots
  16. 140+ meetings w Russians Coordinated campaign data and Wikileaks drops Call it what you want but Conald worked w his Daddy BIGLY Whitewash and wish your history away - but it will always haunt you Idiots
  17. 👆f’n🤡 lolz SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE UNITED STATES SENATE ON RUSSIAN ACTIVE MEASURES CAMPAIGNS AND INTERFERENCE IN THE 2016 U.S. ELECTION VOLUME 5: COUNTERINTELLIGENCE THREATS AND VULNERABILITIES Mueller Report Shows Depth of Connections Between Trump Campaign and Russians ~ Donald J. Trump and 18 of his associates had at least 140 contacts with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks, or their intermediaries, during the 2016 campaign and presidential transition Idiots
  18. Ah yes - Bonnie's LINKED SOURCE comes from none other - JACK POSOBIEC - the known white supremacist who hangs with neo-fascists and antisemites and posts crap like this: LOOK AT THAT TWEET?????? Your sources are AWESOME BONNIE - just awesome. 1488, right brah? Idiots
  19. Yeah Democrats are taking your guns away (WHERE) while the cult Supreme Court expands gun rights. You are deranged AF - but expected for demonic cult freaks. Meanwhile - go post images of cute kids waving American flags but ignore those same kids hiding under desks at school during gun fire. But it’s the Dems fault - jfc - never the actual easy access to guns. idiots The GQP are f’n saints - lolz
  20. I care about the future of our country and freedom for all. I know you can give two “trumps” about anything but your self. Proving there is nothing sincere about you or the cult. Own dem libs! Idiots
  21. 👆🎯 @thenorthremembers- tell us why Pompeo kept most details of its spending at Trump’s properties hidden until after election? The State Department says it has about 450 pages of records showing government spending at President Trump’s properties. But this week, it signaled that it plans to release only two of those pages before the November election — leaving voters in the dark about the full scope of taxpayer payments to the president’s company. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/state-department-signals-it-will-keep-most-details-of-its-spending-at-trumps-properties-hidden-until-after-election/2020/10/16/83372f30-0f21-11eb-8074-0e943a91bf08_story.html idiots
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