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  1. You’re talking about guns, right? Cause history is going to judge the F out of you gun nuts who are ok with slaughtering kids with an AR 15. Chris Rufo thanks his simps for endorsing his pet projects. idiots
  2. You don't think kids have the capacity to know they are "different" at a young age? F'n idiots
  3. You have one idiot claiming something without sources and another asking others to provide sources because he is so lazy and insecure to do his own research. Keep up
  4. It’s so nice to see the cult care about what kids are taught at school…. What’s sad is their care only goes so far as they don’t mind kids getting slaughtered at school. Chris Rufo thanks these idiots for their endless support. I bet those 9 year old kids in Nashville were looking forward to Easter today… instead; their families are crushed and devastated thanks to insecure MAGA gun nuts. Yeah - but keep biching about LGTBQ you pathetic simps. When you start to support gun control I’ll start to care about your FEELINGS about LGTBQ. Idiots fn idiots
  5. Wait, why are you harassing me and not @aristocrat? @aristocratis the one out here sharing Chris Fubo/Matt Walsh news. Puberty blockers literally pause puberty. If you stopped taking them, puberty would resume. Blockers alone cannot cause infertility, but cross-sex hormones can cause sterility - that is known. Don't blame ME for @aristocratignorance. People who decide to transition go through endless therapy before, during and after. People who seek cross-sex hormone therapy KNOW the side effects of taking cross-sex hormones and know it is a lifelong commitment. Parents should have the right to do what is best with the information they receive from medical professionals. Families are NOT proactively seeking these solutions unless in extreme cases. If the science changes - then it changes... but the existence of this thread and the nonstop bullying of LGTBQ is here because these degenerates do NOT care one iota about these kids - this is thread is here to help THEM cope with their SELF HATE and own INSECURITIES. Otherwise, why would these freaks care a small population? Is it because their keepers need to distract these ignorant losers because the cult has nothing else to run on? Yup. And you freaks wonder why suicide rates are so high... Literally - f'n idiots.
  6. Ditz ***** about whataboutisn and then immediately jumps to whataboutism in the same post. Idiots
  7. Iconic passports - lmao - I bet more than half of the MAGA cult don’t even have a passport. You freaks literally bich about everything - lmao I also love this - iconic American imagery - when NONE of you said a word about Trump’s proposed (and thankfully rejected) redesign of this ICON: idiots You try so hard, “Doc”
  8. 👆🤡 These idiots wouldn't know parody if it slapped them in the face with a shovel... jfc
  9. Did you forget this thread exists? Lets just rephrase Dans Tweet: Degenerates love this *****, just read their tweets. Imagine being the poor kids of these disgusting piles of human waste. They celebrate the tyrannical police state, which they ushered in, as if it won’t one day set their kid’s freedom on fire as well. History is littered with useful idiots. And the modern *****tard MAGA is the most useful of idiots. FACT.
  10. HA! Says the guy turning himself inside out defending every fascist move DeSantis makes. Why does DeSantis need to track girls menstrual cycles? Talk about a pathetic existence. fn idiots
  11. It has never ever been about our kids and students when it comes to these fascists. This, too, will back fire on these idiots
  12. Oh - this awkward - and of course I knew this would blow up in your faces - lmao. Your boy is one of yours. Arrest made in donut shop serial vandalism Investigators were led to Green early on in their investigation. A post on one of Green’s social media accounts stated: “OK, it’s officially time to shine our boots and put on our armbands boys, this disgusting filth has got to go,” according to court records. Investigators reported finding at Green’s home similar anti-LGBTQ fliers and clothing that was similar to that worn by the person in the surveillance video depicting the crime. Cell phone data also placed Green’s phone in the same locale as the doughnut shop when the arson occurred. Put on our armbands boys’: Man arrested in attempted arson of donut shop that hosted drag event pushed anti-LGBTQ ‘grooming’ rhetoric on Facebook Some conservatives claimed that the attack on the Donut Hole was a false flag designed to malign them, based largely on the perpetrator wearing a hat that closely resembled a MAGA hat, which they believed was done intentionally. Conspiracy theorists often blame violence or vandalism that appears to have a political or bigoted motive on their ideological opponents. Green was reportedly arrested for traffic warrants while protesting a drag brunch at a different Tulsa eatery in May. Subsequently, police got warrants to search his car and the apartment he shares with his mother. There they purportedly found a flier that was an almost exact for one left at the Donut Hole. The charging document states that, in response to the Donut Hole’s having a drag event, Green wrote on Facebook, “OK, it’s officially time to shine our boots and put on our armbands boys, this disgusting filth has got to go.” He also allegedly wrote on the same thread that “LGBT tyranny” was being “force fed” on society. After the Donut Hole was vandalized in mid-October, Green reportedly wrote, “I’m just sad they didn’t Molotov it” and “children shouldn’t be sexually exploited and that is being advocated by the LGBT community.” @BillsFanNC - all your anti-LGTBQ efforts are paying off - congrats Karen! PS: Your keepers are running out of content to keep you simps enraged - this happened last year. idiots
  13. You do realize that you have multiple threads on this board CRYING about the January 6 terrorists, right? You know - actual communists? IDIOTS
  14. This thread turned into a gem. Wayne County Michigan is laughing their a$$es off at the OP. Idiots
  15. How many lawsuits did Trump lose in his attempt to sell election fraud? Idiots
  16. Fox News’ John Roberts Crushes Sen. Rick Scott’s Attempt to Dismiss His Agenda as ‘Democrat Talking Points': ‘It’s in Your Plan!’ Idiots
  17. Um - what happened to the RED WAVE? If you guys swept the House and Senate as predicted BY ALL OF YOU there would have been no doubt a tax increase to all except the 1%. Idiots - 100%
  18. Becuase the tax cuts DID benefit the wealthy and corporate America MOST. And Jim - you live in California - the Trump tax scam hammered you and New Yorkers most. You are no longer able to deduct interest on your mortgage, or deduct your state and local sales and income taxes. So funny watching idiots vote against their interests. Wait until they come for your Social Security, Jim. How old are you again? And guess what? We clearly couldn’t afford those tax cuts could we… a month into a pandemic Trump was doling out trillions to his friends with forgivable loans. IRS Files Reveal How Much the Ultrawealthy Gained by Shaping Trump’s “Big, Beautiful Tax Cut” https://www.propublica.org/article/secret-irs-files-reveal-how-much-the-ultrawealthy-gained-by-shaping-trumps-big-beautiful-tax-cut/amp Idiots
  19. On the first page of the thread… and now qDoc is changing his tune? JFC And @Chef Jim - yes tax brackets were adjusted for all but benefited the the wealthy the most as Trump intended… And it’s funny how those corporate tax cut are permanent - and nothing tricked down. Why else was Conald promising and always failing to deliver that middle class tax cut? Idiots
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