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  1. Republicans are not supporting the democrat's Capitol Police funding bill, guess why ? The usual leftists reason. Leahy's angry rant to reporters about the Senate's capitol security funding bill is... something The Senate appropriations committee released a $3.7B bill to fund the U.S. Capitol Police Monday evening. That dollar amount is more than the $2B House approved bill. Republican members of the committee, including ranking member Senator Richard Shelby, are not on board with the increase. This has put Chairman Patrick Leahy into a tizzy. He vented his frustrations to reporters and the audiotape was released in this morning’s edition of Punchbowl News. The audio can be heard here if you have a little more than two minutes to spare. It’s not the best quality but you can hear most of it pretty clearly. A reporter eggs Leahy on by bringing up the ranking Republican, Shelby, and Leahy calls Shelby’s proposal “stupid”. He says Democrats waited “weeks and weeks and weeks” for it and it’s just too small. He says he will put up his own bill if he can’t get better support from Republicans. {snip} Here’s the thing- Senator Shelby says the bill is going in the wrong direction. He’s right. The bill is meant to fund Capitol Police. It is not meant to fund the items added by Leahy and the Democrats in the committee. Leahy’s bill includes money for lots of priorities that have nothing to do with the U.S. Capitol Police. He added $425 million to “address unmet needs due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic placed on organizations providing services to domestic violence and sexual assault survivors and victims of child abuse;” “$1.3 billion in emergency funding to address COVID impacts at the Department of Defense;” and $100 million for emergency aid for Afghan refugees. All of those things may be worthy of their own funding but not as additions to this bill. Let those items be debated on their own and present Capitol Police funding as a stand-alone bill. Stop trying to Christmas tree every bill that comes up. Senator Shelby offered a stripped-down $633 million dollar proposal that would solve the funding crisis for Capitol Police and the National Guard. It allows more time to separately negotiate on the other items. Shelby issued a statement on the bill. “We all agree we must provide desperately-needed funding for the Capitol Police and National Guard. My bill answers these needs. I urge my Democrat colleagues to join me in passing this bill without further delay. Funding for the Capitol Police and National Guard must not be held hostage because the Democrats insist on billions more in spending that lacks full support at this time,” Shelby said. “The clock is ticking. Let’s pass what we all agree on.” There is a need for the Senate to move in a timely manner. The Capitol Police department is in financial trouble. It may have to furlough employees. Part of the reason for its financial problems is the overtime costs post-January 6 riot. The police department can shift funds around for a while but funding runs out by mid-August. Both sides will point the finger at the other side if an agreement can’t be made by that time. Let’s hope that Republicans stay firm and a bill that fulfills its mission is voted on, not one loaded up with more slush fund money. https://hotair.com/karen-townsend/2021/07/13/leahys-angry-rant-to-reporters-about-the-senates-capitol-security-funding-bill-is-something-n401990
  2. How's that 'thorough' vetting of Afghan 'refugees' into the U.S. going, Joe? By Monica Showalter Joe Biden, who abandoned hundreds of Americans in his disastrous Afghanistan pullout, ended up bringing in tens of thousands of random, unknown Afghans, later called "refugees," with no visas or vetting, into the U.S. instead. But not to worry. Last August, he assured: “Planes taking off from Kabul are not flying directly to the United States. They’re landing at U.S. military bases and transit centers around the world,” Biden said. “At these sites where they are landing, we are conducting thorough … security screening for everyone who is not a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident. Anyone arriving in the United States will have undergone a background check.” “Once screened and cleared, we will welcome these Afghans who helped us in the war effort over the last 20 years to their new home in the United States of America. Because that is who we are, that is what America is,” Biden continued. And now we see the result of all that vetting: Some 700 of them have wandered off the military bases where they were being housed for processing, according to Reuters. Nobody knows where they went. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/exclusive-giant-can-worms-some-afghans-leave-us-military-bases-before-2021-10-01/ https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/10/hows_that_thorough_vetting_of_afghan_refugees_into_the_us_going_joe.html
  3. AND DOESN’T WANT TO: Four Months After Withdrawal, Biden Admin Doesn’t Know Identities of Afghan Refugees Resettled in US. https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/four-months-after-withdrawal-biden-admin-doesnt-know-identities-of-afghan-refugees-resettled-in-us/
  4. Mike Pence: Biden Broke Our Deal With the Taliban It’s a foreign-policy humiliation unlike anything our country has endured since the Iran hostage crisis. By Mike Pence FTA: By the time we left office, the Afghan government and the Taliban each controlled their respective territories, neither was mounting major offensives, and America had only 2,500 U.S. troops in the country—the smallest military presence since the war began in 2001. America’s endless war was coming to a dignified end, and Bagram Air Base ensured we could conduct counterterrorism missions through the war’s conclusion. The progress our administration made toward ending the war was possible because Taliban leaders understood that the consequences of violating the deal would be swift and severe. After our military took out Iranian terrorist Qasem Soleimani, and U.S. Special Forces killed the leader of ISIS, the Taliban had no doubt we would keep our promise. But when Mr. Biden became president, he quickly announced that U.S. forces would remain in Afghanistan for an additional four months without a clear reason for doing so. There was no plan to transport the billions of dollars worth of American equipment recently captured by the Taliban, or evacuate the thousands of Americans now scrambling to escape Kabul, or facilitate the regional resettlement of the thousands of Afghan refugees who will now be seeking asylum in the U.S. with little or no vetting. Rather, it seems that the president simply didn’t want to appear to be abiding by the terms of a deal negotiated by his predecessor. https://www.wsj.com/articles/mike-pence-biden-broke-our-deal-with-the-taliban-11629238764?mod=opinion_lead_pos5
  5. BYRON YORK: TWO AWKWARD QUESTIONS ABOUT AFGHAN REFUGEES: “Biden administration officials are proud of their effort to airlift about 118,000 Afghans, plus somewhere between 5,000 and 6,000 U.S. citizens, from the Kabul airport in the final days of the president’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. But still unanswered are two key questions. One, who did we leave behind? And two, who did we bring out? The administration would prefer you did not ask those questions.” https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/byron-yorks-daily-memo-two-questions-about-afghan-refugees
  6. It’s Time for Honest Talk about Muslim Immigration by David French Some immigrants from jihad zones will be involved in murdering Americans. Is this an acceptable price for compassion? At 9:52 a.m. on Monday morning, a silver Honda jumped a curb at Ohio State University and plowed directly into a crowd of students, sending bodies flying through the air. As students rushed to help, a young Somali immigrant, Abdul Razak Ali Ratan, got out of the car and began attacking horrified students with a butcher knife. All told, eleven people were wounded before a university police officer shot and killed Ratan, ending the attack. Ratan is the third Muslim immigrant to mount a mass stabbing attack in 2016. The first occurred at an Israeli-owned deli in Columbus, Ohio, the second at a mall in Saint Cloud, Minn., and the third Monday at Ohio State. The attacks together wounded 25 people. The latest stabbing comes on the heels of Afghan immigrant Ahman Khan Rahami’s September bomb attacks in New York and New Jersey that left 29 injured. The toll continues. Muslim immigrants Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev killed five Americans and wounded 280 in the Boston Marathon bombing and subsequent shootouts. Muslim immigrant Muhammad Abdulazeez killed five men and wounded two in attacks on military recruiting stations in Chattanooga, Tenn. Muslim immigrant Tashfeen Malik accompanied her first-generation Muslim-American husband to attack a Christmas party in San Bernardino, Calif., killing 14 and wounding 22. First generation Muslim-American Omar Mateen — son of Afghan immigrants — carried out the deadliest domestic terror attack since 9/11, killing 49 and wounding 53 at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub. And if you think these are the only terrorist immigrants — or terrorist children of immigrants — you’re sadly mistaken. The Heritage Foundation has maintained a comprehensive database of terror plots since 9/11, a database that includes foiled attacks. The number of Muslim immigrants involved is truly sobering. For every successful attack, there are multiple unsuccessful plots, including attacks that could have cost hundreds of American lives. After all these incidents, can we finally have an honest conversation about Muslim immigration — especially Muslim immigration from jihadist conflict zones? When we survey the American experience since 9/11, two undeniable truths emerge, and it’s past time that we grapple head-on with them. First, the vast majority of Muslim immigrants — no matter their country of origin — are not terrorists. They won’t attack anyone, they won’t participate in terrorist plots, and they abhor terrorism. Some even provide invaluable information in the fight against jihad. That’s the good news. The bad news is the second truth: Some Muslim immigrants (or their children) will either attempt to commit mass murder or will actually succeed in killing and wounding Americans by the dozens. All groups of immigrants contain some number of criminals. But not all groups of immigrants contain meaningful numbers of terrorists. This one does. It’s simply a fact. Moreover, there isn’t an even geographic distribution of terrorists. We don’t have as many terrorist immigrants from Indonesia, India, or Malaysia as we do from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, or from the conflict zones in the Middle East. It’s much less risky to bring into the country a cardiologist from Jakarta than a refugee from Kandahar. If the Democrats wish to maintain immigration from jihadist conflict zones, they need to rid their rhetoric of the language of “Islamophobia” and tell the truth. If they want to continue admitting refugees from jihad zones, they need to make the case that meeting the humanitarian needs of an an extremely small fraction of the world’s Muslim refugees is worth the cost of importing a small number of mass murderers. They must make the case that the human toll in America is the price we must pay for national compassion. Of course no Democrat wants a terror attack to occur, but Democrats must understand and acknowledge that under present policies, such attacks will occur — despite our best efforts to stop them. But I’d submit that America can show compassion without opening its borders to an uncertain number of jihadist killers. We can maintain and expand existing safe zones in the Middle East. We can project power to continue to roll back ISIS and provide space for people to return to their homes. We can implement new tests for immigrants and restrict immigration from volatile regions. At the same time, we can avoid paranoia and appreciate the peacefulness and patriotism of the vast majority of our existing Muslim population. The Trump administration has an opportunity to implement a rational policy — one that rewards friends, preserves Muslim homes in the Middle East, and protects our borders far more effectively than did the Obama administration. In the 15 years of American engagement since 9/11, we have worked with a host of interpreters, allied soldiers, and sympathetic officials — many of whom have endured enormous risks to fight jihad. We should welcome these people with open arms. Muslim immigrants from outside jihadist conflict zones should be welcome as well, provided that they do not profess allegiance to the ideology of our enemies. Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/442565/muslim-immigration-ohio-state-stabbing-shows-dangers-lets-be-honest
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